This coin will fucking moon and I'm not done yet buying it so don't buy until I have accumulated enough

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ok man i won't buy it

that's an innovative shilling I'll give you that

Nice, just canceled 100k

Nice, just sent you 100k


by accumulating, did you mean getting rid of those bags?

nice, just reverse shilled into buy, sell, hold, short, long, iota not yesterday in the future 100k

thanks op


nice logo transparency retard, shame I'm already on 30Gi worth of bags lmao

help a poor beggar out!
i bought at .64, panic'd at .23 and now i own literally nothing.
okay, i own 1 i. yes, one IOTA. not Mi, Gi, i mean 1 i.
i received it for vectorising the logo, different sizes, black and white, all in .svg.
you can download it here:

t-thank you!

I love the idea of IOTA but can't figure out what would make the token a reliable store of value or anything since there are over a billion of them. Seems akin to Ripple in that regard. Anyone wanna help me out?

how many satoshis are in a bitcoin?

They're not divisible. Only 30% more iota than satoshi, but because of the no tx fees the atomic units are actually usable.

hey dumb dumb, i'm at work right now and left my crayons at home. i'll give you a tldr before something shiny catches your beady eyeballs. focus right here. iota isn't a token, it's a protocol. it's far superior to every other distributed ledger protocol because it will actually work on a global scale. transactions are free too. you like free things because you're poor, so that's another appealing reason hmmm?

99% of the world doesn't even know about crypto, yet you retards think iota, a global currency, has too many coins. too many coins? that makes no sense.

That's all you got? One iota for doing bitch work?


Nice, just bought 100M

>iota isn't a token

Their twitter is literally iotatoken so you already lost my attention right there. not buying your scam coin boyo

oh no, another peasant wants to stay poor. you say this shit like you're hurting me. i'm not trying to make you rich, retard. your place is the gutter and i'm fine with that.

For all of you $100K btc people who have zero clue about reality since btc is so manipulated and controlled by so few people, IOTA will be $0.01 each in 10 years. Cap it.

1 bitcoin has 100,000,000 satoshi, 21 millions bitcoins have 2,100,000,000,000,000 satoshis

1 MIOTA has 1,000,000 iotas, 2,779,530,283 MIOTA's have 2,779,530,283,277,761 IOTAS