Alternate WWII Scenario

I've been running this through my head for a while now but what if there was a separate timeline that diverged from ours right up until Germany's Polish Question and instead of Germany invading Poland they for whatever reason delayed it and the Soviet Union invaded first. Then this event causes the Axis & Allied Powers to fear a possible Soviet invasion into Europe and unite to repel it. What with the Allies consisting of UK & France as it did in our timeline and the Axis only containing Germany and Italy and the other Axis Balkan members. The reason why I would think to leave Japan out of the Axis is their desire to steal allied colonies and now that the Axis is unwilling to go to war with the Allies at this point Japan somewhat works together with the Soviets which eventually leads to a Pearl Harbor that brings the US into the War at whatever stage the war is currently at. My question is how would this scenario work and could it have been a better outcome?

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FYI OP here I suck at photo editing so sorry about the MS paint quality of it

Impossible, as SU would never invade Poland alone. They literally waited with attack until 17th September only because they were afraid of allies intervention. They invaded when they were sure, that France and GB didn't give a damn about Poland.

I thought they delayed because they were wrapping up stuff in Khalkhyn Gol.

Unironically Poland could win this one. Soviet army was incompetent after purges, and Polish army was vastly superior compared to Finnish one. More manpower, actual air and tank forces, veteran soldiers and experienced commanders.

Is this satire?

>Poland could win this one

Topkek Mateusz, all that toilet cleaning has gone to your head and made you delusional. Do you really think Poland could fend off the Soviet Union? What are they going to do? Charge Soviet tanks on horseback again? I suggest you stop with this Polish Chauvinism, it's really pathetic.

They did it once in 1920, they could do it again.

Poland had already done it ~2 decades earlier, and Finland did it.

>what is the polish-soviet war


Don't take it personally Ivan
>Charge Soviet tanks on horseback again?
Why not, Italians did it in '42, why wouldn't it be successful against joke of an army in '39?

>Hans is so upset he's now pretending Poland didn't fuck the SU in the arse 19 years before this when they had actual competent commanders

wew la

The BT-5 was bretty good for its day, way ahead of the Pz I and II at least because it didn't mount only a gay little machine gun

>Corporal Lolli, unable to draw, as his saber was frozen in its sheath, charged holding high a hand grenade; Trumpeter Carenzi, having to handle both trumpet and pistol, shot by mistake his own horse in the head.[2]

wew and they still rekt vatniks

>Corporal Lolli
Just like my animes

dude human waves lmao

Yeah, they had quite good tanks. But all Soviet tanks had one major flaw: Russian crew.

They seemed to do pretty good when they made panzerfags shit themselves with KV-1s and T-34s, guess Germany learned fucking nothing from all those dual trials in Weimar times

Use the Bucket fill tool next time

he did but the image he used sucks