There are people who actually believe today is the best time in history to be alive

There are people who actually believe today is the best time in history to be alive.

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>There are people who actually make these threads

>it's a "everyone was much happier when we were chasing mammoths with sticks. Watching your wife starve to death and kid die squealing in agony from a broken tooth, just builds character!" episode

>most peaceful time in history
>most major diseases eradicated except as lab specimens
>food so cheap and plentiful that obesity and diabetes has replaced starvation as the main health problem in the developing world
>instantaneous global communication allowing unprecedented access to business, art, entertainment and education

No, please, tell us how much all that sucks and was actually the best.

Not to mention we get to ride out on the rest of our natural resources as mass immigration induced by rising sea levels because of global warming becomes more and more of a threat.

Oh well that changes everything! You're right, everything is shit and it was much better to be alive in 1916 or 1618 than have to put up with those things!

>current year
>he genuinely doesn't believe in human progress
How naive

The best time to live was 20 years ago.

>it's a "everyone before the year 2000 was starving to death and living in squalor" episode

No one has ever claimed this

Depends on the country. Modern America is still horrible even if you're super rich, unless you live exclusively in a secluded compound there's still a great risk you will meet blacks, fags etc on the street. I'd say living in rural Switzerland is probably the apex of living standards though.


Veeky Forums is not /pol/ with dates

Worst case scenario but alright, we are built to handle that, unlike the troubles of modern society that slowly grinds you down (at best). 99% of people are easily replacable so people feel like small pointless cogs every morning when they wake up with an unnatural schedule to go work at an unrewarding job the entire day that you never really see the fruits of while your boss goldstein also takes the majority of any profit. Not to mention the clusterfuck of "diversity" that has been shown to be psychologically unhealthy. Or the fact that modern contraceptives have turned the human sexual game upside down. Modern civilization has alot going for it but there's certainly room for discussion regarding its supposed obvious superiority.

Never said it was.

Please fuck off /pol/.

Your views are not sane or rational, and even normies can sense you a mile away.

What a fucking reddit board.

Meh, I don't care if people consider this the apogee of civilization, I'm thrown off by the knee jerk screeching you get when you bring up elements of the past that you like. People seem horribly invested in the state of things.

>even normies can sense you a mile away.
am I supposed to care

reactionaries against reactionaries

>anyone who does not subscribe to my world view should fuck off

>muh niggers and faggots
What refined 'views'.

Fuck off, cretin.

>only /pol/ hates faggots

>my personal sensibilities are offended by your words, therefore they should be barred from public discourse
Fuck off, take your pearl clutching elsewhere. I'm sure you can find some old church ladies to cluck your tongue with

Yeah, it's annoying.

>I like the bucolic aspect of pre-modern soc-
Literally 99% of these sorts of threads. I don't know why so many people believe everywhere in the past was an apocalyptic hellscape.

>I love nigger and faggot culture and want it to spread, and everyone who doesn't agree needs to leave MY board

This is the time when the USA become the United Hispanic States.

It's great to be alive.

>creating Mexico 2.0
Why not just stay in Mexico then?

>country is shit
>go to new not shitty country
>try to make new country like old country
why do non-whites do this?

>ywn live during the Renaissance

Later on is the best time

Best time in history was the 19th century.
>b-but muh disease
most people who survived childhood lived well into their 60s

19th century was garbage and almost all people who lived through it agreed, aside from a handful of rich tycoons and aristocrats.

>invention of socialism, marxism, anarchism and feminism
>sprawling colonial empires wasting resources to build hospitals for niggers while your own people starve to death at home
>civil wars over bullshit in America and Europe
>opium and alcohol epidemic
We could continue all day. Try to read that Spengler's essay analyzing Nietzsche and the zeitgeist of the 19th century.

>invention of socialism, marxism, anarchism and feminism
nowadays all of these are implemented
>sprawling colonial empires wasting resources to build hospitals for niggers while your own people starve to death at home
still brought in more than it cost
>civil wars over bullshit in America and Europe
i'm british
>opium and alcohol epidemic
I just wouldn't use opium
being a colonial governor in africa sounds like a dream

>Not shit

>still brought in more than it cost
That's a bullshit meme pushed by liberals. There were European people slaving away in coal mines and living in total squalor while the empires was too busy building railroads, schools and hospitals in some cannibal shithole full of niggers. The only whites who actually benefitted were rich tycoons, not average Joes.

>nowadays all of these are implemented
Yep, I never said modern times are good. But objectively the pinnacle of western society was the late 17th to early 18th century. 19th century was when the shitpit Pandora's box got opened.

>the bucolic aspect
Pretentious faggots like you do deserve leprosy, though

Blow it out your ass, Jew.

>A country so shit we need to build a wall to keep people out

If USA is shit and Mexico is so great, why aren't Mexicans just staying in Mexico?

Those are just immigrants/mexicans. The people who have COJONES to stay and prospere there are the ones who have a clearer mind. The people who flee to USA are mainly matriarchal nuclear families.

Also, USA will soon become United Hispanic States, so don't worry about that.

>instantly defaults on the antisemitism
You're a parody of a human being.

More likely USA will collapse under the weight of all those gibs. Best possible future is balkanization.

So in other words, USA will become a Brazil or Mexico tier shithole full of crime, poverty and underdevelopment.

Capitalism and education give these countries a chance to prospere progresively. That economic system promotes the intelligent decisions thus, the intelligent individuals are more prone to prospere (trivializing hard). But the system is flawed and will backfire into another "camouflaged" socialdemocracy (capitalism with some socialist policies) if the people don't get better education, what's happening right now on most south american countries and Spain IIRC. Well, mexicans deserve it anyway. They are the clowns of Latin-America.

>muh capitalism
Mexico has always been capitalist. Explain to me how come countries ravaged by communism like Czech republic or Poland are still much nicer to live in than Mexico which never had communism and remains a 3rd world warzone.

I really just wish it was still socially acceptable to own slaves. I don't care what colour, nationality or ethnicity they are, I would just really like to own slaves.

Move to Mauritania or Qatar.

Social democracies don't improve people's lives. If you want a serious analysis we can check the policies and their initial moments when we can start observing them. Mexico has a shit education.

The judicial system is the worst of the world. A lot of villages are living in fear thanks to the cartelate. The politicians don't invest on reformation at all. Almost anything has changed if we compare Spain with Mexico, even though Spain is relatively bad today.

Cartels didn't just pop out of nowhere, all the narcos are ethnic Mexicans.

>But the system is flawed and will backfire into another "camouflaged" socialdemocracy (capitalism with some socialist policies) if the people don't get better education,
Or the social democratic hellholes Germany and France. How horrible to be as prosperous as those countries!

>There are people who actually believe today is among one of the worst times in history to be alive.

Cartels aren't biological spontaneous characteristics. Just so you know, a lot of unitedstatian interventions and corruption thanks to your permission policies with the corrupt puppet politicians of latin-america, made the political projects a stagnant process.

>the people who don't pay for their own defense and regulate the others countries' production so they can't be overwhelmed can say thanks to socialdemocracy
At least you didn't mention the sweden and norway meme.

>thanks to your
I'm not American.

>biological spontaneous characteristics
I believe it is biological. Mexicans were mercilessly sacrificing one another even during Aztec times. Mexican catholics literally created a heretical cult worshipping the fucking grim reaper, it doesn't get any more morbid than that.

>it's the "defense spending is relevant on a macroeconomic scale meme"

>>the people who don't pay for their own defense and regulate the others countries' production so they can't be overwhelmed can say thanks to socialdemocracy
France pays enough for its own defense and defense spending isn't an important factor in modern countries anyways.