What would have been different if Germany was the dominant power instead of Britain?

What would have been different if Germany was the dominant power instead of Britain?

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You'd still be a loser with no gf.

Go back to /pol/


You wouldn't have the internet to shitpost on

elaborate please



There's nothing else to elaborate, if you couldn't think this through you're probably an autist anyways

>germany goes on a rampage killing everyone who isn't an aryan
>madness ends up with a civil war because the people don't want to have blood on their hands

Unless you can think of another outcome


Those people don't look like iranians at all, and the guy leading him doesn't resemble the Supreme Leader whatsoever.

>germany goes on a rampage killing everyone who isn't an aryan
Germans wanted the whole world to embrace German culture and prosper, they didn't want to kill everybody

Shame those culture and prosperity camps malfunctioned and ended up killing everyone. Ooops.

that's the consequence of the unfair Versailles treaty and the following revanchism.
It can happen even to the best of us and shouldn't be seen as related to German culture in any way

The unfair Versailles treaty was not enforced. Germany never paid that money. Germany didn't properly disarm, and rearmed too quickly.
The Versailles treaty was just a threat that nobody cared to enforce, the interwar collapse of Germany had to do with how exhausted they were after the war economically and mentally.

Well, my point was that the third reich was in no way representative of German mentality or German culture, thus it is unreasonable to assume that German dominance would have led to genocide of non-aryans

If the Third Reich is not representative of German mentality, than how would the Third Reich dominance be German in nature?

The OP image implies that period, perhaps you meant if WWI never happened, and Germany slowly over time gained the upper hand due to population growth and industry, and exploitation of Russia's produce and workforce?

In what way does OP pic imply WW2 period?

In the /pol/ memes way.
Before Hitler's reign Germany wasn't the "white" country, and England the "anti-white" country, that is propaganda from later on.
The beady eyed anglo and so on is /pol/ faggotry and relates only to WWII period, and the image is how they wrongly presume fascism to work.

but hitler didn't care about whites
why else did he murder so many slavs and ashkenzai jews?
the idea of "white people" is an american concept and has no root in actual history

The NSDAP most definitely had an idea of "white people", read their promotional materials and the eugenics magazines they released.

GTFO kikecuckshill

Damnit you dropped the ball

lot it was not me
anyways, i would like to see proof that NSDAP cared about "white people" and not the aryan (germanic) race

>"white people" and not the aryan (germanic) race
Thats semantics, one is clearly equal to the other in their view.
For one, it wasn't the "germanic" race. Bulgarians were accepted, as they were classified as "turkomen", and in the same way the turkish and ukrainians (classified as tatars and thus turkomen) were also accepted.
They weren't germanic, but they were "aryan" or white, unlike slavs.
Similarly, arabs and persians were accepted as aryan, and white.

At the same time, the french rape babies from the border region were forcefully sterilized, and they were at least half germanic. They weren't considered aryan/white.
The jewish communities that lived on the Rhine for more than a thousand years, they were as german as any german, and they were also famously persecuted. They couldn't be told appart just by looks, investigation into backgrounds and documents had to be done, thats how "germanic" they were. When they went to Israel the arabs nearby created a league to fight "european imperialism" because of them taking land from arabs, thats how european everyone thought they were.

you seem to agree with me that nazis cared about germanics/aryans rather than white people, but would accept non-germanic allies if it served their interest

They cared about a group of people that included ukrainians, arabs, bulgarians, persians, dannish, swedes, finnish, dutch.
I would not call such a collection of people "germanic". There are too many people in it that have nothing to do with Germany.
Calling it "white", which when you consider that the other usual candidates Spain, Britain and France had huge african and asian empires, thus were presented as more mixed people, makes sense, is what I am doing.

then why did they kill millions of those?

Because its a war, they killed the enemy (communists). They tried to make an ally out of the ukrainian/tatar people, both in WWI and WWII.

As for the ones that were exterminated, you'll find the majority of those were Ukrainian Jews. Like how most of the 'Latvians' who died under German occupation were Ashkenazi.

>They tried to make an ally out of the ukrainian/tatar people, both in WWI and WWII.
then why did they start killing them for no reason?




>zionist antifa
what did they mean by this

Anti-Deutsch, AKA people who seem like they're a caricature made up by /pol/. Their anti-anti-Semitism leads them to unconditionally support Israel and Anglo-American foreign policy in the Middle East.


revanchism against jews who didn't even fight the war ?
>blaming people who don't even have a proper banner to rally under for a lost war
Nice culture you got there


And people think we fucked up the Japs..
Krauts should always be subservient. This is a good role for them.



German Jews had spent centuries trying to integrate and plenty were German patriots who served in the Great War.

Non-meme answer incoming. Here are the prequesits for this to happen:
>Germany would have had to be unified hundreds of years sooner
>colonized the US and other territories
>possibly Oceania, portions of Africa, India and South America.
>England's, France's, Netherlands' colonization efforts and domination of the North Sea/English channel would have had to be curbed in some significant way

>Low German could become a standard language or contribute to the standard language much more, since the coastal areas up north are much more important for oceanic travel
>Poland and baltic states, possible even Finland, is fucked
>German expansion towards the east
>keeping territories in Alsace, Lothringia, Carinthia etc.
>possibly constitutional monarchy instead of democratic republic
>World Wars would happen in a very different way, if at all
Everything beyond this point is pure speculation and would turn out very differently, depending on the point of divergence.