What went wrong?

What went wrong?

He lost

He tried so hard and got so far, but in the end it didn't even matter.

Ignoring logistics in Russia and Spaniards aided by Brits in Spain.

Countries wanting to be independent and nationalistic instead of submitting to and fully supporting the glorious culture and lifestyle of the french.

He tried to tie himself to old regimes (such as the Austrians) instead of completely destroying those regimes.

Machiavelli said to destroy your enemies, Napoleon tried to co-opt them in subjugation.

>Let me rework the way you think napoleon conquered Europe.

How do you think one man could have taken over Europe without any uprisings against his name in his own sovereignty? He was one of the few people who believed in a very special word: Liberty. See, at that time in history, peasants were still bound to their king for life, they were not allowed to leave their lord under any circumstance. You live and die by your ruler. Not only this, but women, Jews, and blacks were greatly oppressed under this system. When Napoleon took over, citizens from other countries loved him so much, the literally ran away from home just to become a French citizen. It was so easy for him to conquer Europe because the kings had nobody to fight alongside them. Under Napoleonic rule, women and even Jews were allowed to vote under his name. They were also allowed to own land and learn a trade, something never before heard in Europe.

He went wrong with Russia. The Russian people's love for their tsar is honestly sickening in my opinion (side note, this refers to the people who are under direct leadership and control of the tsar, not Finnish peasants). People will always say "oh, it was the cold and famine and disease that killed him off", and they are not wrong to some extent. How Napoleon usually won was by people allowing themselves to be taken into hospitality by the aid of Napoleon. But, these people were taken out of their homes and their fields burnt crisp. People also say how the peasants burnt their fields, but really it was the Russian military that did so. No peasant family out living in the middle of nowhere would ever sacrifice their fields to an invader given them liberty. Now, when Napoleon finally reached Moscow, the tsar was out partying for a month, because he knew that his own people wouldn't give the knee to a French invader. Winter was setting in, and Napoleon had no choice but to return home from a city that was burnt to the ground by its own inhabitants.

he didnt spent the winter in Moscow like he orgiinally intended to. he got cold feet because some asshole in Paris started a rumor he was dead and defacto took control of the gov (or parts of it, iirc). among other reasons.

and from there it was all downhill really

>He went wrong with Russia.
Despite this post being incredibly wrong,you managed to pin-point the correct meme.

The French army traveled light and lived off the land/peasants, this was all fine in europe were there were wealthier farming communities, but once the french used this tactic in the wide open spaces of Russia (combined with the Russians scorched earth policy) the french were always going to loose the longer they stayed.Wellington was a better general, not only on the battlefield, but also because he could keep an army in the field better through logistics.

He proclaimed himself emperor.

His idiot siblings.

Underestimating Europe's love for Anglo cock.

didn't the coup fail before nappy got back thoug?

Using outdated column formations at Waterloo and causing too high losses

He never had a chance after trafalgar as the UK would always fund his enemies. No matter how many he defeated the British would always fund more. He never had a chance, same with Germany in world war 1 and 2, ignored strategy for tactics.

yeah you might be right, it was only partially a coup but still factored into his decision to leave a good deal iirc
yeah they finally caught on to his tactics by then

Betraying the revolution.

I like Tywin Lannister's perspective more.

"When your enemies defy you, you must serve them steel and fire. When they go to their knees, however, you must help them back to their feet. Elsewise no man will ever bend the knee to you. [...]"

Machiavelli was a real man who's methods were applied in Europe for centuries
Tywin Lannister is a fictional character written by a fat fuck who has never held power

Invading Russia while the war was not yet won in Spain.

Hence the saying: Never invade Russia in the winter


he should have attacked russia IN winter :D

The quote with Tywin Lannister is exactly what Machiavelli said.
Basically destroy your enemies completely or make them so loyal to be irrelevant. .

Never invade Russia in the winter without secure supply lines*

Napoleon captured Moscow and destroyed the Russians at almost every engagement. It was purely an issue of logistics. Admittedly, it would be very difficult to have secure supply lines with Cossack raiders and hussars, but still...Nappy overextended and was too eager for a quick Russian surrender. His greed let to his downfall.

Literal meme mate. Even Wellesley knew Napoleon was better.

>caught on to his tactics
That's not what happened though. That's highschool tier wrong. Attack columns were always quite effective but he wasn't agressor enough and ney threw away all of their cavalry. Not to mention napoleon was napping most of the battle.

During the Peninsular War, after the Battle of Sabugal (3 April 1811), the Duke of Wellington wrote, "our loss is much less than one would have supposed possible, scarcely 200 men... really these attacks against our lines with columns of men are contemptible." [2] These failings were still evident at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815,[3] prompting Wellington to comment, "They came on in the same old way and we defeated them in the same old way."[4][5]

Despite what bongs will tell you the peninsular war was a secondary theatre where Napoleon sent his disgraced marshalls. The fact is the French were winning at waterloo until the Prussians bailed them out.

>Countries wanting to be independent and nationalistic
More like monarch's not wanting to give up their absolute power

the French made him emperor

he saved the revolution first

When did he betray the principles of Liberty, Equality, or Brotherhood? In fact he spread them across Europe. Democracy is no where in there friend.

you realize he lost in the very battles when the english first copied his techniques right. you're correct about the napping but do a bit more research before you post please

the prussians were barely a thorn during waterloo

The same mistake Wilhelm II and Hitler committed later, taking on the entirety of Europe and thinking he was going to win.

Yea but they tried to fuck him over even while he was married to a Habsburg didn't they so that doesn't fuckin work lmao

He only fought the English in the one battle personally. Napoleon didn't just have a couple of tricks. He had a really good understanding of tactics and developed his techniques over the course of his career. You shouldn't reduce battlefield tactics to a couple of formations and maneuvres, especially if you want to be a condescending cunt.

In terms of the actual fighting yes but they arrived at a very opportune time when many of the French soldiers had already been heavily engaged and fighting morale was an issue.


I thought Veeky Forums was a patrician board filled with intelligent people, but the more i lurk the more i realize its the opposite

He inherited France's relations and wars it was involved in and simply kept winning coalition after coalition declared on him.

Napoleon striped Austria of the Holy Roman Empire, and massive amounts of territory.
He did not destroy them or make them loyal, he tried to subjugate them.
Marriage to an Austrian Princess or not.

This. He was a man too great for this world.
European monarchs feared the implications of French freedom and wanted it squashed. Unfortunately for them, they had to squash military Jesus, which proved to be nearly impossible for a while.

Yeah the Hapsburgs had been through enough shit in their reign that they weren't prepared to go out to some minor Corsican.

not predicting Russia destroying itself to "win"

Bull shit, European Monarch did not give two shits about french liberty until they started "exporting it" out of the barrel of a gun.

The eternal ANGLO

>What is the Declaration of Pillnitz

They did not care about french liberty, they cared about the french royal family.

an irishman on a hill