4chn coin developers are here

Hello everyone. Hope you're all enjoying trading crypto. Let me tell you about 4chn coin. It's very yong, cheap and low volume. You can buy it at cryptopia. The price is just around 700 sat. We all hope that it will be worth millions really soon ;). Hope you guys will help us with a couple bucks. Otherwise I'll ban some random anons ;) Stay profitable

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piss off pajeet

Here's our twitter


And here our discord channel, guys, you are welcome to join

Haters, kids and deprolable are not welcome here.



Piss off kiddo with your shitcoin

Ever since I bought chancoin, my dick gets hard, and Chad stopped fisting my girlfriend because he can feel the radiation coming from my portfolio. 10/10 would buy 100k more.



kill yourself OP.


Isn't the discord for this scam coin a hotbed of pedo activity?




Yes, I've heard Their founder Andy kept some child porn at discord text channel


Oh geez, child pornography? Not cool man. I'm staying far away from this.


No pedos here, but you seem curious, almost as if you're a pedophile yourself.

He was arrested yesterday...

You didn't see that? Andy was arrested at his home in New Jersey yesterday.It was on CNN...


I'm long on this one. It worth 10$ investing

>total mined chancoin 136,000 in 1 month.
>total mined signatum 4+ million in 11 days.

No wonder chancoiners keep fudding sigts so hard, they are getting raped off the charts. Glad I dumped my chancoins and got another bucket of siggys


fuck. I meant 40 million.
10x the rape

Buy it here

Signatum has massive block rewards, so it's not even close to a direct comparison.

nice just bought a 100k

Its on the market only a couple weeks... I heard they will implement Veeky Forums tipping system... then it's gonna be huge

Zijnvelt dis u?

Niht shprehen the doiche

Bought 5k, will see how it goes, maybe will buy more later

Is it gonna moon?

>lives in kangaroo land
>arrested in New Joysey



I don't see it at poloniex and bittrex.. where can I buy it?



Ban some random anons you faggot. Your shitcoin needs to burn.

SIGT also isn't a cookie cutter no-effort Scrypt coin with a 97% premine that got ASIC difficulty fucked because the lazy devs did not get any plan of ASIC resistance.

Basically, SIGT isn't a completely now-effort shitcoin.

Algo will be switched and there will be more premine burning. It had a rough start but the Devs are improving it


Is this a scam coin or pedo coin or v8 coin? I'm confused.

it was started to steal all the money from retarded new money on Veeky Forums and it worked like a charm.

6 million coins still in the hands of the devs and andy

No, it's a coin by devs who think that chainhashing is the greatest invention of all time.


Fuck your shit coin. Go dump on someone else.


Wish I could see the faces of all that haters above when this shit is gonna work on 4chn coin only...

Buy now, it's gonna be huge soon


Do not buy it is a scam. Do your research of you do not believe me

Not sure if this is a scam or not... I made almost $200 selling chancoin but then bought more when the price dropped and now I'm stuck holding bags... Should have walked away with me $200


Back to red dit, you triple-jew.

Long on 4chn coin too. It's damn cheap!

Devs are here. Gonna get lambo when it's gonna be huge.

Sir you can buy!
Great coin, no dump only pump, village belly full, sexy daddy wealthy man women love
Fair distribution Sir, dev not bugger you ever. Ever, Sir, no scam, Sir

How the fuck can i enjoy this when tradesatoshi is under maintenance for a week?
Fucking fix this already

Good news everybody! Andy can't dump his coins anymore. Going to moon in a few hours/days

Tipping a post would make Veeky Forums even worst than its current state. image a bunch of faggot neets all competing for tips.

Spare some change, user?

I'm holding

>ex dev here

Spare a tip?


Long. Trade at cryptopia