Invasion of America WW2

Let's say under the best possible scenarios for Axis powers, how would they invade America? Were there any plans/ideas?

Check out this article where Life magazine made 6 possible scenarios on how Germany and Japan would invade the US:

How feasible were they?

Other urls found in this thread:

Impossible. Germany's navy was very weak and would never have even made it too land. America's industrial capabilities also far surpassed Germany's. Also, Germany would be struggling for manpower while the U.S. still had millions. There's also the American resistance that would have formed behind enemy lines. They would have put Soviet partisans to shame.

>invading America after the civil war

Not even riechaboos could believe this shit

I only skimmed over the plans, but they all look ridiculously unfeasible. Each and every one overlooks that the U.S. had roughly 4 times the economy of Germany, and quite handidly outproduced the entire Axis alliance by a lot. They focus a lot on obtaining naval superiority, but don't seem to grasp that even if this is attained, you need supremacy or near it to try to invade a hostile shore, and even doing so means you need fucktons of supply ships, landing craft, transports, etc. It was hard enough for the U.S. and UK to pull off the Normandy landings, and that was with

>Total control of the Sea
>Total control of the Skies
>Having spent the last few months bombing the crap out of the French railway system to make it difficult to rush reinforcements in
>With a war economy that vastly outproduced the enemy
>Having spent literally years developing specialized machinery just for this kind of warfare; tanks that can roll off of the landing craft, mulberry harbors, the landing craft themselves.

None of those would apply to a hypothetical 1942 invasion of the U.S. And the longer you wait to build up, the more time the U.S. has to do the same, and with a massive economy, they'll build up far faster than the Axis.

If you can't invade England how will you invade the USA with the England and USSR supporting them?

You're kidding, right?
These scenarios are simply ridiculous. They all presume that somehow, the Axis was able to fight in the Soviet Union and Asia and sending out more units to invade the US, ignoring the fact that Anglo-Americans have their own fleets and airplanes. And that's just the initial phase, supplying troops on the other side of the Pacific/Atlantic is basically science fiction.

If they conquered Russia AND Britain they'd be safe from most strategic bombings and would have enough resources to eventually outproduce the US, maybe.

>the best possible scenarios for Axis powers

Okay. Off the top of my head?

Pearl Harbor is a catastrophic victory that completely wipes out America's Pacific fleet.

Hitler doesn't invade the Soviet Union until a lot later, freeing up troops for Sea Lion.

The Lufftwaffe manages to bring Britain to her knees.... somehow?

The Japanese invade America's west coast after successfully routing British forces in Asia.

That's about as god as you're going to get. The only way Hitler's forces are going to get here is if they capture large amounts of Britain's navy, Plan Z actually happens, or it's literally just a quick invasion of NYC to fuck with us with zero intention of long term occupation.

Oh, if you want a shitposty answer, technically speaking both the invasion of the Philippines (A U.S. Colony) and those random Aleutian islands, and midway by the Japanese technically count.

>They would have put Soviet partisans to shame.
Hmmm. I wonder what nationality the writer of this post is.

t. burger

let's see
well first of, Yellowstone erupts somewhere around '36-'38 rendering the entire USA an ash covered wasteland
then a meteor strikes the US navy right as they're all in the same port
and then a magic fairy shows up and teaches germans how to build boats

also the british isles vanish in a puff of logic

t. Ivan

Okay faggots, can we agree that the Sovs and Murricans would probably be about as effective as partisans? Given that Murricans love their guns and the Soviets knew the nazis were going to genocid them?

... Shit, now I want a comic about an all-black anti-nazi partisan force in an invaded America.

Why though?

The absolute knowledge that Nazis want to murder them, conflicting morals since America was also kind of shit for them but they are still fighting 'for' it, not treading on Inglorious basterds by doing the overplayed 'Jews' thing.

I think it would be a neat thing to explore.

>The absolute knowledge that Nazis want to murder them
>Black people in Nazi Germany were never subject to mass extermination as in the cases of Jews, Romani and Slavs
They would have been no worse off than they were under the U.S. government at that time.

A black would be better off in Nazi Germany than 1940's US.


I did not know this. Still, the nazis would've gotten around to them eventually. The Rhineland sterilizations prove that.

They probably would have kept them around for cheap labor. Hitler's way of thought was that since they were 'a people of the jungle', they were naturally more athletic and strong than the average European. At least that's what Albert Speer said about him.

>nazis wanted to rule the world and invade everyone

even hitler stated it was a ridiculous idea fear mongering over germany invading the USA in his speeches.

For this to ever happen germany would have to win in europe. which would essentially be the end of WW2 and then the possibility of another war with USA in like alt. 1980 or something with completely different resources

>successful invasion of America
I mean, why the hell would they walk into Russian partisans 2.0 and they've already got their hands full genociding Slavs (as I assume they succeeded in the East if they're even contemplating invading the US). They would've left that shit to the Japs if they were still kicking, or if they fell they probably would push for cease fire.
the sheer geographical size of America would make policing it literally impossible. To say nothing that we are awash in guns

>using the Mississippi river to move battleships inland to rapidly secure naval superiority
>average depth of the Mississippi river: 3 feet
>average draught of a German battleship: 33 feet

did the person who thought this up even look at one map

>did the person who thought this up even look at one map
the same can be said of literally every other nazi wunderwaffle designs or plans. completely impractical and drawn just for shits and giggles because the reich was already collapsing.

>i mean its not like the allies planned anything unrealistic such as operation unthinkable

There's a difference between a dumb idea that gets converted into a defensive plan against a despot similar to the one you just fought and then there's driving 33 foot deep battleships across 3 foot deep rivers

>muh trillions of red army soldiers

Soviets wouldn't have stood a flat chance in hell.

>even hitler stated it was a ridiculous idea fear mongering over germany invading the USA in his speeches.

Hitler said it was ridiculous that he would ever invade Czechoslovakia. Then he said it was ridiculous to think he'd ever invade Poland. Then he said it was ridiculous to imagine he'd ever invade France. Then he said it was ridiculous to think he'd ever invade the USSR. Notice the pattern here? That's not even a complete list.

>also the british isles vanish in a puff of logic
we've been waiting on that for a while but it doesn't seem forthcoming. It is a silly place.

All of these plans seem to rely heavily on the idea that both Japanese-Americans and German-Americans would actively support any attempt by the Axis to invade the USA.

Not possible

German navy was too weak and even if the Germans did by some miracle manage to land in America they would be destroyed by the U.S Army and would face massive pressure from armed citizenry
Americans can also beat Germany industrially and can field more manpower
