Were their many historical figures throughout the world who seemingly had albinism based on descriptions and symptoms...

Were their many historical figures throughout the world who seemingly had albinism based on descriptions and symptoms? I assumed that most cultures probably either ostracized them as demons or witches and killed them ,considering they were extremely sensitive to the sun and have reddish eyes in more severe cases, or saw them as some type of godly spirit(mostly in some South american). This would be more so in tropical places or in cultures where darker skin and hair was the norm(A.k.a Africa).
Apparently the scientific term wasn't coined until this guy noticed that black people in Africa actually had a high prevalence, hence he coined the term to refer to "white Africans."
Here is some scientific facts for you non Veeky Forumsentists.

Any specific historical accounts?

there* dammit.

Is this a boy or a girl?

Young Boy. Why does everyone keep asking this? How can you not tell? look at his face.

This site thinks everyone under 12 is female.

It also thinks Ken is female and Barbie is lesbian!

I guess, they don't have any kids of their own, live ,or work around kids much. I don't see how one can't tell the difference.

But why then do I pass for a male 6 years younger in the women's bathroom???

I thought he was wearing nail polish.

Maybe you should stop using that site then because it is obviously trash. Just use your eyes and memory. Machines are dumb unless programmed to be perfect.

Besides, were't getting off topic. Is no one interested in the different cultural attitudes towards albinos historically. I feel there is a stereotype in media about albinos being evil or the villains and I want to know how it went far back in history or weather there were more positive representations.

Notice how the Fitbit band matches my shirt most of the time. How many men would actually care about doing that? My daddy only wears a black one 365.2425 days a year.

They're not.

I think it's just lighting or he's just gay/ gender non binary or some shit. It could also be his skin is so pale and thin that you can see the redness underneath. That's less likely though.
I really can't see this being a girl.

They eat them for magical powers in Africa

Sure thing, user.

Can I assume that no one here has anything to contribute to this thread?

>Were their many historical figures throughout the world who seemingly had albinism based on descriptions and symptoms?

Hitler's eyes and skin were extremely sensitive to sunlight, and if you look closely you see that he had lots of freckles from the sunlight damaging his skin all his life.

I've often wondered if he and his mistress were albino with dyed hair?

That would more likely be a case of xeroderma pigment whatever.

I know. Some people in certain tribes Africa think having sex with a albino virgin will cure AIDS.

>r's eyes and skin were extremely sensitive to sun
Did he have astigmatism? I never saw him wear glasses much. I am assuming he either had a moderate form or dyed his hair. However, in this case, unless he had genetic testing it's hard to say for sure.

No, he had presbyopia. He only wore reading glasses. His pupils were also sensitive because of his drug dependence.

so there are no good historical accounts about albinism or what people thought of them?
I heard the 5th Japanese emperor was albino because they described his" hair as "white from birth." It makes sense that Japan might have seen it was more positive in moderate forms due to their love of pale skin.
I don't know how severe albinism with red eyes would be seen though or if this were always the case.