Defender of the Christian Faith after 1453

Of all the Christian Great Powers, which has done the most to defend the Christian faith from Islamic expansionism, after 1453, whether intentionally or unintentionally?

> Spain - Reconquista, Ottoman-Habsburg Wars, Battle of Lepanto
> Austria - Ottoman-Habsburg Wars
> Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Battle of Vienna
> Russia - Expansion into Central Asia and ambitions for leadership of Orthodox Christianity
> Great Britain - Conquest of India and destruction of Kingdom of Mysore, Indian Mutiny, influence in Egypt
> France - Conquest of Barbary slavers


Sbein probably

spain or austria, leaning slightly towards spain. really though they should be combined into a "habsburg" option.

Mostly Poland vs ottomans/crimeans/swedes probably. Russia and especially Austria did it for the sake of expansion.

what the fuck, we are and were the bulwark of christianity, we waged war on the turks for long, crusades, battles, sieges, entirey country becoming a battlefield

fucking read about hungary not just parrot the same popular history shit

start with this dude who made it his mission to beat turks

habsburgs were benefitting from turkish expansion, until it was too close, spain only got involved when the mediterrean coastline were in danger, poles only bothered when they wanted the crimea, russia france and GB are actual turk enablers

we did the most, far before the byzantine shitstains fell, we also were a great power back then and fell into a long decline because of it

>1 battle
>entire country collapses
pshh, nothing personal hungry.

England, with the Kings James bible in one hand, and the sword in the other

Ioan of Hunedoara was half Vlach, gulyás.


You'd have to define which christian faith since christkeks had a bunch of them and they eventually got down and started the biggest war in human history up to the point because of it. Pic related.

How is that even a question. Also how do you dare to put France in the list,when they even allied with the turks.

>muh kebab removal
>betray Vlad the Impaler

>Betray Vlad the Impaler
>Get conquered
>Have to be saved by Austria

Great job m8.


you had 2 options, get fucked literally by turks or bow to us, guess being gay was of roman fashion

If you had to fuck over a fellow kebab remover for you own interests then you shouldn't call yourself defender of Europe

my jibba


>no Croatia mentions, at least honorarily
>no Hungary
Austria wasn't alone

Spain by far.

>what is the Russo-Turkish war

Spain reconquered the Iberian Peninsula, expanded christianism to America, Africa and Asia and converted millions of people, whole empires, defeated the turk menace at the Mediterranean with the battle of Lepanto, and was the leader of the "old faith" (catholicism) against the heretics.

There's not much to say.

Forgot the romanians, as always. Yes we were poor and pretty irrelevant but at least we fought with glory, not being lead by someone else's interests.
Everytime when it looked like we kinda rise, we got fucked or by poles or hungarians or russians or the cancer(habsburg)

charles martel

Spain without a doubt

Polish victory in Vienna was by far the greatest victory against ottomans.

>Great power

top kek

>Of all the Christian Great Powers, which has done the most to defend the Christian faith
Only Austria and Poland meet the criteria

Hungarians frequently collaborated with the Ottomans, they were basically their vassals for a long time similar to the other "great" kebab removets, the Serbs.

Overall Christianity or the Catholics?
It would be a debate between America and Iberia essentially.

Spain and Russia...

the UK and France strengthened Islam and shouldn't even be on the list.

Spain made 100 million Filipinos of people who would have become Muslim Indonesians eventually.

OP's post was about great powers. The Principalities do not qualify as such.
What did the Habsburgs ever do to you to deserve that label, by the way?

I cast my vote for Spain; objectively. Gratia Dei.

Killed Michael the Brave.


They were the Turk's best friends in their war against Europe and Christianity.

i hope we let many more migrants into europe now
those those ungrateful swines

bullshit roma propaganda, till tripartition we did not budge one bit, in fact we waged war on turks while you were spreading your asshcheeks for your "freedom"

>Conquest of India
What is this meme? The Brit's never had a big role of stopping Islam in India, that was from the natives themselves.
Hell you can say they unintentionally assisted it because it was due to their presence that the long dead Mughal empire was resurrected.

Firstly, they helped him to unify the Principalities and then they killed him because Principalities were more powerful being unified

In their war against German Imperialism*

America always side with Muslims when they are at war with Christians or with people who protect them.

>Yugoslav wars
>Chechen wars
>Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict
>Syrian Civil War

All examples of U.S. siding with Muslims.

Britain is even worse, they prevented the Russians from taking Constantinople and collaborated with the genocide of Christian Igbos by the Islamic government during the Nigerian Civil War.