What's wrong with Arabs having a Caliphate? Jewish people have Israel

What's wrong with Arabs having a Caliphate? Jewish people have Israel.


Israel is secular. Go die.

I wish them luck in that endeavor, but don't expect the West to let them have it without a fight. They will have to win their Caliphate through force of arms and prove that they possess the mandate of heaven.

There's nothing wrong with that as long as they built it on their own land and remain a cooperative partner

They can never unite while Israel is there.
"Economy > Religion" has been the standard since forever.

Would the establishment of a new caliph be a positive thing for Islam today? The idea of uniting all the Muslim nations is stupid, they were never united in the first place, it was always a matter of one tribe dominating the others, but a Vatica-like city state headed by a new caliph is certainly within the real of reason.

The hard part would be picking a guy that most Muslims would be okay with.

It's overlaid on top of Israel; there is no Israel in the Levant.

The middle east during Ottoman era was definitely more stable than it is today though, in the end traditionally multicultural society like ME are better under empire state rather than a Nation state, once nationalism erupt there its basically turn into religious-ethnic genocidal mess, similar to Balkan post Yugoslavia

Abu Bakr already declared himself the Caliph; ISIS the population of his Caliphate.

The Turks are also making moves to replace ISIS and Abu Bakr with their own Caliph, and take over the caliphate building business.

The problem is that Islam is garbage and should be removed from the earth.

It's a mistake to separate religion and culture as they are not mutually exclusive

>once nationalism erupt there its basically turn into religious-ethnic genocidal mess
that's only because arab nationalism failed, so people fall back on sectarian/religious identities instead. under arab nationalism all religions could have been included. same with yugoslav nationalism which also failed spectacularly after tito died.

>Italy and Greece divide the Muslims states
Give me a break OP, those nations themselves are divided by American-Jewish Hegemony. I can even understand if you have the G7 or something but putting Greece in there is just stupid.

>secular jewish state
it's a silly concept

I'm pretty sure not all arabs want a caliphate. Some are nationalists for their own individual nations.

The Baathist project also discriminates minorities like Jews (understandably), Kurds, Persians, etc. who at that point have lived there for thousand years and are as native as Arabs are in their area

Is this a real photograph??

dont encourage the arabs

>being native makes them desirable

Its not even about desirability, its about keeping the peace and stability which works before under Ottomans/caliphate and ruined afterward by nationalism
Under under previous system, each ethnic and religion are divided between villages in which in one region can be very homogenous and diverse at the same time, after nationalism, ethnics create war between each other to make a whole region theirs and homogenous, this is the reason why for example, Christian Assyrian minorities, who have lived side by side with Kurds for centuries, are now being wiped out by the Kurds as they wanted their own homogenous state in a once highly multicultural place, in a way, similar to Israel, and this happens everywhere

If they don't invade western lands why is it the west's business?

I believe in the Clash of Civilizations theory, but it's hard to have a united Islamic front when you have different factions warring with one another to be top dog. There's no unity between these sects, as they all try to kill one another and see them as no better than us American infidels. There is also no core state, but Saudi Arabia, Iran, and what now looks like Turkey vying for that top spot.

Maybe in 100 years when they get their shit sorted out they could, but I have a feeling the West is going to get sick of the ME's shit within the next few decades and do the unthinkable.

>Israel is secular.

Someone is ignorant to the rewritting of Palestinian history going on right now. Zionist Europeans won't even call the West Bank the West Bank. They call it "Judea & Samaria" now. They are fucking LARPers. Jews have connection to Palestine they aren't indigenous.