At first I thought Veeky Forums was lying to me. Now I'm almost there

At first I thought Veeky Forums was lying to me. Now I'm almost there.


Hello taxes and depreciating assets.

How long you been trading for OP?
Initial investment?

Anyhoo, nice goin'
And if you are going to buy an actual car, get a classic car for like 20-30k

Please don't do this.

Who are you trying to impress with your used lambo? Buy land you stupid idiot.

been at it awhile, total dollar investment at this point is probably around $10k

>implying girls are impressed by land and not lambos

It's astounding how no one on here thinks about capital gains tax.

Also, why the fuck would you spend all your money on a fancy car? The Lambo should be something you buy after you get a nice house and steady passive income.

Capital gains tax is 0% on income under $37,950


>buy Lambo
>rent said Lambo out
You like to be poor

>Also, why the fuck would you spend all your money on a fancy car?

My Lyft tips will be fucking sick

you really want to use your money to impress girls?

what a waste user

Great plan until someone wrecks it, and judging by the kind of people who rent Lambos, that won't be long.

I'm not gonna tell you how to spend your money but focusing on girls is the fastest way to see it go.

>impress girl
>start going out
>marries you
>divorces your ugly ass and takes half of your assets

Does Veeky Forums not realize these are the types of women they are going to attract with money?

Smart & beautiful women are only attracted by a man who owns land, because that's the smart thing to do. Your used piece of depreciating trash will only impress gold diggers & whores.

40k miles kek


fancy cars only impress the sluts, and they'll divorce your ass or fuck jamal and tyrone down in the ghetto whenever possible when you arne't home

besides, if i were a girl, i'd think a nice big house with lots of rooms and stuff would be more impressive than a loud dumb car

Gay MGTOW here, I've seen so many of my friends go down the drain after high school because of women lmao


user I...

>implying I am trying to impress my future wife with a lambo and not just fuck a metric ton of sluts for a few years

>tfw married a woman who was already well off with a job in house while I was still broke and 21 in college with no job prospects
Together we are ridiculously frugal. And I found a completely non-sexual legal way to leverage her, besides tax breaks, to make more money than she spends, so she's technically profitable.


Nope. It has to do with banking in the country she still technically holds citizenship but I don't want to say anything more for fear that the opportunity could disappear or something.

Holy shit. Are you guys really this poor?

That's how it starts. Then you find one that rocks your fucking world. Then she refuses to keep putting out without marriage.

If you combine your long-term capital crypto gains with a fully maxed Roth IRA and move somewhere with a low cost of living, you could retire VERY young and pay no tax penalties

Be wise, buy a Mazda MX-5 RF.

...and if not, give me the money to buy it ;)