Guess the ICO. It's a guaranteed moon mission and registration just opened...

Guess the ICO. It's a guaranteed moon mission and registration just opened. Figured I'd give back to Veeky Forums for once.

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Nope, It's partnered with them all.


ez DNT

You guys are wrong. Dnt has already had its ico. He said registration just opened and they're partnered with all of those companies...

UHHHHHHHHHH please the suspense is killing me OP. What is iiit?

Closest guess yet. It's not in the pic. You gotta register within 3 days. Figured I'd help biz out for once because I'm a poorfag like most of you but will devote a lot of money to this one.

Aragon seems to be the shill today so gonna go with that.

Please shut the fuck up you fucking shill


simple boolean terms on google got me the answer in 45 seconds

your welcome faggots


Thanks user.

So does the 0x token actually have any value to investors? The developers say it doesn't but I'm guessing that in fear of the SEC.

What will actually make this token appreciate in value other than hype?

>1000000000 coins
>20 dollars each
>20000000000 market cap

eth token .. biz never learns I guess

It doesn't.


Getting sick and tired of these fucking shills

Shills trying to keep you from making gains. Don't fall for the eternal Pajeet fudders

why doesnt it have any value?