World War II was already over in Europe by D-Day (June 1944): Germany could not have won the war then...

World War II was already over in Europe by D-Day (June 1944): Germany could not have won the war then, especially after the 1942-1943 Stalingrad battle.

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Based Bomber Harris.

So they should have surrendered then?




Stormweiners out in full force tonight. Maybe Hitler shouldn't have begged for war with expansionist policies.

Glad for every German death and rape of their women by Russians.

If Dresden was really bombed where are the bodies????



>Maybe Hitler shouldn't have begged for war with expansionist policies.
Germany sent multiple peace offers to Great Britain. It was the eternal anglo who wanted war

>Start a World War less than 30 years after the last one.
>Invade 11 countries, 6 of those being neutral in the war.
>Begin to genocide people for the lulz.
''Come on guys, we just want to live in peace!''

Ah yes, and the Confederacy sent mutliple peace offers to the Union but Lincoln the tyrant wanted war at any cost!

Is the War "over" when one aide can no longer progress or is it over when side declares a loss?

Bodies dont burn that fast even in modern furnaces. Dresden didnt happen

To be fair, the Confederacy didn't actually invade Union territory for the first year of the war. They only changed that policy in response to the Union's continued occupation of large swaths of the South and even then only their incursions into Union territory were done with the intent of forcing Lincoln to sue for peace and then withdrawing rather than permanently annexing it.

>Trusting Goebbels
>Job title was literally minister for PROPAGANDA

>World War II was already over in Europe by D-Day
Hindsight. The mark of the true amateur.

They invaded union territory the moment they declared their secession. It was treason against the republic, and the fact that the union didn't hang every single man responsible should be testament to the fact that the southerners get merciful treatment.


You remember America was founded on a treasonous rebellion against the British Crown right?

We should have just destroyed germany after WW1

>Germanicus should have exterminated the Germans

Bomber Harris can't hear your bitching over the sound of London, Coventry, Southampton, and Liverpool rebuilding themselves after near total annihilation.

You can't actually prove this actually. Especially when a WW2 without the US and the UK involved means that Germany will have more soldiers due to less fronts to worry about, no bombers fleets fucking up their cities and demoralizing the population while getting lots of german pilots killed and the Russians will have significantly less supplies available to fuel their offensives.

>World War II was already over in Europe by D-Day (June 1944)
Then surely there was no need for this

The 13 colonies had a good and legitimate cause, no taxation without representation in the crown's government.

The south rebelled because they wanted to keep slaves.


I can't decide whether that's pure stormfag stupidity or standard stormfag duplicitous stupidity.

>the 13 colonies had a good and legitimate cause


Most would consider rebelling against the government that spent a fortune protecting you from the French and Indians over stamps and tea to be petty at the very least (that's the whole reason the taxes were implemented in the first place).

Rebelling to keep the cornerstone of your entire way of life seems somewhat more understandable, even if that system is repugnant.