What We Wuz can get debunked tor the most triggering?

We Wuz Egyptians, Levantines, Persians, have all gotten debunked or debunked harder by recent research. With the not surprising triggering of We Wuzzers be they LARPing Honkeys, Negroes, or Achmeds.

What's left to debunk that'll get the most triggering?

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>We Wuz Persians, has gotten debunked
I beg to differ.


Undebunkable, very solid continuity here. No sarcasm.

Funny enough, that Canaanite study had the sample closest to modern Assyrians as far as Near Easterners go.



Local. But will surely cause butthurt. They have a sense of superiority towards their catalan overlords.

There was a Nubian dynasty so yeah, THEY WUZ FAROAHS AND SHIT

It was a relatively minor dynasty during the decline of Egyptian civilisation centuries after the high Egyptian period, but it is there, buried away.

WEWUZ is usually said by African Americans, though. And there certainly were no slaves brought to the Americas from Nubia.

american blacks generally have no way of tracing their ancestry, so who knows, im sure some nubian slaves made their way into it. dont forget africa was being double teamed by white and arab slavers each inter-trading and capturing from both sides of the continent. the arab slavers had been at it so long there was barely any resistance or dues (unlike the amount of money whites paid to african slavers).


Actually it is fairly certain and well documented that African Americans come from West and Central Africa. There is a very low, if not near-0 chance that there is any Nubian or Egyptian mixture. Also, all 23andme results of black Americans I've seen has confirmed West African origin

What is population genetics?

There was a pretty small number from Madagascar thanks to the French

Thats the only significant number from eastern africa

Plus nubians are not very racially different from southern/upper Egyptians anyway. This whole meme of "muh black Nubian dynasty" needs to die. Nubians are not and were not related to African-Americans. Inb4 that meme national geographic cover

The number of people memeing about we wuz out number actual we wuzers by at least 150 to 1

Modern day turks unironically claiming pure turkic heritage is peak we wuzism.

They are quite literally a mixture of armenians, greeks and slavs having a little larp fest.

>Modern day turks unironically claiming pure turkic heritage is peak we wuzism.

This. I'm Turkish myself and i've traced my lineage back 30+ generations. Lots of Polish concubines and other Slavic sex slaves captured and turned into consorts. I used to always think I was 100% Turkish because my parents are both Turks.

>what's left to debunk that'll get the most triggering?

The original Japanese people as Siberian instead of East Asian :^)

You mean Ainu?

Modern Persians do share significant ancestry with their Ancient Past as PCA autosomal DNA studies reveal. I could give the studies, if need be, but I'm kind of tired of repeating it.

Obviously the We Wuz is talking about Ancient Persians being White/Euro/Whatever.


They can stay We Wuz Catal.

look at east africans hair line that shit starts in the middle of their heads! and lets say they happen to be Ethiopian, thats like the ugliest / easiest african nationality to pick out.
yeah american slaves came from those in west africa too slow or too stupid to get caught.

What triggers me the most are the christian Israelite people who claim that Northwestern Europeans are a lost tribe of Israel.

That shit makes my blood boil like nothing else.

No wonder they both got Turk'd for centuries. It's in the genes.

We don't claim we're 100% Turkish tho. There's a difference between Turkic and Anatolian-Turkish

Modern Turks are anatolian/arabic monkeys. Your ancestors were conquered by Persians, Greeks, Romans, Persians again, Arabs, real Turks and now suffer from extreme Stockholm syndrome.

t. Tatar


There is no biblicial basis for Europeans without major Levantine ancestry having a blood claim.


We already know what the Hebrews were like.

The Persians never beat the Greeks for long tho. They'd usually have the situation turned right around at them near instantly.

But those are Anatolia.

30+ generations? Are you serious? Is this actually possible to do?

This is one thing that sucks about being American, it gets pretty rough just past a few generations.

So how come Niggers and other muds keep getting shoved into historical Europe or settings modeled on it?

Now, we go for the Pajeets


There's always mongol ethnicity.
One of the few written accounts of him points out res hair and "the eyes of a cat", whatever that means. People tend to think of them as southeast Asians, like modern Chinese people. But by most accounts, they seem to be genetically distinct, some sort of mix between germanic/russian and southeast Asian. Chinese accounts of mongols describe them as tall and more light haired, so they were a little more European than the Mao.
inb4 this is misrepresented as claiming WE WUZ VIKING MONGOLS N SHIET, they certainly weren't white, either.

I'be gotta half-agree with this edgy stormfag retard.
When the history channel presents Hannibal Barka as a Kanye West lookalike, and an assassins creed game in Egypt features a sub-Saharan African protagonist, it clearly isn't just 12 retards on twitter going apeshit. Pop culture is what informs most people's perception of history.

you could try debunking people or nobility of north africa as black