What was your favourite Veeky Forums moment so far this year?

What was your favourite Veeky Forums moment so far this year?

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this is pretty recent

The guy who bought the fake esper on yobit and then lost it all on the dice game

I am the OP from that thread. I really appreciate you guys for that.

hey, that's me...
>tfw you become a meme

Canadian Plumber pasta.

Pink wojaks

Now I kind of want to see it for reasons...

Post the pic you chink


Can you post any proof for that?

I told him to go dice it...

The gods have spoken...




pink wojaks

The day that guy shoved a sharpie up his pooper just for some DGB. I wonder what happened to him.

Luckily you have enough assets left to make up for it.

what happened to that shitcoin? I've never even heard of it

During April and May, there was heavy shilling, and many newcomers didn't fully understand what pump and dumps were. Kids was just one of many coins that were used for pump and dumps (the dumping being done on people who were shilled into buying).

post the chick ffs I want to fap too

Gonna cost you 5 ETH

That guy who took a 10 minute nap and then he got stuck bagholding ants because it crashed right there.

And also obviously pink wojak day

The really funny thing about it was that there is some project in NewZealand called KidsCoin kidscoin.co.nz/
Obviously something different than the dead shitcoin, but it was used heavily (if I'm honest by me too) and people fell for it.

Pic releated is not me

Yeah, I remember they actually made a twitter post about it, was pretty funny.

wheres the thread about the guy who spent a bitcoin on espers on yobit? He then gambled it away and lost it all.

learn to use archive




She's not worth my cum though, maybe some other time

Holy shit, you're right

My fucking sides
That comment


The Pink Wokak psyop and the 0.10$ ETH margin trade

The guy who went all in on POSW with his ETH around 10k sats when ETH was like $200.

Runner up is when a bunch of tripfags disappeared from the robin hood because they went in on DRYS in February.

Pic unrelated.

i have to admit someting. It wasn't 3 btc, but .25 btc....i just inspect-element'd and exaggerated the number for your entertainment....it still hurts though.

he's carrying nothing but bags mate he's gonna get 100% rekt eventually

I made that pic lol. Glad to see people using it.

Great thread OP, my fucking sides are still mooning





one of my favs also

along with the guy who accidentally bet 2.5 bitcoin and lost



finnabro vs bitbay shill

this is beautiful

that cat is beyond me

Teatoken recruiting shills


>Brother Nathaniel

This is by far the best so far.

yeah i remember this, the problem was the fake esp was at 1 sat and no one was buying so he couldnt sell it anyway even if he won


this must be fake, is this the ultimate BAGS portfolio

Has to be this.
Veeky Forums in a nutshell.


that thread where like 5 people stuck sharpies in their ass to beg for btc

>think about the kids!

kek, saved

The guy who bought 9k worth of bcc at $900

It's only one guy though.

did he draw/paint all the pink wojaks himself?

fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk. He put SO much effort and smugness into making that pic too