What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

he was German
Causing world wide wars is in his nature

Telling him not too would be like telling an American not to bomb someone.

Or a Russian not to be controlled by a dictator.

(((Karl Marx)))

>implying Jews put nationality over their ethnicity.

Ah yes. It was because he was a Jew. That explains why every relevant international war in history was in some way caused, or influenced, by Germans or Germanic people.

But hey, keep blaming your Jewish strawman Hans.

I'm a Slav and I agree with the Kraut.

The exploitation of the working man at the hands of capitalists, according to himself. Also Jews. Marx hated Jews.

Well both krauts and Slavs use the Jewish scapegoat to justify how they spent half a century respectfully trying to destroy the entire world, by forcing their retarded ideas on other people. So it's not much of a surprise

>it's not the jews, it's everyone else!

What a profoundly retarded retort you just made. Not even him.

You do realize i'm talking about Adolf Hitler just as much as Karl Marx or Joseph Stalin in that post. Yeah?

>Karl Marx was German maymay

Marx wasn't German and Stalin wasn't a Slav. Only Hitler fits the bill of your previous post.

Anyone who thinks modern neo-liberal hegemonic capitalism with its unrepentant class-war is a good idea, is either an absolute cuck, or a cosmopolitan bourgeois parasite that should be flogged publicly.

Never worked and thought he knew more about the world than he really did. Then charlatans and people who didn't know better liked his work and the rest id history.

Having a job is not being exploited.

He was born in Germany. That makes him much more German than Hitler.

And Stalin was only not a Slav if you don't consider Georgians Slavs. But Nikita Khrushchev was a Slav. And he was objectively worse when it came to forcing his retarded ideology on others.

>he was born in Germany
First, Germany didn't exist when Marx was born. Second, a dog born in a stable is not a horse.
>you don't consider Georgians Slavs
Nobody considers Georgians Slavs unless he's a complete idiot.

>khrushchev worse than stalin
???? Literally how?
Catastrophic 5-year plans?
Massive purges?
All of these under Stalin, and Khrushchev's policy of de-Stalinisation was undoubtedly a good idea.

he nearly got punched out a bar for telling a bunch of englishmen that they were inferior to germans in every way

did German people not exist until the nineteenth century?

>what the fuck was his problem

He was a constant drunk looking to live a party lifestyle. No seriously.

When he was going through school he would constantly drink with freinds, became president of some fucking drinkers club or some frat and then his dad moved him to a different school and told him to stop drinking.

Later in life he would get fucking wasted with friends, enter bars, pick fights with the patrons (famously said that the Brits produce nothing of value with Germans produce all relaevent culture), would leave the bar before they got their asses kicked, then would throw rocks at street lamps causing them to break, because you know...Fun!

His whole philosophy was based around the fact that he believed everyone should be equal in all walks of life, which would make sense considering all he did was drink and "be philosophical".

He would have been forgotten in the annals of time if it were not for Russia picking up his politics.

In short Karl Marx was nothing more than a rambling drunkard, who had an idealized fantasy for the world.

>implying all of this is a bad thing
you must be lots of fun at parties

Can you imagine how amazing leftism would have been without the lingering shadow of Marx? Without the 400 million dead?

It's all well and good until a whole country adopts his drunken ramblings. IT would be like asking a frat boy how a country should treat taxes, or how to run the military. He would have little to no clue, but you would bet he would pull something out of his ass.

It would have been awe inspiring to see Karl insulting a whole bar before slipping out into the night laughing, with not a scratch on him.

But that fun and awe ends when he talks about things out of his depth.