I'm about to put a full leverage long on eth/btc. how much money am i about to lose?

i'm about to put a full leverage long on eth/btc. how much money am i about to lose?

why dont you do something smart like Short clam coin

this shit cant sustain its current height

Keep us posted. Your about to either make big or lose big. Get your wojaks ready, gentlemen!

because i don't want to short a market where 50% swings are seen as low volatility. eth has some updates coming and btc just boomed so i figure nows a good time for the long.

wait for it to reach 3900

wish me luck

May the Force be with you.

You can do it!!!!! CMON OP KEEP US POSTED!

Might do the same, op. Just gotta convert my ETH to BTC.

you can leverage eth to long eth on polo
just move eth into your margin account and the btc magically appears there at 2.5x the value of your eth

Good luck you crazy user

>He thinks the Flintstones was set in the past

a bit high, i guess. consider abandoning ship

op here

the reason i'm long on eth is that segwit is a false god and people are going to start realizing it about now. that's the theory anyway.

segwit and blocksize increases are linear network capacity increase and bitcoin is growing quadradically. without something like pos or sharding it's impossible for bitcoin to stay afloat.

Wait. BTC not done yet.

LN 1.0 is almost ready. Segwit activation in little more than a week away. You're making a mistake.

interesting hypothesis. I would argue against it with Metcalfe's law, which states that the value of a network grows quadratically with the number of users.

ln is going to be a huge disappointment. its basically what exchanges already do now except with more security. its not a scaling solution

I agree, this is a setup for a huge crash in BTC

>Its basically what exchanges already do

Lol no. Chunk shills pls leave.

off chain micro transactions that are settled on chain in a single transaction

it's the exact same shit, only with ln you don't have to risk getting gox'd. if i was a shill i wouldn't be pointing out the obvious upsides to it.

the downside though is that on chain transactions will still cost a few dollars and that price will only increase over time unless btc implements proof of stake and sharding

op here, getting wrecked, might need some wojacks soon
moving more cash into my margin account to dollar cost average
bitcoin is doing better than expected

can someone explain whats going on here? no coiner here trying to learn about bitcoin :^)

i'm on polo, and i'm borrowing money to buy crypto. they let you borrow 2.5x as much as you have to speculate with.

i'm speculating that eth will rise a larger percentage than btc in the future, since btc just had a big rise.

so far i'm getting wrecked because btc won't stop rising. but it's part of the game, i'm already up 5x from my initial investment from other margin trades

as long as i don't get margin called i should be fine.



When will you idiots fucking learn? BTC only goes up on the long term. ETH is a boiling frog

last time I used a cold bitcoin wallet to sync to the main blockchain it took 6 hours.

That was a long time ago though so maybe its changed but if it gets worse the
n bitcoin will lose value.