What the FUCK was his problem?

what the FUCK was his problem?

>Be Martin Luther
>Think that hey, maybe the reason that Jews don't convert to Christianity is that Christians, in general, treat them like crap
>If we're nice to them, they'll convert en mass!
>At least in his home city, push through some reforms easing up on things like forbidding of certain crafts
>Try to convert Jews
>Get schooled on actual Old Testament contents
>Get pretty much nowhere
>Go on autistic buttflustered rant about how Jews are terrible.

Hemorrhoids, supposedly.

>complaining about the one thing Luther did right

yeah it's pretty much "before /pol/" and "after /pol/"



Jews tend to be terrible people. I think all the inbreeding has made them be cunts or something.

It's mainly because ever since they were children it's been drilled into their brains that they are the greatest race in all of history and all other races exist merely to serve them.

The idea that the god himself would have chosen such a dreadful people should be enough to discredit the entire biblical narrative. But god is a cunt himself in the bible, so...

He was a foul, vicious, anti-semetic Catholic friar.

What wasn't his problem?

He literally wrote a book prior to this called "That Jesus Christ Was Born a Jew" in which he was painted the Jews in a positive light,he was practically deferential.

>They have dealt with the Jews as if they were dogs rather than human beings; they have done little else than deride them and seize their property. When they baptize them they show them nothing of Christian doctrine or life, but only subject them to popishness and monkery. When the Jews then see that Judaism has such strong support in Scripture, and that Christianity has become a mere babble without reliance on Scripture, how can they possibly compose themselves and become right good Christians? I have myself heard from pious baptized Jews that if they had not in our day heard the gospel they would have remained Jews under the cloak of Christianity for the rest of their days. For they acknowledge that they have never yet heard anything about Christ from those who baptized and taught them.

So yeah, his "antisemitism" was learned from experience.

No Martin Luther, no Hitler. Hitler quoted Luther a half dozen times in Mein Kampf.

There's something wrong with Germans, not Jews.

>Martin Luther is LITERALLY responsible for Hitler

These mental gymnastics are amazing!

There's something wrong with both. Reminder that Ashkenazim are from Germany.

Then why were there so many other Europeans of other ethnicities who felt the same way? This great French mind despised the Germans and the HRE, but he had the same experiences and opinions as Luther.

Too many Jews

Literally sit through one sermon you useless meme gobbler

>Europeans of other ethnicities who felt the same way

Something inherent to the human psyche. Similar to the widespread belief in Great Flood myths, constructions of pyramids, dragons, yearning to fuck their mothers.
Not saying there aren't evil Jews. Just that the evil is no different from any other race. Outgroup hijinks enhances and reinforces the perception of it.
This is why Israel was a better solution to gassing them all. Even Nazi Germany was considering Madagascar. Outgroup problem solved. Maybe we would've had a Jewish version of Australia.

>*what the FUCK was their problem?



>Get continually bounced around Europe because you're an incredibly xenophobic group of people who only care about your in-group
>Whine when you get kicked out

Jews, clearly

>Everyone but jews are the problem you filthy goy you are just jealous

Every time

None of that shit is inborn in the human psyche, it all derives from continual transmission of information.

You Psychological Metaphysics fags are the absolute worst