Why do religious people believe in fantasy bullshit written by goat herders?

Why do religious people believe in fantasy bullshit written by goat herders?

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Why do Atheists believe in myths told to them by an actor posing to be a scientist?

Why do religious people believe in Magic?

We don't believe in magic, we believe in the power of God.

Why do you believe there isn't anything inherently magical or divine out there?

How's that different from magic?

t. fedora hat

Yadda yadda leap of faith yadda yadda scientism is a religion yadda yadda *tip*
I mean, mememan isn't wrong.
Why should I?

It's natural to think there might be a god, the opposite is a declared mental illness.

Can't you see how smart he is? Only a smart person as him, would be able to argue only based in joke an distortions.

Its also natural to have wisdom teeth and an appendix

> the opposite is a declared mental illness
Declared by the same kind of autistic retards who declared disbelief in communism to be the heavy, most serious case of schizophrenia i.e. by scum, who only cares about pushing their insane ideals.

The only thing dumber than actually believing in an organized religion is believing that abiogenesis is possibly without a deity

Wow, soon or later we would discovery you are a commie teenager, saying it spoil all the fun.

>is possibly without a deity

Le low IQ face

Atheism is a mental illness, every child believes and humans are wired to have beliefs, it is only natural to have them, fedorism is a mental illness.

Religion is a mental illness

Psychosis to be exact

It's a mecanism.The mind wants to survive, but he know that the body he's living in is going to die sooner or later. So we make up stories about afterlife and eternity to bear the weight of our miserable condition.

Because underneath the narrative flourishes is a thousands of years old commentary on human behavior, the exoteric aspect of the faith which is used to build up a social trust and promote communal harmony.

They arose as a reaction to the revelation that we live in a world with far more humans that we were evolutionarily equipped to cope with, but what we also have is this adaptation to change itself, called language, which we can use to make conscious adjustments to our behavior in the face of evolutionary pressures.

Why do you let backwoods hicks with Ph.Ds in "Christian education" teach you science? At least Bill Nye can make the case that he comes from a background in applied sciences.


>background in applied sciences.
Most guys here have a better background

Not an argument

It's the equivalent of mental sugar and fat.
We have an innate weakness for it, that made sense at some point to have(follow the alpha unquestioningly, into war or death, because it's better for the tribe than constant internal strife or something) but is now mostly detrimental. And specific religious ideas had, ironicly, an evolution and selection over thousands of years to be most "infectious".

Because it won't let you shit on street.

This is a board to history based discussion, not for an old dirty man craziness.

Join the scientologists, they have to deny and demonize psychology and science too.
I'll give you points for not immideately going down the "JEEW" route. What a proud moment for you.

Most people who come "here" are shitty college students who signed up for the engineering program thinking that it was the ticket to a stable, above-average paying job, not realizing yet just how oversaturated the labor market is, how eager CEOs are to replace them with an Indian, and haven't figured out that making it as an engineer requires as much personal drive and initiative as any other field.

Fell bad to waste your money with useless treatments, don't?

He has a point though; clinical Psychiatry is pretty far removed from quasi-scientific Freud, whose ideas have been all but completely debunked.

Mostly because their parents and other people in their community believe in it.

Only a portion of atheists take Bill Nye seriously. On the other hand, most members of Abrahamic religions take their foundational texts seriously. Also, what Bill Nye says can mostly be independently tested. Religious crazies, on the other hand, ask you to take things on faith or because of tradition.

Same as Darwins actual works have been "debunked" since he didn't even know about DNA, but they still are the foundation for the modern understanding of biology and psychology respectively.
But, sure, both totally debunked.
Also darwin fucked his cousin, and evolution is just a theory etc.

because how would a goat herder whould have those ideas on his own