Why Monero doesn't go up? It's literally the best coin after Bitcoin

Why Monero doesn't go up? It's literally the best coin after Bitcoin

No idea man:(
Was thinking about selling some to buy OMG, but I just can't do it.

Tbh, the best 'currency' coin after BTC is DCR. XMR is the best 'privacy' coin, for illegal stuff, the problem is that it's a pain in the ass to use.

But don't worry. Monero will prevail. I predict a price of at least $ 300 by the end of next year.

Unlimited supply.

Wow surprised to that, not sure if it's ''the best''but it's ridiculously undervalued. I expected to see NEO NEO NEO as usual.

*to hear that

Bitcoin Cash literally the best coin after Bitcoin
Monero - property of Poloniex
just Pump&Dump

Vulnerability issues.

Is litecoin a shitcoin?

Yep. Once the 'lightning speed' transaction comes to btc, it will crash.

>No one has claimed the bounty for tracing an XMR transaction

yes. it is just for olds who think they missed the boat on BTC.

>Why Monero doesn't go up?
It's simple: people don't want to hold a coin that can't be traced. It's risky.

>Half of the world trying to track wannacrys hackers monero
>No one can trace them
>Durr it's filled with vulnerabilities


>Using encryption is """risky"""
>Threading your own post

Really makes you think

It can't scale.
Look it up, its transactions are 30x larger than Bitcoin's.

Everyone knows it's the best money. That's why it's top 15 with basically no use but darknet. Just wait for the developers to make better wallets. Once it's easy to use, it continues its ascent.

It's a good coin, but it's OVERPRICED.

I use monero but i wouldn't invest in it

> nobody seeing that monero is following the trajectory bitcoin originally had

one day you newfags are going to realize that anything rapidly increasing in value is pump and dump. People buy in on waves trying to satisfy their FOMO greed, and then wonder why they only ever turn small profits or worse, buy at the peak of a wave they expected to keep climbing and have to sell dejectedly a week later when its obvious to them its just going to go down the drain... too late.

stability = HODL. The price will increase, slowly but surely.

Once again, BTC and XMR are the only coins with any *actual* value. Everything else is a scam, thats not to say you shouldnt try to exploit scams, but realize that loud FOMO proclamations are almost always someone who is in on the scam, either knowingly or otherwise, trying to get you to buy so they can cash out.

use your brain, if you are investing in a technology, ask yourself what *use* that technology *actually* has. If its nothing but its still more valuable than better techs, its because its a scam, and time will prove that true. If you are going to get involved with a scam, do so knowingly.

>its been 6 years

>still no lightning speed for btc transactions despite satoshi recognizing the issues in 2011


This. Monero is something you invest a lot in because it just goes up slowly over time. People need their drugs my dudes