Who else is sitting on a bit comfy bag of stox? How many you got biz?

Who else is sitting on a bit comfy bag of stox? How many you got biz?

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About 400, kek. Just a small fish, don't rape me with the dump bros.

mayweather is an old ass man and is going to get his old ass beat good.

Can anyone tell me whats so great about stox?
Also when will it go on bittrex?

currently down -21% on this shitcoin and growing, put in a sell order for break even so i can get the hell out

never trusting a kikecoin ever again

went all in on strat like an idiot

waiting to get even to put more into STOX.

made a very good profit yesterday on Stox.
Still believe in the product

The coin has been live like a week and you are already crying? lmao, dude your balls are so small you may actually be a girl without even knowing it.

REEEE: Public service announcement

have you bothered to check their product? It looks like an free apple app. get in and out as quickly as possible on this scam coin backed by Vegas chads

??? Are you retarded ???their apps are great even my nocoiner finance phd friend knew about dem kikes at invest.com and asked how to put in his moneys.

A PhD in finance? why didn't you say so? you degenerate - that's the perfect opportunity for a pump and dump. Over-hyping a garbage product and taking a massive dump quickly after. It's called StOx.jesus. its a coin for nocoiners

If the robots are going to go down, it's going to be because of an autist coin, not some vegas wallstreet wannabe faggots

You retard still think that youll get those x100 gains without nocoiners... whole thing is accumulation phase before the normies come.

Shit, I only invested in this because I thought it was a good product!

Reminder to screenshot all STOX FUD to compile in an image to post when it moons. Another reminder to get your pink wojak STOX pics ready to make fun of the bagholders that are too stupid to know when to sell.

sounds very sustainable. Especially given that there are no competitors of higher caliber, less susceptible to market manipulation.

STOX FUDers also feel free to post your pink wojaks now to make this process easier for everyone.
Very possible, but I'm not planning on holding.

What do you expect an app to look like? It's all about the concept, besides it is superficially just fine looking. You're pretty dumb.

P.s thanks for buying! I was in and out in a flash. hehehehe

>What do you expect an app to look like?
One that reflects the money invested into it.

Please accompany your FUD with STOX pink wojaks.

nope its BTC now!

I bought 2.7 STX. Will I be rich in 2 weeks?

hold till $8 you faggot

Do not do this..

sound familiar?

>sorry folks delays here, we're working on BIG things

Bought 4.4k I'm gonna dump it all during the fight

I'm certain you're not the only one with that idea. Bitcoin might crash by that point. you're going deeper in the rabbithole user.


Don't even touch these coins, let alone hold. I give it minutes before dumping

Who cares, the moment Mayweather goes to the weigh in with some Stox propaganda people are gonna fomo like crazy

hi hodl these coin till 3$+
i am sure it will go there easily

Meh, too subjective. I'm sure that once people are downloading and using the app that will be the last thing they complain about.

I bought 1000 of them yesterday. I can't wait for the moon mission in the coming weeks. Stox is going to be huge. Ill take some profit but ill hodl the rest

why not play it smart and collect slowly for whats sure to be a short-lived perpetual pump and dump. This coin hasn't seen the floor yet.

isin't there supposed to be a superbowl commercial or is that all hooha? (BNT/STOX commercial)? something of that nature????
