I hate posting on /pol/ because they're so god damned retarded

I hate posting on /pol/ because they're so god damned retarded.

I do feel like this is Veeky Forums related just it's singularly European related.

First off I'm a white supremacist, I am National Socialist and Atheist but if Libertarian Christiandom is what saves us then that's what I am.

So my question is, should atheism be considered the de facto spirit of Europeans going forward? Hitler was effectively atheist, as was most of his party's leadership. Living in America we have a strong identity for Christianity as being a fundamental part of who we are. I understand that's not necessarily true for Europeans, but rest assured it's for Americans.

Open to discussion either way

Also I feel a doctrinal atheism should be considered European spirit? Like European atheism, if you will. Such that Islam is a destructive religion, perhaps also that human progress should be second to European progress... some base uniting philosophy. We should have some sort of unity on this level because the disunity is literally the biggest thing killing us. Not everyone is going to jump on board with us due to race.

The historical context relies on how this applies to other cultures in the past and how past 'European spirit' was conferred

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>I'm a white supremacist
Stopped reading.

Sorry, it had a lot of good thought. It just had to prefaced otherwise it wouldn't be honest

Laicity >>> state enforced atheism.

>they're so god damned retarded.
So are you
>First off I'm a white supremacist, I am National Socialist and Atheist but if Libertarian Christiandom is what saves us then that's what I am.

I wouldn't say it should be state-enforced, although it's open to that, it's simply an accepted European atheism we all mass-adopt for the sake of the unity.

The issue with laïcité is that it destroys the union of the people. We've seen the direct consequences of this in Europe and to a smaller degree in America. Not saying religion is the sole cause of this, nor is secularism, but we can see a benefit to a unitary philosophical background for the populace

>First off I'm a white supremacist, I am National Socialist and Atheist but if Libertarian Christiandom is what saves us then that's what I am.

>First off I'm a white supremacist, I am National Socialist
Why even include this in your post. A lot less people are gonna take you less seriously than if you didn't even include it in the first place.

Anything interesting on the matter would be appreciated. If there's something Veeky Forums is more than /pol/ it's having the ability to argue against ideas in an effective manner, but I feel there are many other conversations I'd have to delve into with you before we could speak about this. Apparently.

See, Laicite needs to be combined with an extreme degree of civic nationalism.

Religious fundamentalists would be viewed as unpatriotic and potentially dangerous.

Of course, it didn't work for Turkey, but what does.

How are south Asian (southeast Asian?) and Austronesian considered a different race?

I know it was copy-paste. Veeky Forums can't be that incapable of seeing the points for what they are though, right?

It's a fairly novel point and I've presented it intellectually, whatever baggage you may bring about the term white supremacist.

Ask /pol/. If your post is serious and have a lot of thought in it, there will be serious replies too. There are still some genuine posters there. Just ignore shitposters. Good night.

Don't bother trying to rationalize the image, he got it from Facebook

>First off I'm a white supremacist, I am National Socialist and Atheist but if Libertarian Christiandom is what saves us then that's what I am.

The fun part about Stefbot is that he has a video to refute every other video.

Since he essentially reversed his positions on everything since the car days, back when he worked for a living.

And his film reviews are top shelf, 10/10 every time.

Is there another fash that needs bashing?

Haplotypes is one, but I mean besides darker skin colors and lower iqs there is health issues and responses to medicine that differ.

Why civic nationalism? Doesn't that, in effect, promote the same kind of disunity that secularism, in the modern sense, does?

nice falseflag

How the fuck can you be a atheist nazi?

I've posted four or five heavily right wing topics that have been skipped over.

I can speak clearly on the matter.

It's still a stable point. Committing the meme's fallacy is not similar to changing your viewpoint over your life.

I've been wondering this myself.

It's obvious that human societies require some kind of underlying ideological framework, I've spent a lot of time trying to figure out whether such a framework can exist in the total absence of either religion or ethnicity.

Civic nationalism is an example of a unifying creed that isn't religious or ethnic, and it seems to have worked well enough for America and Western Europe so far.

I still get the sense that Western civilization is going to get smacked upside the head by Chinese and Muslim societies, which have a stronger sense of common purpose.

you're gonna hate me for this, but i believe that religion has more of a unifying power than atheism (at least christianity does) because under God, according to scripture, all are equal, which means that it is more easy to follow. It doesn't exclude anybody and all anybody wants is to be accepted by their peers, deep down inside.

A 'fashing'?

I grew up very atheistic and I can't bring myself to believe in a spiritual power, especially the ones described in every religion I've seen ( not many just the larger ones ).

Again Hitler was effectively atheist as was most of the Natsoc party leadership. I don't think religion matters. Saving our race does

Goddamn how are the mods this bad at their one fucking job

>Libertarian Christiandom
Guild mercantilism basically fits the description.
The communist Balkan states were irreligious and secular and they all went to shit once they abandoned that.

Judaism doesn't have this 'equality' clause, and many philosophies do have this equality clause. So I don't think those are the issues.

I agree it worked well but that's only because the societies were civic nationalist in a nominal sense. Race percolates through all issues and I think we're seeing the breakdown of our society due to this. It's easy to call yourself a civic nationalist when all the immigrants are just poor, hard-working Germans. When it's dindus and suicide bombers it's a bit more difficult to justify.

pardon me, but what are you asking exactly?

You will not find a home here.

There's a key factor for the future of the 21st century that we simply don't know yet.

Is the "J shaped" fertility curve real?

If so, will the industrialized world hit the rebound?

If so, demographics would go from being strongly dysgenic to mildly eugenic, and the desire on the part of business for mass immigration would subside.

The best thing that a white nationalist could do for America is try and make it as cheap as possible for people in 9 to 5 jobs to have kids, as cheap as possible to put children through college, and as easy as possible to access abortion.

I'm saying I don't think religion solely has a more unifying power than Atheism. Philosophy can sometimes have a stronger unifying power than religion, such as Communism in the East.

I feel like a European atheism has the potential to be the single most unifying factor for Europe against degeneracy

Europe can only be saved through unironic deus vult

Honestly, i can see it having a potential to unify, however religion is very comforting to those afraid of death. They would be more willing to fight in case of war if they believed their death wouldnt mean the end.

See, you have to try and define degeneracy.

It's very difficult to pin down complex social and psychological dynamics, but you'd want to describe each specific component of degeneracy as much as you can.

For example

>lack of concern for future of nation
>lack of concern for future of family
>selfish or anti-social actions
>violent aggression

All of these have different factors that tie into them.

I'm more of a Veeky Forumsizen because I find Veeky Forums to be terribly ignorant but I prefer Veeky Forums to pol

I agree, but it's simply not been the case. Most intellectual discussion on this in the mainstream has been demonized through fear of facing what is impeding either way.

Also if we start talking about this subject, we would have to start talking about other subjects that are related to it such as Post-Modern Architecture: youtube.com/watch?v=GapUEKYLE1o

Meme literally describes what happens in statist society anyway.

Yeah but I don't want to limit the conversation to simply those topics as I referenced as the end of this post with the Architectural point

There's a fundamental root point to this. It's a promotion of religious secularism and even 'economic secularism' promotes passiveness in the face of more aggressive cultures.

I'd personally be satisfied with

>high levels of patriotism
>high levels of life satisfaction/fulfillment
>high social optimism and political engagement
>low levels of antisocial or self destructive behavior
>strong tendency towards trust and cooperation among citizens of the same nation

Because we need that shit in order for the Chinese to not eat us alive.

>I've posted four or five heavily right wing topics that have been skipped over.
How about 8/pol/? It's more serious over there. I don't think Veeky Forums is really good for discussions like this. There are a lot of trolls here too.




>I'd personally be satisfied with
>>An utopia
>Because we need that shit in order for the Chinese to not eat us alive.

Well, then we better start drenching ourselves in soy-sauce...

I disagree.

Society does have a solid moral base for people, it's the one that you seem to have based your morality on. Humans are all as human as each other. That's the myth modern society is based on. It raises more difficult questions than the simpler 'only we are human' myth of earlier societies, and we argue about them all the time.

Specifically, I want us to be better at those things than the yellow peril.

Everything after that is gravy.

Then your wish is already true for most of those.

>Separates East Africa when West Africans were just as, if not more so technologically advanced in some areas
>forgetting that not all East Africans look like that
>Putting all blacks that aren't Horners into one group
>putting all Europeans in one group
>with the exception of the Pygmies, picks the ugliest photos for every group

By the way, there are only 5 "actual" races. 6 if you include Pygmies, 7 or 8 if you include Negritos and Melanesians, but no one cares about manlets. I hope you didn't make this picture OP. 10/10 made me booty bothered.

this is the same problem with islam, you can't have a state sanctioned religion what you need is classical liberal ideology not this sjw bullshit

Austronesians are literally from Taiwan, they are Southeast Asian. You are confusing them with Australasians, a

*a dark skinned people that range from Melanesians to Abbos. Some even have blonde hair.

I actually did mean Australasians but it still applies. South Asians, such as Indians, have developed complex systems of government almost organically. I'd say they are the third or fourth most complex racial culture to have existed. Although all mongrels look rather similar there are fundamental differences between an Indian and a Malaysian and certainly more than Taiwanese (although I consider modern Taiwanese to be East Asian if they weren't always considered so).

The chart is missing the groups from Mesoamerica and the Incas. By the chart's logic, it would be at the top. It's also missing the natives from the Amazon.

I didn't make the meme but West Africans are different from East Africans in a biological sense. They have different Haplotypes and have spawned different cultures comparatively. It's good to make the distinction although in my opinion, in the end, it doesn't matter. I personally would make another distinction and get rid of the Indian before Aryan so it can include the Iranians/Persians/Shias who I consider to be the backbone of past Middle Eastern cultures.

Also all the photos are rather typical of what they look like just some pictures are chosen to exaggerate the look (like Dravidian) because it's more accurate. I'm rather impressed by all the pictures excepting the Khoi-san, which I have no experience or knowledge of. Having literally met and conversed with many Congans I would say Negroid is a good depiction of them and Australoids have not shown me any other look for them. They're possibly the most homogenously looking fellas I've seen. Also I don't know anything about pygmoid and how that facial structure relates but I have to give deference to him probably knowing what he's talking about.
Also Amerindian looks like he got a more white example.

If the maker of the meme wanted to he could've split Europeans up 3 more ways or even 50 other ways but it makes a good general distinction that is rather correct.

>So my question is, should atheism be considered the de facto spirit of Europeans going forward?
Considering how nonreligious most Europeans are, I think that's the direction it's headed in, broadly speaking. Like birth rates, religiosity is inversely proportional to national development and prosperity. People seem to be happy enough without a belief in god, but there is no way to know if this will really be good or bad except to wait and see.

>First off I'm a white supremacist
>I hate posting on /pol/ because they're so god damned retarded.

Really makes you think.

I don't think mesoamericans built unique and prosperous societies considering they never inspired others to contemporary kingdom and always failed. They didn't have a complex religion, despite Hollywood movies telling you otherwise, and had no philosophy I'm aware of that extended past hunter-gatherer information.

Yes, they discovered how to farm, in the most habitable and obvious place for farming to exist and they discovered writing on their own. They "rarely build prosperous and advanced societies." I would argue it's simply never happened for the Amerindians, not any different than Austronesians or East Africans anyways

He's not wrong. I can't imagine anyone over 18 wanting to use /pol/ regardless of their own politics.

>First off I'm a liberal
>I hate posting on Tumblr

Doesn't really make one think. /Pol/ isn't definitively right wing. I'd argue William Buckley wouldn't enjoy it so much either. It's good for shitposting and normies but when you want substantial conversation you move towards lit

>I don't think mesoamericans built unique and prosperous societies considering they never inspired others to contemporary kingdom and always failed. They didn't have a complex religion, despite Hollywood movies telling you otherwise, and had no philosophy I'm aware of that extended past hunter-gatherer information.
are you literally retarded

Do you honestly believe one can have "substantial conversation" with an American that identifies as "National Socialist and Atheist but if Libertarian Christiandom is what saves us then that's what I am"?

Do you have an actual rebuttal to that? I don't think any anthropologist would question what I said. I brought up the Hollywood movie point because even the people making the movie would tell you they had a rather simple culture. If they were white or middle eastern they would look really insignificant and wouldn't have achieved almost anything that they did.

Well I'm op so yes. I write papers on the subject and have written a novel

Are you pretending to be retarded

see this

wew, lets see those papers then

If it's alright with you, I'd prefer to just let my conversation in here be the judge of my point

How many years have you been single

I'm more interested in those papers.