Why are white people in history so prone to thinking up really stupid ideas and projecting them into a universal format...

Why are white people in history so prone to thinking up really stupid ideas and projecting them into a universal format, when everyone else thinks tribalistically? Were white people doomed from the start to evolutionarily be destroyed through outbreeding? Why did whites give up their ethnic/racial evolutionarily biological interests in the 60s? Why are there whites existent from that period who literally betrayed their race in favour of other races' interests?

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What do you mean "white people"?

Epic meme, reddit

I'm going to sound like a /pol/ tard but its true, Marxists took over academia after WWII and we're seeing the results. This is why many college educated whites are pathologically self-hating

how the fuck am I supposed to read this in a way that provides information

Tribalistic eurangutan germs destroyed amerindian civilization.

Incas were superior to europeans and you are going to be replaced soon.

You don't belong here. America for the Amerindians.

Prepare your luggage.

You know what white people are. You are just gas lighting because you are a redditor who dislikes biological science.

Ameridians don't exist they are just south east asian monkeys

You're a weak imitation of the I am a Greek poster.

Wasted trips


Liar chimp.
Go back to the shithole you came from eurangutan.

USA is becoming United Hispanic States in less than 50 years from now. Deal with it.


Amerindian phenotype is diverse and divert from asians enough to consider both different ethnic groups. America belongs to the amerindians.

Whites are a very naive, generous and empathetic people. They can easily be manipulated by other ethnic groups to act against their self interest.

Literally the strategy against the inca by the pigskin germs. Go back to europe, eurangutan subhuman.

It belongs to the dinosaurs.

>Literally the strategy against the inca by the pigskin germs
...wat? Native Americans died because they had a shit immune system, not much that can be helped.

Even with the plague the mongol and muslim horde failed to conquer Europe, no excuses shitskin.

>The genocide of 80% of amerindians entering the bronze age is compared to 1/3 of europe on the shithole age
America belongs to the amerindians. Your replacement is inevitable.

Incas were superior to europeans.

Your time is ending moabite.


You have an unhealthy obsession consuela

I know I ruined your off-topic shithole thread, it doesn't matter anyway.
Incas were superior to europeans. Deal with it.

Western Europeans have tended to marry their first and second cousins far less than just about any other society on Earth. In fact, the Catholic Church in the 9th century prohibited marriages within seven degrees of relatedness. Over many generations, this has subtly bred a people more inclined to outbreeding and with less of an instinct for clannishness.

Lol not even close kiddo

Reminder Egyptians were Irish
This is objectively true

Think of it as the psychological equivalent of the Black Plague. There shall be a great winnowing and those that survive will be innoculated against all manner of fantastic notions.

>prohibited marriage within seven degrees
>except if you get a special papal dispensation for a generous contribution :)

I'm to believe the cousin-marriage ban had its least influence in Ireland and Southern Italy, which puts the in-group clannishness of those peoples into a new light.

>white people don't exist
>but white people dominate positions of privilege and this is a problem because they are white

wow always makes me go a hmm hmm hmmmmmm