Anti-semetism in the USSR

I'm getting tired of this /pol/ meme that the Soviet Union and Communism was a Jewish conspiracy to destroy the world. Let's get real here, even if you don't like Jews they definitely had little influence in the USSR. Pic related, it was anti-Capitalist propaganda showing what Western Capitalists looked like.

Night of Dead Poets:

Soviet Union breaking ties to Israel from the 6 Day War:–Israeli_conflict#Effects_of_the_Cold_War

Anyone else got things to read? I know the sources above are wikipedia so let's switch it up a bit.

Other urls found in this thread:–Israeli_conflict#Effects_of_the_Cold_War,_1922,_1928

Some Jews are self-hating Jews. Just because they hated another group of Jews, doesn't mean they were not Jews themselves.

The Soviets were very anti-religion in general up until about WWII.

the mental gymnastics here are /pol/tastic.

Atheistic Jews had a hatred for religious Jews practicing their Judaic faith.

>Soviet Union breaking ties to Israel from the 6 Day War:–Israeli_conflict#Effects_of_the_Cold_War

Is this supposed to prove your point?

Societ Union was initially dominated by Jews, but after Stalin purged them it became an antisemitic state.

The shitty thing is that the "self-hating jew" meme is an invention of the synagogue. I've never heard a goy use this. Only jews in denial. It works against them.

It wasn't anti semitic per se. Rather, egalitarian communist ideology was just fundamentally incompatible with Zionism and the Jewish supremacism which most Jews believe in, consciously or not

this is how the USSR depicted israel in the 70s. They hated Israel mainly because of "muh imperialism" and specifically because they were jewish supremacist. The Idea that the USSR was this jewish supremacist group is retarded and only dumb ass newfags from /pol/ believe so
>that horrible defense

notice how its always this vague idea of "the jews" and NEVER actual names of specific people and/or specific actions they took.


I know there's plenty of irrational anti-semitism online but I'm just gonna throw this out there: I'm Jewish.

I feel like we're just better people.

None of us have to worry or lie about hell existing. We don't have to bother with the mental gymnastics of heaven/hell every moment of our lives. Imagine how debilitating that is. You wake up every day of your miserable life wondering if you're going to hell or not. That is a shame. (((We))) are here to work and make the world a better place w/o the fear of death or eternal suffering—that's been our life goal since the beginning.

It's too bad most of you are stuck in your sadomasochistic relationship with your god in Christianity/Islam. Imagine the the billions of man-hours lost to the idea of heaven/hell: truly sad.

>implying most Christians contemalate their morality
>implying they don't just assume they're good people and live entirely secular lives
Overwhelming majority of Christians I've seen

This is why all cultures who interact with Jews develop anti semitism. Most people on earth dislike it when a group of people sees itself as racially superior to everyone else

there never was any antisemitism in georgia (not the us fags), but everything the dumb antisemite hates about jews, a georgian hates about armenians
and yeah, "blacks smell bad"

but stalin was anti-everything, he must've hated everything (including his family) but himself

Almost 20% is a fucking lot when Jews when only a tiny fraction of the Russian population, especially after the late 19th century pogroms and the emigration that came with them.

>Jews get progrommed all the time in Imperial Russia
>wtf? Jews joined the Bolsheviks, must be a Jewish institution
It's conflating correlation with causation, of course there are going to be a lot of Jews in any organization that might deliver them from a shitty life

All of them were killed by Stalin

Most of the time they were. Except in ancient/Biblical times where they genocided their own close kin, and in modern times where they are genociding Palestinians.

>tiny fraction of the Russian population
>more than 5%

Not to mention it was rich and educated part of population, not Siberian tribesmen.

Because stalin fucked jews up in soviet union and removed them.from power

Thanks for posting this. I'm tired of hearing this /pol/ shit about DA COMMIE JOOS XD

>Lenin is not a Jew
>Molotov isn't a Jew by marriage
>the fact that the USSR was 5% Jewish but the Central Committee was over 16% Jewish doesn't mean anything

>jews who get pogromed every few years, mainly because of the tsar using them as a scapegoat for his retarded decisions, support an ideology which states that all men are equal.
colour me surprised.

Latvians, Lithuanians, Finns, Poles, and Ossetians were all more proportionally represented among the Bolsheviks than Jews.

Also, "Soviet Jews" referred to any Jew born in the Soviet Union. There are Jewish actresses born in the Soviet Union so they are labeled as "Soviet Jews"
Mila Kunis is listed as a Soviet Jew, is she a commie?

Notice how there's never a counter argument to this?

What do you mean by 'programmed'? I apologize for my ignorance

>tiny fraction

Jews were way more than a tiny fraction quit playing yourself. They were overrepresented sure, but they were not a tiny fraction by any means.

So I'm trying to use that geocities link listed at the top-right of the image and it just takes me to a random yahoo! page. I'm going to do some digging on this Senator William King.

He meant "Pogromed".

>mfw Latvians joined the Bolsheviks at 10 times the rate Jews did yet (((they))) take the blame

Another victory for {{{us}}}

Jews were overrepresented in communist groups in Germany, America, France, etc. too, so that argument falls flat.

inb4 "doze aren't real Jews"

This. The stab in the back was no myth. The Jews wanted to do to the Germans what they had already done to Russians and Ukrainians.

let's see

>The ancestors of Russia’s Jews were the Ashkenazim, or German Jews, who began migrating eastward into Poland in the Eleventh Century AD. During the centuries of their Polish sojourn, the Jews developed an institution called the kahal (plural kehalim). Although the word originally signified “community,” it came to be applied to an exclusive administrative council which served as intermediary between the Jewish world and the public authorities.

So effectively, all the Jews that resided in the space of Tsarist Russia segregated themselves from the rest of the Russian society. The Jewish elements did not want centralized power whatsoever and whenever the Tsar tried to impose it, they would leave their governmental-allocated areas and migrate in different zones in Russia.

>The imposition of Russian law threatened the traditional authority of the kahal, e.g., by allowing Jews to pay their taxes directly to the government.
>In 1786, public offices were opened to Jews: there came to be Jewish city-councilmen, mayors, and judges. Catherine eventually sent an order to the Governor General of White Russia (Belarus), signed in her own hand, demanding that “equality of rights for Jews be introduced on the spot without the smallest delay,”
>Let us note that by this act the Jews obtained equal civil rights contrary not only to the situation in Poland, but even before they obtained them in France or Germany. Moreover, the Jews in Russia received straightway the individual freedom which would be denied the Russian peasants for another eighty years.

Guess why the pogroms intensified in the 1800s? The Jewish high authority declared that the continuous centralization of Russian administrative power would eventually bring the end of the "kahal" - which in turn made the Jewish migrate from their designated areas / start causing problems for the government / acted as terrorists across large parts of Russia.

Exactly. Jews need to quit pretending to be victims. The so-called Pogroms we barely have evidence for most of the time pales in comparison to the tens of millions of Gentiles ruthlessly slaughtered by them.


Thank you. I've never heard this term before.

Secret and Explicit (Goals and actions of the Zionists), Soviet movie about Zionists

In late July 1967, Moscow launched an unprecedented propaganda campaign against Zionism as a "world threat." Defeat was attributed not to tiny Israel alone, but to an "all-powerful international force." ... In its flagrant vulgarity, the new propaganda assault soon achieved Nazi-era characteristics. The Soviet public was saturated with racist canards. Extracts from Trofim Kichko's notorious 1963 volume, Judaism Without Embellishment, were extensively republished in the Soviet media. Yuri Ivanov's Beware: Zionism, a book essentially replicated The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, was given nationwide coverage

In his 1969 book Beware! Zionism, Yuri Ivanov, Soviet Union's leading Zionologist, defined modern Zionism as follows:

Zionism is the ideology, a ramified system of organisations and the practical politics of the wealthy Jewish bourgeoisie which has closely allied itself with monopoly circles in the USA and other imperialist countries. The main content of Zionism is bellicose chauvinism and anti-communism

Noam Chomsky is an Anti-Zionist, he's still a Jew.

Your list is wrong. Scheidemann and Erzberger weren't Jews. Rathenau being a Jew and in the government was a big deal for the right wing.

>Shoot dead Walther Rathenau, the goddam Jew pig!
This is what the reactionaries sang in streets. Rathenau was later murdered by Organization Consul.
Eugen Schiffer converted to Protestantism.


>In 1800, a serious famine occurred in White Russia, an area of heavy Jewish settlement. Gavril Derzhavin, an Imperial Senator (and, incidentally, the greatest Russian poet before Pushkin), was sent to take emergency measures and submit a report. He found that Polish landowners commonly ignored their estates, preferring to hire the services of Jewish overseers for terms of just one to three years. These overseers had every incentive to squeeze profit out of the estates during their brief tenure, even at the expense of future productivity. They provided the peasants seed and tools for farming at three times the market rate and bought the resulting produce at below market prices, both extortions made possible by a monopoly granted and enforced by the Polish gentry. Many Jews also worked as distillers or tavern keepers on the estates or in rural villages. The drunkenness of the peasants and the rapacity of the Jewish distillers combined to divert grain to vodka production which otherwise would have gone to make bread.

>The fundamental problem, as Derzhavin saw it, was that the Jews had outgrown their traditional economic niche. There were too many tradesmen and not enough primary producers in heavily Jewish areas. The Senator also lamented that “[the Jews] have only contempt for those who do not share their faith.”

As you can see, the economical aspect of the Jewish communities is not a meme whatsoever - wherever they went, they slowly infiltrated the economical structures, effectively putting themselves at the top of the pyramid in a small amount of time, mainly because wherever they migrated, they brought with them items of value. In less than a few years, they would turn their "new" area in a "kehalim", disregarding the fact that they represented a minority or that they affected the local population massively.

Yeah, Germany lost the war because of Jews. The fact that they had no more reserves left whereas their enemies were receiving fresh soldiers from America had nothing to do with it.


>The government’s eventual response to Derzhavin’s proposals was the “Jewish Regulation of 1804.” Freedom of conscience was guaranteed to all Jews, including the Hassidim (previously persecuted by the kehalim). Jews were accorded equal protection of the law, including the right to own land and employ Christian workers. The project of government sponsored Jewish schools was dropped at the insistence of the kehalim, but Russian schools and universities were opened to them on a basis of equality.

>The most important measure, however, was a total prohibition upon Jewish distilling and tavern keeping. Jews were even ordered to leave the White Russian countryside within a period of three years

>The government tried to mitigate the new prohibitions with subsidies to set up the affected Jews in new professions, and temporary tax exemptions to let them become established. The Regulation claimed to be, and was in certain ways, the most liberal Jewish policy in Europe. But the Jews felt cruelly the necessity of abandoning a mode of life they had been habituated to for generations under the Polish Crown.

>The government devoted strenuous and repeated efforts to encourage Jews to take up agriculture in the virgin lands of New Russia. The result was an epic fiasco of more than fifty years duration. Many of the Jewish colonists “had no idea they would have to perform agricultural labor personally; they apparently thought others would see to the actual cultivation of the ground.”

As you can see, the Jewish population was given ample opportunities to integrate into the Russian society, but they chose not to do it. Instead, they attempted to flee the designated "Jewish" zones, which prompted retaliation from the Russian government, as their actions were seen as "disrespectful" and "heinous".

The USSR tried to integrate Jews into society and it (partially) succeeded.

Israeli and international jews fucking hate russian/soviet jews and consider them second-class people.


>They sowed a negligible part of their allotted fields, sowed too late by waiting for the weather to warm up, sowed five seasons in a row on a field plowed only once; used the wrong seed or lost their seed, did not rotate their crops, broke their farming tools through inexperience, or simply sold them, slaughtered livestock for meat and then complained of not having any, heated their houses with straw meant for feeding the cattle, etc., etc. . . . (Condensed from pp. 83, 85–86)

>Animals, tools and seeds were given to them several times over; new loans were constantly extended to them to assure their subsistence. Many simply ran away, setting up as tavern keepers again in nearby towns. There were just enough successful families to excite furious envy in all the rest, who feared the authorities would force everyone to work once a single family had shown it possible for Jews to farm.

which in turn prompted

>During the reign of Alexander II (1855–1881) the government gradually acknowledged failure and abandoned the project.

But hey, the jews did nothing wrong.

>Jews were guaranteed equal protection
>Jews were explicitly forbidden from operating taverns

Which is it?

And? At the same time niggers were being whipped into cotton fields.

It's actually quite annoying that such ignorant morons post here.

I'm genuinely not sure how this is supposed to make the Jews evil. Because they weren't good at farming I guess?

Which still doesn't prove your point you jackass. Zionism and Communism were both Jewish ideologies that opposed each other. In fact, this is the reasons why Jews were rounded up in concentration camps by Germans in the first place. The Zionists wanted to ship out European Jews to Palestine (now known as Israel) and the Communist Jews wanted to stay in Europe. It does not take a genius to figure this out.

You don't get the point. They were given equal protection of the law, including the right to own land and employ Christian workers, on the basis that they would drop their "tradition" of operating only in the distilling and tavern keeping sectors.

Those rights were given to them as an incentive to integrate them into the Russian society as seen here

>The government tried to mitigate the new prohibitions with subsidies to set up the affected Jews in new professions, and temporary tax exemptions to let them become established. The Regulation claimed to be, and was in certain ways, the most liberal Jewish policy in Europe. But the Jews felt cruelly the necessity of abandoning a mode of life they had been habituated to for generations under the Polish Crown.

Instead of blaming the "gorrilion" of pogroms against the Jewish communities, you better pick up a book and see that before those pogroms, the Russian authorities made massive attempts at integrating them, even going as far as providing them with better social help than the actual Russians.

and your point is?

Zionism was much more popular among Jews than Communism. It's not even comparable. Most Jews didn't even vote for the Communist parties.

>They were given equal protection of the law
>on the basis that they would drop their "tradition" of operating only in the distilling and tavern keeping sectors.

If you have to kill your own business to get equal protection, then that's not equal protection.

It's not supposed to make them look evil, it's supposed to make you realize that they were unable to adapt and integrate into the countries that they resided in - and this was the case for centuries in a row. Wherever they resided, the Jewish communities chose to follow the "kehat", the Jewish high authority, not the state authority - which in turn eventually prompted every centralized country to either eject them or persecute them because every other option was already tried and proven to fail.

>The word “pogrom” (literally “devastation”) had been used before this time for anti-Jewish riots in Odessa in 1821, 1859, and 1871. These, however, had been isolated occurrences involving mainly the local Greek community, who were commercial rivals of the Jews. But the pogroms the world remembers began on the 15th of April 1881 in the town of Yelisavetgrad (now Kirovohrad), Ukraine. Once begun, peasants from the surrounding villages began arriving to take part. Local troops remained passive at first, not knowing what to do. A cavalry regiment in the vicinity eventually arrived to put a stop to the violence by the 17th. Some sources say there were no fatalities in this first incident; others say there was just one.

Gee, I wonder why the local population was amassing against the Jewish population, without any intervention from the authorities in the beginning?

Source, otherwise a load of bullshit.

I still have no idea what your point is. All I'm getting from this is that Jews were selling alcohol and that's horrible apparently because lord knows Russians can't stand alcohol.

>In 1800, a serious famine occurred in White Russia, an area of heavy Jewish settlement. Gavril Derzhavin, an Imperial Senator (and, incidentally, the greatest Russian poet before Pushkin), was sent to take emergency measures and submit a report. He found that Polish landowners commonly ignored their estates, preferring to hire the services of Jewish overseers for terms of just one to three years.

>These overseers had every incentive to squeeze profit out of the estates during their brief tenure, even at the expense of future productivity. They provided the peasants seed and tools for farming at three times the market rate and bought the resulting produce at below market prices, both extortions made possible by a monopoly granted and enforced by the Polish gentry. Many Jews also worked as distillers or tavern keepers on the estates or in rural villages. The drunkenness of the peasants and the rapacity of the Jewish distillers combined to divert grain to vodka production which otherwise would have gone to make bread.

Read the last paragraph. During the famine, the Jewish distilling and tavern operations chose to use the grain to produce votka for the local population - for the short, monetary gain, while leaving thousands to die out of hunger, including a lot of other Jews.

> Many Jews also worked as distillers or tavern keepers on the estates or in rural villages. The drunkenness of the peasants and the rapacity of the Jewish distillers combined to divert grain to vodka production which otherwise would have gone to make bread.

Read it again, it might penetrate that thick skull of yours. If you think this is a normal behavior for a minority, then you are too far gone. The Russian authorities gave them equal rights and even helped them out more than its own citizens, when actually they deserved total expulsion from the start.

I provided you with countless of times when the the Russians offered the Jews many opportunities to integrate.

This sounds exactly like Stalin blaming Kulaks for the famine.

check They were using the grain to produce votka instead of using it to make food for the starving population. This affected both the Russians and the Jewish, believe it or not. Essentially, they chose profit over their own lives, capitalizing on the suffering of the people around them, who turned to alcohol consumption because the famine was ravaging their lands.

Can you provide proof of jews operating like this in large scale?


Look at any parliamentary elections in Poland.

Jewish - 2.048.878,_1922
Bloc of National Minorities
Jewish Group

And now look at KPP.

Yes, because Russians are famously prone to teetotaling. They would never drink unless there was a famine.

everything i cited can be found in Solzhenitsyn's take on the Jews and the Tsarist Russia. You can read some of the main ideas here by yourself:


Also, how would you like your proof? Do you want me to start handing out photographs that were taken hundreds of years ago? And yea, I'm being ironic here. One must only take some books and read them, the truth is out there for the taking.

Solzhenitsyn makes a very good point at citing everything he writes - most of the info is taken straight from the Russian archives that survived the wars, or from Russian historians from that era. He tries to stay as unbias as possible, for whoever suspects he has something against the Jews.

>The Agreement made it possible for millions of German and other European Jews to occupy and control Palestine Lands
No? First: there weren't even that many Jews in Germany, second: Havaara Agreement applied only to German Jews (only 150,000-200,000 Jews were transferred in the span of 6 years).


Yeah, hardly five years after the Bolshevik Revolution took place and became popularized. Poland does not speak on behalf of ALL the Jews in Europe.

can you read an entire sentence without having a spasm?

>The Agreement made it possible for millions of Germans and other European Jews to occupy and control Palestine Lands now known as Israel until England's declaration of war on Germany which prevented allocation of further resources for immigration and settlement.

>If a single jew is present within an organization, then that's automatically a jewish organization
>If ten jews oppose that same organization, then it remains jewish despite jewish opposition

Might as well label every organization that has ever existed as Jewish then.

You can always look at the second election.,_1928

And you clearly don't know anything about history. Do you think the Communist movement became popular after the Bolshevik Revolution?

>Poland does not speak on behalf of ALL the Jews in Europe.
There were more Jews in Poland than in all of the Western Europe.

And I'm saying it's wrong. How did a German Agreement made it possible for Jews from other countries to occupy and control Palestine?

>Also, how would you like your proof? Do you want me to start handing out photographs that were taken hundreds of years ago? And yea, I'm being ironic here. One must only take some books and read them, the truth is out there for the taking.
No, I'd rather see a reference to the archives in question. What organization was in charge of making those documents, when were they released, what specific data they mention. Not a vague allusion to archives.

Sounds pretty capitalist to me.

Learn Russian then and go scour their archives for proof.

>unironically believing I can provide documents and specific data that is all in Russian

Or better yet, pick up Solzhenitsyn's book and marvel at his attempt at providing the truth via the use of that specific data that you've mentioned. As I've stated before, Solzhenitsyn uses the Russian archives and Russian historians as sources, alongside the existing Tsarist decrees that revolved around this matter.

That election still does not prove your point. The communist parties in that election were divided into different minor communist parties that were disguising themselves as communism, without holding the title of "communism" as the title of their party Had they have been all united in one party, there is no doubt that they would've won.

>I can magically predict the results of elections in other countries which I have no connection to

>there is no doubt that they would've won
Please, name all these minor communist parties and how many votes they won.

Same thing happened in Birobidzhan, the Jewish settlement in Siberia. The Stalin government wanted Jews to become more proletarian and less bourgeois through farming and labor. They were given limited autonomy and Yiddish schools, newspapers, etc. Even though the land was excellent for farming, and a lot of time and effort spent to attract Jewish settlement, the percentage of Jews there never reached a plurality.

>le /pol/ /Pol/ /pol/
aren't you guys a little bit insecure?
I know they keep btfoing you with your thin fucking skins but cmon


That pic is refuted daily in Veeky Forums, there's just as many articles mentioning varying millions of jews. In fact, every pic in your rant is either misleading or a lie, you'd be better just copy pasting solzhenitsyn next time.

>implying solzhenitsyn is wrong

oh and this is the pic you are reffering to

Are you illiterate? I didn't judge solzhenitsyn anywhere in my post.

>Zionism and Communism were both Jewish ideologies that opposed each other.

which means stormfags are retarded when they say communism is a jewish supremacist thing.

>>Molotov isn't a Jew by marriage

you mean that thing you just made up in a desperate attempt to prove your point?

You just have to imagine everyone you dislike is a jew and then you can confirm the conspiracy.

>were both Jewish ideologies
doesn't mean storms are wrong though
joos are always up to something

No it doesn't.

>The kikes control the world!
>Listen to me goy, I'm good at a board game!

Chess skill being an indication of general intelligence is a meme, and it somehow making you an authority on anything other than chess is retarded. Next you're going to say I should listen to Bill Nye's faggotry about gender because he's an engineer.

The Russian Empire had one of the largest Jewish populations on Earth, and a significant number remained until the Holocaust. The Jews and the Tsar didn't get along very well, so it's not surprising that a lot of Jews took the opportunity to overthrow him.

>thirteen Jewish poets died in the USSR
>worthy of a wikipedia article



It even holds true to this day, many on the left are still problematic.


Oh look, it's our plebbit visitor.

Rosa Luxembourg led a communist uprising with carl liebknecht (the main leader and nonjew) in BERLIN you fucking tard. that left box is a fabrication.
Looking up Karl Bernhardovich i can't find ANYthing looking on google to indicate that such a person existed.

Kurt Eisner and Eugen Levine had TOTALLY opposing agenda. Eisner was a social democrat from the more left wing of the party and sought to establish an independent bavarian republic along democratic lines. A nationalist assassinated him very quickly. As the political situation deteriorated in Munich new parties tried to rule or squabbled and eventually this culminated in a TWO WEEK rule by communists and anarchists under Ernst Toller as their president, during which he ruled all but 5 days or so. He was an artist who had no handle on politics. After this the bolsheviks led by Eugen Levin (who arrived from bolshevik russia) couped Toller's government and lasted several days before right-wing paramilitaries such as the freikorp BTFO this chaotic mess.

tldr none of these jews were related in anyway in their life experiences. they held left but widely diverging leftist views. they were not part of a coordinated conspiracy and they sure as fuck wouldn't have supported the other's political views.

I recommend the book Culture of Critique for more info about this subject. Its considered an ''alt right'' book but it goes into detail about Stalins conflict with Soviet Jewry. Its pretty interesting how even in an anti racist regime like Stalins, Jewish group interests clashed with the common interest, culminating in the purges of the 1950 s.

Ever read about Orde Wingate? That'll give you a pretty good idea of how "supportive" Britain was of Jewish settlers

Why is this board so obsessed with Jews?

Stop larping faggot.

>Lenin 1/4 Jewish
>Also 1/4 Chuvash
user, are you a southerner who firmly believes in the one drop rule?