Why are sogdians so aesthetic his

I struggle to find a more original looking civilization. They were almost like the perfect mix of the iranian and oriental worlds.

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very aesthetic civilization right here. appreciate the dump user.

I just wish we knew more about them, there is so many fascinating aspects about them like the fact that for a long time they were the greatest merchants of the silk road, to a point that sogdian was the lingua franca for trade in all of central asia and iran.

Today, its spoken by a only a few thousands of their descendants in the yaghnob valley and declines more and more everyday as the tajik government gradually persianizes them...


Seen some similar stuff in Uzbekistan

Bukhara and Samarkand were originally sogdian cities. They were later conquered by a host of peoples from persians to macedonians to turks throughout history but much of the original influences remained.

Huh, so this is the "empty steppe of grass" Mongolophobes keep saying is what Genghis conquered.


They got rich as the merchants and middle men of the silk road. Too bad theres barely anything left of them.


I recall that wall is entirely reconstructed.

It doesn't say it was ever reconstructed on the Wikipedia page and was ccontinually used. It was probably damaged then fixed but not destroyed by Genghis

Sogdians as we know them were already long gone by the time the mongols rolled in. They still somewhat survive to this day in the form of yaghnobi Tajiks, but their culture and civilization was thoroughly assimilated and persianized by the samanids centuries before the mongols.

Doesn't make it much better desu.


Yea man i know this, its just that I'd like to think that some archaeological sites or historical manuscripts would have survived and hence better enhance our knowledge of this underrated civilisation had the mongols not sowed so much destruction in the land.

For all the wanton damage the mongols did, arguably the sogdian cities are all still in use and inhabited today. They were just culturally assimilated to such an extent that they don't look sogdian anymore, but for that i blame turks and persians, not Mongols.

not original enough, im into out of this earth original

This looks like your average siberian nomad with a prehistoric elk desu.

The sogdians looked largely like their own thing, an amalgamation of styles from all the many peoples they traded it from chinese to persian to greek to many others.

Aren't Sogdian a branch of Iranian people? If it is then their culture shouldn't be too different from Persians/Parthians/Bactrians

They are, but they were VERY different in that they were also influenced by the culture of merchants from india and china. Their day to day culture was far more influenced by the orient than persia, evidenced by the fact that they wore silk and mainly practiced Mahayana buddhism and that their art often shows indian motiffs albeit on their own original fashion.

They were literally at the crossroads of two worlds.

Also the peoples you mentioned were barely anything alike.

How many people even speak Yaghnobi/Sogdian today? Is there even a prospect for their long term survival let alone a revival of their culture?

>mainly practiced Mahayana buddhism

waaat. Buddhism was pretty popular there, along with the east of Iran - one of the Abbasid vizier houses, the Barmakids, were descended from a family of Buddhist monastery administrators in Balkh. But in Soghd the actual religion that was practiced was a syncretistic version of Zoroastrianism that wasn't "purified" by Sassanid creation of single orthodoxy.

and Manichaeism later on of course.


Ive heard rumors that it still exists. But no sort of evidence.

Alp Er Tunga*

>Alp Er Tunga

T. Mehmet Mehmetoglu

Bump for this, I find Manichaeism insanely interesting, please tell me more user.

sogdians got ulugbeg'd by mongoloids

>perfect mix of the iranian and oriental worlds.
sogdians are from andronovo, persians were a result of andronovo. iranians were thus influenced by sogdians very early.

the orientals were also influenced by andronovo/sogdians and adopted much of the andronovo civilization and style

dragons is just one very basic andronovo influence on orientals

tocharians/sogdians/bactrians were very similar

that picture makes no sense though why would you even respond

Persians share similarities with Sogdians, Sogdians are Iranics, along with Bactrians and Parthians and Medes

>Strabo, in his Geographica, mentions the unity of Medes, Persians, Bactrians and Sogdians:

>The name of Ariana is further extended to a part of Persia and of Media, as also to the Bactrians and Sogdians on the north; for these speak approximately the same language, with but slight variations.
>—Geography, 15.8

>dragons is just one very basic andronovo influence on orientals
Source? There are neolithic antecedents to what would the Chinese dragon.

They had been gone for nearly three centuries before the first mongol ever rolled into those lands.