Anglos did the holocaust

>hitler initially approved a plan to send European jews to Madagascar
>plan was eventually scrapped in favor of the Final Solution because of Br*tish naval blockades

Other urls found in this thread:


>The bank robbers wouldn't have shot hostages if the police didn't stop their escape route
>the police are to blame

>the suicide bomber wouldn't have killed himself if the west converted to islam
>the west is to blame

What would be the best place for Jewishia?

>South Australia
>Ample Rains


What did they mean by these?

He could've, y'know, left the Jews alone.

>implying it wasn't the Zionist who wanted to ship Jews out of Europe

The National Socialist were doing what the Zionist asked them. If there's anyone to be blamed for the deaths in the concentration camps, it's the Zionist.

>I... I had to murder all these innocent jew babies
>th.. the anglo blocked my path,'s his fault
G*rmanic delusions

>muh Jew babbys were being murdered and not taken care of by nurses at Auschwitz

Schizophrenic Anglo Jew delusions

>the anglos made us do this thing that we didn't actually do


>the holocaust didn't happen but it should have and if it had it would have been everyone's fault but the Nazis

That's the single stupidest thing I've read all year.

>Be in the middle of a fucking war.
>Do stupid socio-political upheavals while it is happening.
>"Superior race."

>They assumed that many Jews would succumb to its harsh conditions should the plan be implemented.[4]
What did they mean by this?

The whole idea was another nazi pipedream like creating government policy around a fictional super race.

We've been over this before. Nazi Jewmany did the Holocaust that killed 12 Million Polish-Slovene intellectuals. They did it at the hand of the corrupt, gangster computer communist god.

They didn't want to relocate the Jews for the sake of segregation, they wanted to move them all to a place that could never sustain them all and cause most of them to die. It was essentially the trail of tears on steroids.

because anglos are the real jews.

Go on. . .

Why not just ship them all to Palestine?

>kidnap someone and keep them in the basement
>freeze causes the pipes to burst, flooding the basement, drowning the captive
>wow, the plumber totally killed him
Or you could have not kidnapped him in the first place.