Reminder that a religion's (or philosophy's) complexity depends on its practioners


>Christianity as practiced and built by the White Man
>More Complex Hinduism

>Negro friendly Christianity
>Injuns trying to get rain from interpretive dance
>The ooking and dooking done by Negroes in Africa and Caribbean

TLDR: A religion really shows the quality of its men. Hence Negro Garbage being a mess.

The lack of contributions by Negros for advancing thought and civilization automatically debunks We Wuz Hebrews.

>Christianity is a white religion

Please unironically kys

>Not learning to seperate Christianity as practiced by the White Man from the ones practiced by Dindu Nuffins, Mexicans, etc.

How do you "seperate" it? A Mexican Catholic is no different from a Spaniard Catholic. Sure, some cultural osmosis may seep in but both would appear at mass.

Go list all the Negroes and Mexicans comparable to the likes of Thomas Aquinas.

haha NIGGERS amirite?
Good thread OP!


Irrelevant. Christianity doesn't care about cultural relativism.

The point is that Negroes and other muds have a primitive Christianity befitting their ooking and eeking.

Boy, it's a religion created by brown middle-easterners about a brown middle eastern prophet

There is literally nothing complex about Christianity tho

You were dropped on your head as a baby

>Jesus and the other Jews were muds

Sure they were, Tyrone.

Maybe not at first, but the White Man certainly made it so.

>t. Cuck or Tyrone

Christianity has been so completely appropriated by the west that it is nowadays authentically European. It is more representative of Europe than the ancient Middle East. It is uniquely Western.

You're that same moron from the other thread who's convinced that today's Middle Easterners are like a separate species. Sorry to burst your bubble but Samartians and Jews and Assyrians are not white, and so was Jesus.

>t. Achmed

Or maybe you're leftypol.

Did you forget the part where they worship a Jew on a stick?
>stating facts is leftpol

i'm not him yet I find jesus is white memers baffling, what is your argument? Do you think everyone around that area in 1st century ad/bc was white? Were they brown but jesus specifically white compared to others?

and what do you think of the early christian descriptions of Jesus? the ones before Augustine?

>Who is Thomas Aquinas and other major Churchmen who incorparated Greco-Roman philosophy

They might have been white. Who knows for sure? Why does their skin color matter to you so much?

Good evening, Reddit. I hate to break your worldview, but Christianity was started by Jewish inhabitants of the Roman Empire. It then proceeded to be deeply entrenched in white society for the next 1500 years or so. Only recently has Christianity been the multi-cultural association of feel-good beliefs that you seem to think it has always been; primarily because the faith was forced on many inhabitants of the "global south" through force from the white man. Africa is now the fastest growing continent for the church, primarily because the arrival of Christianity defeated the indigenous faiths very easily, and Africans are always eager to imitate the white man in anyway possible (even though they usually lie about this quirk).

Take care.

It's not worshiping a Jew on a stick. Jesus was more "the son of God " than he was a Jew. It's symbolism; not literal.

Even then, the Jews in Jesus' day weren't muds. Just look at the Mizrahi Jews and Samaritians.

>christianity is monolithic
because of we wuz faggots
By this logic islam will be an authetic white man religion in a millenium.

This almost seems copy pasted
I seem promise

Fucking hell

You're like the Chinks who INSIST the Buddha wasn't a Pajeet

You are a cuck if you actually call those sandniggers white

And like with everything else, whites made it better

Just compare the works of Aquinas with the Negroes Larping as Da Hebrews and Egyptians.

Nice pic. I always knew pajeets were liars.

At the time of St. Aquinas, Europeans were still not the majority of Christians in the world. Only the center of Christian monarchs and power.

And Aquinas was as influenced by a North African as by Aristotle.

You are a cuck if you actually call those sandniggers white

>Mizrahim are now white

Jesus Christ. How is America turning brown again? They are being filled with Nordics by this measure

>By this logic islam will be an authetic white man religion in a millenium.
The difference here is that Islam will bring Europe backwards.

Christianity brought it forwards.

Pagan Germanics were basically niggers. They lived in mud huts. Swarmed the Empire to collect the bread dole. Even invaded it while masquerading as "refugees". Even after the fall they constantly terrorized and stole from more advanced civilizations. Wow so amazing and badass.

Christian Germanics on the other hand catapulted humanity lightyears forward. Science, architecture, art, engineering, warfare, every major domain of human endeavor was completely revolutionized by Christian Germanics. They conquered the world with such ease they they felt bad about it. The ONLY humans to ever set foot on another heavenly body were Germanic Christians.

And since Christianity influence on the West collapsed 70's what has happened?

Germany is a dead man walking.
Britain is a dead man walking.
America is 56%.

Everything you pagans use as proof of the white race's superiority was done by Christians, not your tree fucking snownigger cult of the one eyed cum drinker. And now that Europe is collapsing, and everything your Christian ancestors died to build is crumbling, you have the nerve to spit on their graves.

Fuck you.

(European) Christianity was just neo-Paganism mixed with Plato. Nobody needs it anymore. We have vlogs. That's enough meaning for me

At the time of Thomas Aquinas it was the Islamic golden age. Christianity was mostly papist or Byzantine, and either way European

>Pagan Germanics were basically niggers. They lived in mud huts. Swarmed the Empire to collect the bread dole. Even invaded it while masquerading as "refugees". Even after the fall they constantly terrorized and stole from more advanced civilizations. Wow so amazing and badass.
Germanics don't represent Europe nor every pagan group. While they were raping and pillaging Greeks were literally developing modern mathematics and philosophy.

>Christian Germanics on the other hand catapulted humanity lightyears forward. Science, architecture, art, engineering, warfare, every major domain of human endeavor was completely revolutionized by Christian Germanics. They conquered the world with such ease they they felt bad about it. The ONLY humans to ever set foot on another heavenly body were Germanic Christians.
Christianity has little to do with these achievements. By the time this golden age happened the renaissance occured along with rejection of the church being the infalliable entity. Also, nice fetishizing Germanics.

>Germany is a dead man walking. Britain is a dead man walking. America is 56%.
Again, Christianity has almost nothing to do with this. You're blaming a series of complex events on a religion during a time where said religion no longer had it's monopoly.

>Everything you pagans use as proof of the white race's superiority was done by Christians, not your tree fucking snownigger cult of the one eyed cum drinker. And now that Europe is collapsing, and everything your Christian ancestors died to build is crumbling, you have the nerve to spit on their graves.
Are you ignoring literally all of pre-christian Europe? How Europe never reached the intellectual and scientific development of it's ancient counterpart until the late middle ages? Leave it to Germaniggers to spoil paganism.

The north Africans that influenced Aquinas were about as white as Augustine of hippo and rumi

So Seychelles is automatically a shit hole cuz niggers?

Flawless logic OP

The Golden Age has little to do with it. Most of Egypt and the Fertile Crescent obviously did not convert right away, if you know about the "Golden Age" you must know this. Especially in the countryside. Besides that, the Indians aand Chinese were not ruled by Muslims, which as I just said, didn't matter anyway. Edward Gibbon also believed they were the most numerous.

No dude the point is ethnicity is irrelevant to a philosophy for living and\or a religion.
Was protestantism uniquely German? No. Maybe Lutheranism? Now how different is Mormonism than Lutheranism?

Christians think of Christmas and think of pine trees. Have you ever seen a pine tree in the desert?

>By the time this golden age happened the renaissance occured along with rejection of the church being the infalliable entity
You seem to forget that the enlightenment was spurred by the reformation. What was that other book Milton wrote? It was Areopagitica and one other. Something he Lost?

Oh and which book did Gutenberg invent the printing press to mass produce? I always forget.

Well, the Islamic Golden Age spread islam through conquest and forced conversion and monetary incentives


There were literally pagan countries in Europe 500 years after non-European missionaries started staying in the Chinese court

Your confusing the Renaissance with the Reformation\enlightenment

Yes, as I said, despite that they remained Christians. Actually read more about the Golden Age and you will know that. Only Palestine/Judea and South Iraq may have been Muslim majority in the 13th century, and I'm not sure about even that.

>this much butthurt

Bow to your superiors

In the ME

Does the individual matter to the people on this board. Or is everything determined by race

I take back "actually read more", that's impolite.

But still, read more.

Unfortunately, like so much of the world, this site has switched from individuality to herd mentality. /pol/ largely consists of brand new users from reddit.

No I was talking about the Enlightenment. The renaissance was a meme. Its sequel was when things really got going.

Reddit BTFO

pretty sure Egypt was mostly Muslim what with the force conversion s and whatnot. No census then

>forced conversions

Read more.

Hey there Pajeet.

>iq in 80's
>smart stereotype

>created nothing
>added nothing to european culture

Hey Mudskin. LARPing as da reel inventors of the automobile, computer, space travel, modern medicine, etc.

it's because of all those inbred muslims.

Did leftypol make this or some Nigger/Sandnigger on Twitter? How does it make any sense to Europeans didn't contribute to European culture?

Reminder that a Nigger automatically does philosophy about:

>Muh Dick
>Them Being Kangz and Black Narcissism
>Whitey Being Mean

Read the Koran

what does that prove? that children are dumb?

the koran is just the low budget remake kid

Yeah but it has the jihad forced conversion bit in there

I don't know what the fuck you're on about, but there's some pretty complex theology behind Islam.