Help me fix my resume. I've applied 100 places, got three phone interviews, and no takers

Help me fix my resume. I've applied 100 places, got three phone interviews, and no takers.

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pretty shit, but mine isn't any better

change that GPA to a 3.83
nobody checks that shit

I see a lot of places that could be substantially improved but don't really have the time to help right now.

Could you send it to my email and I'll try to get back to you?

My email is [email protected].

Need more information to help, user.

First things first, what sort of jobs are you applying for?

try a resume template that isn't two decades old

>He didn't take an internship while in school

Two of the three places I interviewed with have asked for my transcript

Entry level mechanical design and mechanical engineering positions. Almost all the jobs I apply to have a starting salary around $45k/yr. I'm not asking for the world here.

My biggest regret

stretch those responsibilities a bit, you make it sound like you did nothing, wayyyy too many bullet points, it's good for skills I would do it for responsibilities though, put why you got those scholarships because no one knows what they are They could've just given them to you because you were black, most people put dates for their degrees not just the year you got it (I ain't got no diplomas so I don't have an edu section on mine) stop using the same words repeatedly like a broken record

if you're getting phone interviews maybe review what you did wrong the resume might not be completely the issue

most importantly go into MS office and pick something that isn't the most generic resume template you can find so you stand out a bit

Add your cryptogains.

If you've got three interviews I don't think the resume is the problem.

I'm an architectural engineer, and have been working in the field since 2010. First of all, change the description of your experience. I assume you're applying for an engineering job, so they won't care about what you did as a fitness center employee or parcel assistant because it's not relevant. Focus on aspects of those jobs that may be useful, like improved communications skills - shit like that. You need to focus on the 'skills' section. To put it short, switch the skills and experience position, expand the skills section with any software that you could use at the position you're applying for (even if you don't know it well, you can always learn on your own time), and try to think of some relevant experience to bullshit on there.

Also, consider applying to MEP firms to do mechanical design for buildings. These jobs are currently in high demand. Just add AutoCAD and Revit to your resume and I guarantee you will land a job.

meant wouldn't for responsibilities, put it in paragraph format. personal preference though some people will probably disagree

top-tier advice

One more thing, why is Microsoft Office listed above the others? That should be way at the bottom, since they will assume you know how to use them.

Get a better resume template that doesn't look like crap.

Change the font to Garamond from whatever you have right now (seriously, print out a copy and compare both to see that Garamond does a way better job at calling attention).

You want to have education and jobs so that it's:
>far left: institution ---[Space]--- far right: location
>far left: degree/job title ---[Space]--- far right: dates
On a similar note, you want to put in the exact dates you attended school, not just graduation day (and throw in months).

For God's sake, change the line spacing on your bullet points, they stick out like a sore thumb. It's okay to move them to the left.

Kill the "Proficient in Microsoft..." At this point, it's a given that someone your age knows MS Office.

For the content, you're going to have to change it up.
First, tailor the resume to the job you're applying to. You seem to be engineering focused, don't list your work at a fitness center unless it's somehow relevant to your field.
For what you do have, you want to list more (you put in too little) yet avoid listing duties when possible; that can be discerned from the job title. What you want to sell is accomplishments, preferably using numbers to back you up (HR people like numbers on resumes). For example, your invstment club thing? By what percent did the stock portfolio beat the market average?
Ideally, your bullet points are no more than two lines long and a max of 4 bullet points which each position.

you don't do your cad work with excel and access?

Thanks a lot. I'll work on this right away. My senior project was also turned into a publication for an engineering conference but I'm not sure where to fit that in.

Extracurricular or create a section for publications since as you work more you can just expand upon it

Now that would be a challenge. OP, my small firm has hired three Mechanical Engineering majors fresh out of school with little relevant experience over the last 6 months. I'm sure their pay is sub 50K a year, but that's still a great living wage in my area (PA, an hour north of Phili). I started here at 55K, but I do electrical design.

just make shit up, make those required english classes usefull.
also be ready to talk about stuff you hint at in your resume.

>civil helping a mechie

Is this the new default bait resume? Lol so many newfriends. Welcome to biz

Bachelor of science in mechanical engineering but worked as a cleaner for the gym


3.0 from one of the biggest party schools in the country

you're fucked lmao

OP had a shit job before he got a degree, I really don't see any problem

> wvu
> mechanical engineering
good luck op-kun

I will give you some help OP.

>A 3.0 GPA does not look good. I would remove that.
>Experience --> WOrk History
>You have all this "proficient in" bullshit. Did you do a coop? Did you use those programs for anything that you can put on that rsume? You want a mech engineering job,y ou need to demonstrate to employers you understand how your skills can be used , 'e.g., used matlink for statistics modelling, blah blah blah, used autodesk fusion to deisng a car, used x to do x yz, etc."
>upon reflection, your "Experience" is shit. I'd put your Activities and Honours section just under Education and expand what you did there, e..g" in charge of communications..which allowed me to practice public speaking, negotiating with university,running meetings of the student group as chair, etc" --> thats some management level sutff, and the stock stuff is impressive as well.

Mention that you have openings available.

I'm assuming you've blocked out your name and nothing more, so my advise would be first to add your contact information and the languages you are proficient in underneath.

Second, have your work experience first followed by relevant volunteer/internship experience and then have education and the rest.

Finally make sure you have "references available upon request" at the bottom. Don't put any actual references because you want to have time to call your references before your would-be employer to let them know that someone from x-company is going to be calling about you.

Good luck, I hope this helps

>says here you lost four thousand on something called digibyte?

Your resume lacks passion and interest. No extracirriculars, your a fucking engineer and have no side projects? Discarded.


Dude, I make that much with no degree. I wouldn't settle for that at all.

Spice up your resume. Be willing to move anywhere. Look into wind and solar energy. You need more experience as well. Like I said, wind is blowing up right now. Maybe get a job on a turbine site as a tech for a year and expand from there. Companies willing to pay you 70k+ aren't going to hire you based on your fitness job.

If you're up for it, maybe enlist in the military for three or four years as an officer. Companies always love veterans

>shit GPA from a shit school
>past job experience involves being a wagecuck pleb with no skills enhancement
>"Skills" all sound like the BS any ME should be able to say
>activities involves being a passive participant and a beta in two clubs
>One "honor" is a a scholarship handed out to literally anyone who can graduate high school with a 3.0

What the fuck have you been doing with your life OP? If I'm hiring an engineer, I'm hiring someone because they should be fucking smart and also probably kind of nerdy and really into engineering.

Fine, tons of good engineers are sort of slacker types. But they have a 3.03 from MIT and decided to spend their free time designing the ultimate killbot for a competition and in the process discovered a new gyroscope that they decided to patent and now NASA is paying them royalties.

So I read this and I'm thinking:

1. You're probably dumb. Since you don't have any interesting activities, I'm thinking you actually were fucking trying hard in class, studying and still doing shit. Holy shit a dumb engineer? There are dozens of positions in organizations where it's probably pretty acceptable that people not be great at school so long as they can stay organized and get along well with people- PR, HR, sales people, marketing, creative types. But not engineers!

While there are so many here, I might as well hijack to find out about my resume.
Help me spice it up so I can at least get an internship this winter. Before I didn't have a car so I was limited to the city, but I should be able to get one by winter if need be.

Don't bother putting Microsoft Excel/Word/etc on there unless the job specifically calls for it.

Don't say "proficient in" or "experienced with." Just list the programs.

Fix your GPA.

Get an internship.

You're going to need an internship if you want a nice job

Aside from this stuff, you're good. Also put contact info at top

Spell "stress gauges" correctly

where did everyone go

I wouldn't hire you because you tried to make wiping down gym seats and working in a warehouse sound like a skill.

Those 2 jobs are hardly worth mentioning. Work history is fine but don't try to shovel bullshit.

But he didn't make it seem like that at all.
All he did was say what he did, and in the most straightforward way possible. It's not like he included it in the skills section or embellished it in any way.

But I also doubt you do any hiring.

Use a sans-serif font

He's angry that OP has better credentials than him.



1. Copy and post key words from posting
2. Use standard format
3. Get call backs

When people review resumes they just read the first 2-3 predominant lines and see if they match with the job description. Literally nothing else matters (besides gpa / educational minimum)

Just go in there, shake the managers hand and say "I want a job!"

[spoiler]Someone did exactly this where I work and the cops were called[/spoiler]

Not enough lying, just say you did work study in Japan or China. Done.

alfred university

you have to be retarded to go to a shitty private school that's only good for art.


This thread is a prime example of why college is a fucking scam. You've been working for years and have almost no viable skills, and no impressive projects.

software skills should be at the bottom; and don't make a bullet point for each thing. Just lust software suites separated by commas. If you're applying to jobs that need these, the hiring manager will know what to look for.

Put the experience dates on the right side of the page you know? Also use number formats. The months spelled out looks dumb.

Talk about your achievements at your prior jobs more. That's where your bullet points should be.

Are you graduating? Make up an internship if you didn't do one. There's a chance that they don't follow up with it especially if it was for a non profit. Good luck

Any critiques?

Too many.

:( plz share

First, you're going to need a good template. I suggest the following:

Kill the summary/overview, save that sort of stuff for full CVs or LinkedIn profiles. Same with Related Coursework.

For a newbie to the job market, the proper order should be:
>Relevant Experience
>Other Experience (if applicable)
>Skills and Proficiencies

Refer to some of the tips I gave above:

Could you share your own iteration? I'm assuming you have a one in that template?

Thank you for the suggestion thus far, though. I'll set one up in your suggested format and see how it goes.

Mine's highly personal and because of the small size of my workplace would give away my.

So sorry, no. But I did use that template *as the basis*. Added a whole lot of changes though (font, font size, margins, distance of bullet points, used tables and grid lines to organize things, etc.)

Resume and cover letter making is, disturbingly, a science.

*my ID.

Let's goooooo.........

seriously though join the military for 4 years as an officer, come out with tons of experience.

Join the military or start contributing to open source projects during your NEEThood and get super lucky with your connections.

OR get an internship somewhere (probably the easiest option)

How to do this though?
Seems like getting an internship is just as hard as getting a job.

bosses look great when they hire veterans, and if the person hiring is a veteran themselves, you'll get the job right then and there

Don't fall for the military meme. The workplace environment kind of sucks even in Air Force. It's also quite a challenge to get through the initial BS.

how to make a proper resume needs to be taught in college or something. seems so pointless to get a degree and then come out with the types of resumes posted in this thread that get passed on immediately

It is taught. You just have to seek out the workshops or whatever.

>yes. We are the digimarines

The fact that you have no job experience anywhere in the field is most likely the reason. Most of the guys we see straight out of school look like a deer in the headlights when they start. Maybe apply for entry level positions and get in close with the guys that work in the department your interested in and show them what you can do.
---A Machinist that started at the bottom now im here.

>the going to be in OPs shoes but with better grades. It's my last year and I'll have to join clubs. Thinking of a sport club and robotics.

No internship exp because they want experience and I have 0 connects (applied to around 20 last year and got nothing)

How fucked am I? I'm a uk student

Fuck, you Americans don't know how good your engineers have it. I'm about to finish my MechE bachelors and expecting £23-25k that's I around 33-37usd.