What was the real cause of ww1 and ww2?

Was it really the british fault for ww2 for putting germany in unbelievable debt and also ww1 for not choosing a side until germany had no choice?

German imperialism.

Bosnian Serbs are to blame for it all

German autism.

This breaks out rather than the fourth Balkan war because of Prussian autism
This breaks out because Prussian autist junkies think they can get this socialist to dance to their fiddle

Where did this meme come from? Stormfront? Virtually every history book portray France as anti-German and Britain as pro-German during the Paris conference. Same thing happened later when the French and Belgians occupied the Ruhr.


the Serbs desu.


What? IT was the Frogs.

DESU the frogs are responsible for WWI too by allying with Russia. No one should ever ally with Russia. It's not right.

> Literally no-one mentioned Austria-Hungary yet.

What magic has the Eternal Habsburg worked on your minds?

Definitely the Germans fault.

When looking at WW1 recent scholars have favoured looking at the short term reasons rather than the long term aspects as being the most significant to causing war.
Check out "July Crisis" by T.G. OTTE

Adding on to this the usual conclusion is "blaming" the mistakes/indecisions of all the countries involved - however stress is placed on Austria, Russia and the Germans for the ultimatum, the early mobilisation and the blank cheque respectively.

The British/German naval rivalry was over by 1913
In summer of the 1914, two weeks before the July Crisis, someone at the foreign office declared "they had never seen such calm waters".
Blaming the british/German rivalry for war is certainly weak.

t. butt blasted krauts

Is it really imperialism if it's happening from a loose collection of Germanic tribes?

I'm part Hap so a literally depressing amount.

Nice 6th Grade Knowledge

Le Weltpolitik XD



Must be nice still living in the 1960s

It's true, just accept it Germaboo.

>Was it really the british fault for ww2 for putting germany in unbelievable debt
The fr*nch did that, the british were much softer.

This debt wasn't "unbelievable". It was certainly possible to pay it. But retarded Germs preferred to destroy their own economy with printing money than paying reparations.
It's baffling how anyone can defend German Empire or Weimar Republic. I'm not even talking about the Third Reich, because only complete cretins can defend it.

Exactly, the reparations were constantly reduced and they didn't even pay much of them off in the end.
If anything it was more the perception of the treaty that led to radical parties to be able to exploit it and scapegoat it.

Many people just look at the economic aspect of Weimar and fail to look at its political side too. It's democracy was so fragile (a coalition government collapsed over a flag choice in 1925) that intertwined with economic issues these scapegoating techniques were very successful.


"Golden years" my ass
So many underlying problems during these years

t. bratislav

literally just a couple generals really really wanting to kill and take land.

Fallout from the French Revolution

>Falling for the Longue durée meme

The Tsar was upset that people were starting to see his country as the retarded waste of space that it was. So instead of continuing his quite successful policy of modernizing and Industrialization, he stuck his dick into the meat grinder that is the Balkans. Meanwhile, the German high command is shitting a brick at the thought of an actually competent Russia checking their goals in eastern Europe, so they jump on the opportunity to permanently cripple Russia

what a fucking puffter