I'm genuinely curious about what I'm about to say, so hear me out...

I'm genuinely curious about what I'm about to say, so hear me out. Why do people feel like they need to represent what their country or race or whatever has done in the past? Consequently, why do people look at citizens from said countries and attribute whatever that country has done in the past with them?

For example, I'm a dude from America so if I walked up to a guy from Mexico and said "remember when WE beat YOU in a war and took California?" why do people find it ok to word things like that? Like he and I had literally no influence whatsoever on the war and now I've just ruined his day for no reason.

I guess it's being nationalistic but what's even the point of that if all you're doing is making yourself look retarded instead of actually doing something to better your country? Is the sense of nationalism developed here similar to the good people feel when they #prayforparis?

I do feel like I'm missing something here though because everyone does it and instead of finding fault in each other's sentences they all kind of just agree that yes I am from this country and I did all these horrible things to yours.

Not sure if Veeky Forums really would be the board for this but I lurk here pretty frequently and I feel like I've seen more off topic threads permitted so I guess this falls under the humanities category.

have you ever heard the saying that patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel?

Because people who aren't rootless mongrels have a biological, mental and spiritual connection to their ancestors.

Is group mentality "haha my team is better than yours! that means I'm better than you too!"

tribalism, in-group mentality
yeah this

>I'm a dude from America so if I walked up to a guy from Mexico and said "remember when WE beat YOU in a war and took California?" why do people find it ok to word things like that? Like he and I had literally no influence whatsoever on the war and now I've just ruined his day for no reason.

But what actually happens is academics telling their students that WHITE people are OPPRESSIVE even TODAY. Basically the mainstream cultural dialogue is designed to provoke people through stirring up resentment among non-whites and guilt among whites.

because apes are not free from their identity spooks
people are, but nobody wants to be one
mammalian politics and ancestor worship
like if it was your grandX100 who build a pyramid or something that has anything to do with you
actually its the most intelligent post here in a while but you're casting pearls before swine

Because most of them are faggots who got nothing going on for themselves.

Tribalism, innate part of humanity, and its never going away until we literally physically evolve into a different species. It's nature, not nurture.

Shitting on somebody else's country that you beat in a war is no different than shitting on their favorite sports team that your team beat.

that's the point
if you read books or at least think sometimes, you have no need for tribal jock culture
actually that should be a given in a culture based on christianity, but it's undestandable since jesus wasn't a christian, he was christ

this. Found it out IRL too. Friends of mine who are creepy shits are now uber nationalists.

>Go to liberal arts school
>Complain it's liberal
Interesting thing to bring up

If that's modern liberalism then it's no wonder liberalism is in a death spiral.

I was thinking on making this thread but worded in a less retarded manner.

Anyway genetics may play a role in it. We are kind of clones of each other, we are physically connected and closely related to each other, and it's normal that we think that if people who are similar, if not directly related to us, did a thing, it kind of speaks for us being somehow also part of that.

It's also pride on your heritage. If I did something, it would be a great honor for me that my children, grandchildren or great grand-children still consider it great enough to brag about it. The whole culture of "ancestor worship" is common trough mankind: the roman pagans did it, the Chinese did it, the Africans and Egyptians and pretty much everyone does it. It's like a child that thinks his dad is the best dad in the world, it's actually quite a positive thing, even if it's validity is questionable.

>if you read books or at least think sometimes, you have no need for tribal jock culture

You are gonna have to justify your claim.

certain prejudices against certain groups of people, formed because of their ancestors actions, can be justified.
there is a high chance that the culture/the ideas produced by injustices against your people have been passed onto the next generation.

>It's also pride on your heritage
that's the problem and not the explanation
>If I did something, it would be a great honor for me that my children, grandchildren or great grand-children still consider it great enough to brag about it
that's just dumb and does nothing for me for example
>The whole culture of "ancestor worship" is common trough mankind
once again, it explains nothing
>the Chinese did it, the Africans and Egyptians and pretty much everyone does it
yeah, every normie does it so let's do the same
you have no critical thinking, do you?
>It's like a child that thinks his dad is the best dad in the world
so that's really dumb and childish. your words, not mine
>it's actually quite a positive thing, even if it's validity is questionable
yeah, no critical thinking whatsoever
>You are gonna have to justify your claim
your entire post says you wouldn't understand or even care


Fine, let's not have an argument then.

It's stupid as fuck if you take it seriously, like racism. Some people just need to feel superior to something.

Don't take me wrong, I'm french and Anglo-french banter is fucking hilarious. It's problematic if you believe it.

This is unironically the answer

My great grandad was a literal war hero who was decorated to the balls and saved literally hundreds of lives

He still said "we" referring to the british, even though it included the benefits scroungers and the eton boys who never lifted a finger because we had "something" in common that no-one could ever take away from us

Its a strange thing, but its there

>implying racism isnt LITERALLY more rational than tolerance

This isnt the fancy edumacated answer but it is the right answer

If you arnt put off by his reputation Peter Hitchens talks about this alot in his books - when everyone has the same culture/religion/stories/friends it creates something a little bit magical which is hard to find now, especially in big cities

There's being proud of your ancestors and then there's taking credit for your ancestors.

Saying "My fathers beat your fathers" is different to "we beat you".

I dont think they are actually taking credit

The very worst case scenario they might be trying to associate themselves with greatness by proxy

I don't think anybody actually says that.

>being a liberal

who said stereotypes wernt based in truth?

My great grandfather kill a lot of Russians. So suck it ruskies your ancestors taste my ancestors bullets, ask your grandmother if daddy came home and tell them that franz killed him.
I don't know op that felt good

>Ignoring the formative and structuring influence that a proper nationalist ideology has upon the inhabitants of a state

Explains a lot about Muhricans on this board.

"haha I have no team you can't beat me killing me just makes me win"

You could easily ask /sp/ the same about football teams.

Hooligan: "remember when WE beat YOU in a football match and took the gold cup?"

But you didn't actually do any of those things. I think that's OP's point.


>supporting a football team is the same as taking pride in something your ancestors built for you and share with you


This whole "muh ancestors" thing that exists on this site never feels authentic.

Always comes across as some larper performing what they think "nationalism" should sound like.

Poetic phrase in the post :)

They are insecure Americans for the most post. We aren't really taught to have a culture or identity other than "American" and we feel jealous of other countries with definitive monoethnic societies, despite the fact that diversity is the reason our country is the powerhouse it is today. And considering how young the country is, this is something to be proud of. We should also be proud that whites and blacks managed to live in harmony after our rocky start, and even fought for each other in several wars. We should be proud of the human rights causes we've championed, we should be proud of all the social progress we've made compared to so many countries we envy. But since the grass is greener on the other side, we have a bunch of people wishing they could become like countries where everyone looks the same and are resistant to change. Our country isn't perfect and we still have a lot to work on, but it isn't nearly what these basement dwellers make it out to be, which they would know if they went outside once in a while. They should even be thankful they have the option to be shut ins and not have to work for a living.

There's a lot we could learn from the Canadians.