Will this shit go below 200 again ? i want to convert another 5,000 USD

will this shit go below 200 again ? i want to convert another 5,000 USD

Under 100 in november

No, it won't. It is seriously going to keep $230-$245 as its new floor.

No $260 tonight $280 tomorrow $300+ in 3days

it will go under $100 its only matter of time

Next major BTC dip this shits going in the trashcan

its not as volatile as bitcoin

when btc crashed it dipped, when btc moons it just goes up 20%

$7 by end of the year, screencap this

fuck i hope not. I shorted at 220 because I'm a pussy.

Sold at 251, I've got a buy order at 230 but I haven't done any actual TA yet. Need to get home and use a real computer. Anyone have any idea what the new floor is?

yeah, just keep convincing yourself that holding this for long term is not a dangerous game


7 cents by tomorrow. screencap this

david seaman seems to think ETH is the long game

the 200 MA is the floor now, pretty obvious

it was significant resistance for a week or so and we passed it

about 225~ so your buy looks about right

if we pass 265 I wouldn't really count on it hitting that floor though

You guys are fucking nuts, this thing hit 130 3 weeks and you are sure the floor is now 200?

i am sure he is respectful and accurate man

Does anyone ever zoom out their chart?


I just zoom to arbitrary levels and look for vague shapes in my tea leaves
I mean graphs

i hope it doesn't break that 250$ sell wall, because its a straight tide up to 300$ and above if it does

im still daytrading coins to increase my eth stash, if it moons i'll ruin my profit