Why did he do it? he completely opposed slavery and the dissolution of the union...

why did he do it? he completely opposed slavery and the dissolution of the union, and yet he fought to perpetuate both because "muh Virginia". it doesn't seem to make any sense.

>not fighting for the state that your ancestors have served for hundreds of years

The union wasn't even 80 years old while Virginia had existed as a political entity for over 200 years.

he would have known fully that the war was about more than just Virginia though, right? I understand his family's history and all that but the cause of the Confederacy involved a great deal more than the sovereignty of Virginia, things that were arguably more important and that he personally could not justify fighting for. wouldn't that have bugged him all those 4 years?

I'm not a neo-Confederate or Lost Causer by any means but this was an understandable decision at the time. The United States was still viewed by many, especially Southerners, as a confederation of sovereign states rather than as a singular nation-state, and this attitude only died with the Civil War.

He owned slaves and fought to keep them in Court. He had members in his own family and personal acquaintances in Virginia that had no problem siding with the Union when it came to choosing. Lee was a certified bitch-boi. Literally anything you see of him outside of his skills as a General is Southern propaganda.

they asked him and Virginia was his home.

99% of the Confederates didn't care about preserving slavery. They saw it as defending their home.

However, the 1% of those who did care about preserving slavery were the political and economic elite who seceded in the first place, and tell you in their documents of secession about its purpose (to preserve slavery and white supremacy). Plenty of ordinary white people in the Confederacy supported the Union cause, and they happened to live in areas where slavery was unimportant (Appalachia, Ozarks). Coincidence?

> The United States was still viewed by many, especially Southerners, as a confederation of sovereign states rather than as a singular nation-state, and this attitude only died with the Civil War.

Then you're reading into Lost Causer and Neo-Conservative propaganda, because it was clear that the 'Confederation' type Union wasn't the case, as our first official independent Government was the Articles of Confederation which didn't work out and was inefficient, so we officially and consciously went to a more centralized Federal system. The Constitution explicitly states that States can't form coalitions or alliances or any sort of Unions with other sovereign nations or among themselves--stuff like this isn't required in other Confederations
(such as the EU). Thus, we have been ONE nation since our official founding.

it just makes me mad when no good yankees and left coasters stir up shit about the CSA and makes everyone out to be a KKK Grand Dragon slave owner nazi pedophile.

It wasn't a confederation and hadn't been since 1787, but many still *saw* it as one and identified more with their home states than with the American nation-state.

It makes me mad that we didn't burn enough of you down.

I don't think that's the case at all. While that poster is trying to get a rise out of those tender to the southern cause, it's obfuscating historical fact to say that the leaders of the South weren't doing their damnedest to preserve the institution of slavery and the societal structure it supported.

well that no good democrat Andrew Johnson managed to destroy the South. So badly that south is still behind the rest of the country.

Literally nobody would care if you stopped trying to rewrite history and take pride in one of the most embarrassing parts of our history

i know it was the elites trying to preserve their class based society, their wealth, and their power by trying to form a new nation for the purpose of slavery.

I just don't like it when everyone in the CSA gets shit on for it.

we only ever talk about it when some yankeee pig wants to take down are war dead memorial or flags.

>implying reconstruction was not way too lenient

Should have had more traitors hanging from trees desu

the 14th amendment was not passed constitutionally.

the states were denied their constitutional right to senators, house reps, and state governance. occupied by a military government. then forced to ratify so we could have our rights back.

since the USA didn't treat the CSA as a legitimate foreign nation. then you can not do any of the things they did. Even as a "treaty condition".

>oh no, people find it distasteful when the flag of a violent rebellion to keep ideologically motivated african slavery is being flown on a government building that claims to represent ideas completely contrary to it

This is exactly what I'm talking about. Your heritage is shit, and your ancestors fought, killed, and died for institutionalized racist oppression. As soon as you see it for what it is we can all move the fuck on.

Don't pay attention to dumb yankees looking to troll, then. I'm an Ohioan and had more of my ancestors fight for the Union than the Arkansas branch that were rebs, but it's difficult to demonize a population fighting invaders volition or because they were fucking drafted.

People are stupid. What's worse is that they don't have a respect for the history of the nation and can pretend that you can sweep away anything controversial.

>get rekt

Lucky for me, whether it was legal or not, I don't respect any constitution that doesn't guarantee equality of the application of the law. Gotta crack a few eggs, this country was born by that principle, and for a lot less justification.

Not being able to oppress other people is not oppression



14th amendment affects us all user.
>giving anyone born in the US, citizenship. even if their mother is an illegal mexican or a chinese tourist looking to have their child with dual citizenship.
>states can't ignore NFA/GCA if the Feds push the issue.

>pretend that you can sweep away anything controversial

>Implying that isn't what the south hasn't been trying to do ever since the end of the war

georgia trolled the anti flag yankees pretty hard.

got rid of the stars and bars. replaced it with the first CSA national flag.


and Mississippi. well it's Mississippi.

They just ratified the 13th amendment with in the past decade.

I'm British and against brexit. I'd still fight for the UK if the EU invaded.

It's Lost Causer propaganda to say that various Americans had secessionist views prior the Civil War? Stop being a fucking idiot.

>because it was clear that the 'Confederation' type Union wasn't the case, as our first official independent Government was the Articles of Confederation which didn't work out and was inefficient, so we officially and consciously went to a more centralized Federal system.

no reason to get autistic about a word. Many Americans used "confederation" interchangeably with "union" before the war.

>celebrated 350,000 dead yankees is bad

what's the problem

he was a pussy ass bitch who gave into peer pressure. should've been executed after the war
t b h

it makes perfect sense. He was a Virginian and wanted to defend Virginia. Why is the concept of somebody being from where they're from confusing to you?

Because the civil war was a neopuritan effort to take over America. It worked for 150 years or so..

they could have refused and remained under military occupation

>Lee opposed slavery

Lee thought slavery was evil, but also that it was necessary to bring negros up to the standards of the white man. In fact, Lee was known for being unusually brutal for a slave owner in his treatment of his slaves.

Huh? I thought people could vote for house reps, just not senators

The USA national flag is the stars and bars. The battle flag is what retards think is the stars and bars.

Fucking mobile posting. *CSA

“The consolidation of the states into one vast empire, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of ruin which has overwhelmed all that preceded it.” Robert E. Lee

>Union is violating the Constitution and destroying State rights
>President is blatantly a tyrant
>You're a true American with American values that does not like tyranny or evil
The Lee did nothing wrong.
t. Bostonian

And he was entirely right in the end.

Lee didn't "completely oppose slavery". He had a pretty conventional opinion of it.

this. same goes for Thomas Jefferson and George Washington.

desu 90% of America's problems stem from the fact that we had slaves, and then were way to lenient on the south after the civil war.

>Muh leniency meme

The north fucked up reconstruction by being too forceful too fast and eventually their puppet governments failed due to incompetence. The Germans and Japs had it better after ww2.