Attack Swedes

>attack Swedes
>get raped
>repeat a dozen times
What are some examples of autism/masochism in history?

Other urls found in this thread:–12)–Norwegian_War_(1814) EEDI finalf.pdf

>conquer Danes
>ban their language


>get raped
>repeat a dozen times
Looks like la viable strategy to me. What are you so mad about?

Attacking Russia.
WW2 Germany, it's pretty retarded, just fucking stop at Czechoslovakia. Wtf did you think would happen?

t. Kalle Jönsson

>It'll work this time, trust me!
They did win some of the wars tho–12)

I could do this all day–Norwegian_War_(1814)

>Look! we took back Skåne and Blekinge!
Yea but you then lost it to the muslims

kek, swedefags blown the FUCK out

>sweden is doomed because /pol/ said so
hehe sure

Can we all agree that the Swedish-Danish feud is peak autism?

Those filthy danskjavel are subhuman scum, no wonder they can't speak properly any language and resort to using their ugly and orkish tongue.


can we be friends instead of fighting

I think we all can agree that Denmark should have been absorbed by their southern neighbor and put out of their misery

>Be Sweden
>Have comfy social democracy
>Decide that life is too comfy so need to shake things up a little bit
>Give control of your government over to women because its the trendy thing to do
>Women decide that Swedish culture reminds them too much of their fathers so need something exotic to replace it
>Import hoards of Muslims to enrich your culture
>Formerly quiet places like Malmo or Stockholm become rape capitals
>Blame ethnic Swedes for this
>Social programs going broke because they were not designed to support a massive spike in population caused by migrants
>life in Sweden no longer so comfy but at least you into world relevance by being the pinnacle of western cuckoldry


Literally noone eats it. It's a reddit meme
okay. Post based Danish and Swedish music.

>When 26% of your population is foreign (not even counting the third generation) and you didn't even have a colonial empire


t. underage burger

>when 26% of your land area lays in Germany

t. Sven Moorson

>being so desperate as to use a wordpress page a source, and not realising that finns, norwegians and danes count towards those numbers
Wonder who could be behind this post

sure! we'll have to work together anyway when push comes to shove.

Nice argument. If you take a look at the sources, they are provided by SCB, ring a bell? That's the official statistics bureau of Sweden. They state in this report on page 6 that:

Den 31 december 2010 hade 19 procent av befolkningen utländsk bakgrund.
Av dessa var 77 procent själva födda utomlands och resterande 23 procent var
födda i Sverige med två föräldrar födda utomlands. Antalet personer födda i
Sverige med en utrikes född och en inrikes född förälder ökade med 14 707
personer och antalet personer som var födda i Sverige med två utrikes födda
föräldrar ökade med 17 012 personer under 2010. Däremot minskade antalet
personer som var födda i Sverige med två svenskfödda föräldrar med 3 795
Cirka 7 procent av befolkningen var född i Sverige och har en utrikes född och
en inrikes född förälder och drygt 4 procent av befolkningen var född i Sverige
och har två utrikes födda föräldrar. Resterande 74 procent av befolkningen var
född i Sverige och har två föräldrar som var födda i Sverige.

That is 26% procent with at least one parent of foreign background. This does not even count third generation immigrants and mind that this is a report from 2010.

Every slave revolt ever
>"Guys, Haiti got their freedom through revolt, surely we will succeed like them and not fail like the fifty other times that happened"

>quiet places like Malmö
>Not knowing that Swedens main sources of immigration are, in order of importance; Finland and Denmark

I like how you ignored the other part of my post, where I told you that people from other Nordic countries count as foreigners in those statistics (As do all other Europeans).
Also it is closer to 21%-23%, using SCB's 2016 statistics, you doofus.

Now stop being so desperate

Also reading through your own source, I like how you conveniently ignored the part at the beginning:
"De flesta utrikes födda, nära 55 procent, har ett ursprung i Europa."
"Most foreign born, near 55 procent, has their origin in Europe"

On a side note my previous source is slightly lacking, this one is better, as it counts people of foreign descent as well, still 23% though.

Syrians are actually the largest source of foreigners in Sweden now.

The amount of foreigners is in Sweden is quite distressing and it is true that the rape statistics have risen. An odd quirk with the current Swedish judicial system is that most rapists are not judged guilty or sentenced harshly. Brutal rapes are more common now with the culprits being immigrants or refugees. You can rape a child or several and receive sentences that are often not even carried out.
Here a woman was gangraped twice within an hour by two seperate groups of immigrants with no connection.
Here a Syrian "child" refugee raped two girls on a school but was sentenced to two months of jail for one of the rapes.
Here a Somali man raped a young girl and assaulted her but was sentenced to 22 days of community service, one reason for his light sentence was that he was feeling bad before the rape due to a tummy ache. I must warn however that the newspaper I've linked here is known for being "Nazi" but it's as valid the leftist newspapers due to the political bias shown in Swedish media.

>the rape statistics meme
You realise that the statistic is about REPORTED rape right?
It is ironic that you imply that Sweden doesn't care about these victims, when the statistics themselves show that people aren't afraid to come forward if they have been victim to such a crime. Sweden doesn't have more rape than any other comparable nation, swedes just tend to report it more, because it is seen as such a horrible crime. Let's not forget Sweden has a broader definition for rape as well.of what constitutes as rape as well

Also, nice cherry picking of articles. You realise that the only reason that got in the news is because that doesn't happen very often? Or else it wouldn't be news worthy.

>It is ironic that you imply that Sweden doesn't care about these victims,

Then how come they only sentence their abusers to 22 days of community service? When did tummy aches become a valid legal defense for raping a girl?

And I love how you ignore the 3rd generation immigrants.There is a reason they are not recorded. 23% is still a lot, its higher that most other European nations and that number, again, is only when nationality is taken to consideration. There is no official statistic of Sweden's ethnic makeup.

You cannot hide from the fact that your country has taken a big turn for the worse as a result of the open door policy led by Sweden for so many years. Just take a look a the crime statistics, oh wait, you don't record the background of the offender. Only thing that can be said is that crime rates have been spiking at an unprecedented rate since the increas in 3rd world immigration.

I can't answer that, but one case of a shitty judge is not the same as the entire system being broken, is it?
Weird though, that only one news website seems to mention it. Don't know if you're actually a Swede, Fria Tider has a tendency to make shit up, it is not a serious news outlet.

>And I love how you ignore the 3rd generation immigrants
Third generation is usually quite integrated.
>There is no official statistic of Sweden's ethnic makeup.
Ethnicity is irrelevant, the culture you're grown up with is what makes you.
>You cannot hide from the fact that your country has taken a big turn for the worse as a result of the open door policy led by Sweden for so many years.
I can, because it is untrue. You should get out more.

>Only thing that can be said is that crime rates have been spiking at an unprecedented rate since the increas in 3rd world immigration.
Nice sourc... Oh wait

>one case of a shitty judge

Your cuckoldry is truly legendary. Here is another instance of light sentencing:

But I'm sure you think it's just another shitty judge and oh well these things happen right haha I'll be in the shed if you need me :)

I read a hilarious report written by greeks for my work. They bash danmark to hell in it and plaster it with shitty early 00's pixels EEDI finalf.pdf

>Having to use the same article twice in two different posts, because you don't have enough cherry picked news articles

Still though, 2 bad judges in a country of 10 million, I think I can live with that.

You could live with pretty much anything though.

Tee bee aytch, when the guys who killed Vincent Chin got off with probation, it was national news in a country of 300,000,000, and the Justice Department stepped in to rectify the problem.

To have a ruling like that happen literally anywhere in your country without nationwide outrage is embarrassing.

>cherry picking

All these are known media outlets and I fail to see how my articles are cherrypicking. And we're also only talking about reported rapes, not the large amount that are never reported. The immigrant women are a very oppressed group in society due to the Swedish government largely ignoring them. The Swedish definition of rape being broader is also false since rape doesn't include molestation or touching, it's always a person being forced to have intercourse against their will. You have come with no good arguments against me but rather spouting the normal ad-hominems concerning immigration in Sweden.

We have had an increased amount of crime in Sweden and people are also reporting LESS thanks to a failing police and judicial system that's made to handle Swedes, not honor-based cultures. I myself have been assaulted by a refugee when me and my friend intervened as he was rough handling a foreign woman.

Again when looking at all reported rape the leftist media cencors the ethnicity of the rapist but looking at police reports or court cases, you can always see that the perpetrator is foreign and not a white man.

I'm rather sure that you're trolling and shitposting due to the way you counter my arguments.

Du anklagar han för att inte lämna källor men kommer inte fram med några egna. Skulle gissa att du är en medelklass sosse som bor i ett homogent svenskt område och nästan aldrig beblandar dig med invandrare. Ge oss ditt namn så vi kan slå ihjäl dig.

Yes violent crime and sexual crime has indeed spiked.

And are you daft? There are no statistics based on ethnicity. Because the reveal something unsettling.

And ethnicity is importent because it is tied culture. I agree that ethinicity in itself is irrelevant, but it is often a marker of what culture people bear. And the culture these people bring is often violent. Keep hiding your head in the sand.

Og jeg er i ovrigt enig med hvordan ved vi at 3. generationsindvandere er godt integreret, dine kilder?

Ups mente

have any of these dumbass /pol/yps ever even been to sweden? I have cousins in malmo and I've visited them every year since I was a child. yes there are plenty of brown people but it's not a dangerous place by any stretch of the imagination. i've been all over europe and seen some actual shitholes and it has little to do with immigration, naples for example is a fucking awful city but the vast majority of the scumbags there are italian

There has been a lot of nationwide outrage, hence why it is newsworthy

Är du svensk och inte medelklass? Låter som en oxymoron.
Du gör mig besviken. Jag trodde först du var amerikanare, eftersom dom är sinnesberövad sen födseln.
Du är efterbliven och dina gener skeva.
Häng dig.

Du er virkelig en ubehagelig person. Du kan desuden ikke argumentere uden personangreb.

I am swedish you dumb burger

I'm not american, I'm irish and my aunt married a swede

Of course it had to turn into a /pol/ thread...

Personangreppet var helt berättigat, personen i fråga hotade mig. Läs om hans post igen om du fortfarande tycker det är oklart, annars gå och sug av nån annan.

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