How did France not go communist/socialist after WW2...

How did France not go communist/socialist after WW2? Communism/Socialism seemed to have huge support post-war and seeing how Free France, which was jammed packed full of communists of all types, being the only form of French armed forces after the allies left. So, again, why didn't the tricolore just turn all red?

Same reason as Italy, the Allies (U.S. and the UK) wouldn't let it.

This, plus a very significant contingent of the French public were literal fascists.

>This, plus a very significant contingent of the French public were literal fascists.

The "epuration sauvage" took care of those guys, I don't think it was that important.

Because they never won the elections. As for doing a coup d'état, the leaders of the parti communiste took their orders from USSR and they told them not to, or so i heard.

How did the Allies undermine the commies?

De Gaulle didn't let them

Wasn't the current presidential election system set up pretty much to prevent anything but milquetoast center-left/center-right types from winning?

France is a radical centrist country.

see: US containment policy
-kill the seed of communism/socialism wherever it grows
-go to stupid lengths to achieve this, i.e. Vietnam
-fund literally anything that claims to hate commies
-dictators are preferrable to commies
-dont step over the iron curtain, and fund whatever opposition exists to whatever the reds do

basically a reactionary, delusional, unpragmatic and generally ill-advised strategy that is the source of a lot of death and instability.

>Free France, which was jammed packed full of communists of all types, being the only form of French armed forces

This is wrong. FFI had many communists, maybe a fourth of their strength, but also very, very many far-righters so far-right they rejected the collaborationist government. More importantly, the FFL had no significant communist presence and they had a lot more firepower than the FFI.

The provisional implemented a lot of left-wing measures to appease the communist.

Also the USSR told the French communist party that a revolution was a no-no.

The US used none of the methods you describe to fight communism in France. They simply used the Marshall plan to refloat the French economy.

>The US used none of the methods you describe to fight communism in France. They simply used the Marshall plan to refloat the French economy.
Good prole.

Thats USA policy to dealing with any kind of enemy. First they went to big lengts to support commies in WW2, not trying to stop them doing anything.
Now they trying to do same with Islamic terrorism.

Radical centrism is basically mainlining idealless globalism directly into your veins. When one of the titans of your "ideology" is fucking Thomas Friedman you know you have problems.

it's never been.
France's been socialist or authoritarian for most of its existence.

Why is the media sucking this guy off so hard? He's done literally nothing (not his fault though, he's only just started). All it takes is a couple of terrorist attacks and he's back done to 4% approval like his predecessor.

Because the media is owned by........

he is legitimately homosexual and dates someone from France Inter or something like that

Stalin ordered the Western communists not to seize power because he recognized that such a revolt, even if successful, would end in suppression by America and the UK. At the same time the French Communists, having a huge percentage of the popular vote after the war, believed that they were on the verge of taking over constitutionally. However, 1) their popularity peaked in like 1946 or so after which they maintained a significant minority for decades after and cause 2) despite their role in negotiating a new constitution soon enough the other mainstream political parties, like in Italy, allied made a committed effort to block communists from ever getting a position in government, which was a result of American pressure and the political elites own genuinely rising fears of Communism.

because the media is licking its lips at the prospect of dismantling the French state so global capitalism of the neoliberal order can assfuck the country in the name of "increased efficiency"

Non-meme answer: he represents the last hope of safeguarding French mainstream elite politics against right and left populists.

Macron was literally an investment banker at Rothschild & Co, he is exceptionally well connected.

He's an empty suit globalist bureaucrat from the financial sector who pretty much will do whatever his financial industry and IMF puppet masters tell him to do and helps stem the populist tide. I mean read this sentence...

>In November 2016, Macron declared that he would run in the election under the banner of En Marche!, a centrist, pro-European political movement he founded in April 2016

It's an utterly soulless, vacuous ideology.

Things would be so much better if we'd just fire all investment sector technocrats into the sun.

agreed senpai

>Good prole
This is just the leftist equivalent to a /pol/lack chanting "good goy" instead of actually meeting an arguement.