Your path to being a millionaire is as clear as day

>your path to being a millionaire is as clear as day
>99% of you are gonna keep all you money in shitcoins
you LITERALLY just need to put 16k into bitcoin today to be a millionaire in a few years
what the FUCK are you waiting for?

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't have 16k

>being a poorfag
Then sell everything you own and work overtime
you will regret this in 20 years when you are 60 years old still wage slaving

I can afford buying $1k worth of BTC a month. Is that enough? I have a ton of student loans or 16k would be no big deal.

I wish I hadn't sold off my NEO when it was ANS

I would sell off that shit right now and hold BTC for the next 5 years

Bitcoin has only been around for about 9 years. Extrapolation is dangerous.
Remember that ENRON stock went up continuously for 9 years +

$250k bitcoin is happening. if you don't think so, you're the same kind of faggot who would have said we don't need the internet cuz we have fax machines and telephones.

Take out a big fucking loan

Do you not know what happened with Enron or something?

He does know user, that's the point.

If you still own belongings and not bitcoin, I feel bad for you.

Literally sell everything you own and put it into crypto.

This is a pyramid scheme. You are playing for each others money.

As in why it imploded? There's no fucking point.

If bitcoin keeps it up the ruling class will become people who bought bitcoin. That doesn't seem feasible.

I unironically could fit everything I own except for furniture in my shitty 2004 grand am

>Implying the market cap of bitcoin will be $5.25 TRILLION

Literally more money than the GDP of every country on the planet save for the USA and China.

I... I just don't see this as feasible.

>Implying the market cap of gold will be $8 TRILLION

Literally more money than the GDP of every country on the planet save for the USA and China.

I... I just don't see this as feasible.

Gold is tangible. Bitcoin is not.

I don't have a few years

The height of the internet bubble of nasdaq combined was 6.71 trillion this was 17 years ago.

That figure could be higher today because of inflation.

Also this will probably go higher since its a currency/store of value combined.

>I might buy picrelated if it costs me 1% of my portfolio.

It cant be higher than the total wealth of earth, not gdp. The total wealth of earth is $110 trillion.

>muh tangible meme

The capital savings plus new capital creation of crypto technology can increase global GDP by 40%

True but at least the internet, even in bubble time, had a massive range of uses.

Bitcoin is simply a medium for the exchange of money and that's all it ever will be. And let's be realistic - it's antiquated. It was the first crypto so I'll give credit where credit is do, but I highly doubt it will be the end-all, be-all of cryptos anymore than Lycos leading the world as a search engine.

Is that particularly important?

Tangible is not a meme, it's a fundamental fact. I could flip the proverbial light switch and all bitcoin goes "poof". You can't do that to gold.

It's only important if the shit hits the fan, but yes. Bitcoin is susceptible to a huge range of external influences (as is any intangible asset, really): market manipulation, war, internet failure, etc.

meant to say *highly susceptible

all assets are subject to the same thing, but not to the degree that a completely electronic or "paper" asset is.

Nobody cares loser

So what you're saying is, we finna be rich niggas?

As stocks and futures, user. How long have those been around?

You could flip the light switch of the whole fucking planet?

If you haven't started hoarding bitcoin already, any day is a good day. We really are all gonna make it but you can't get there without a stash.

It's a metaphor user. The point is that it's a lot easier to "poof" a bitcoin than say, a house.

is it feasible that the present day ruling class is people who have money

by money i mean fiat

I have only 500 dolars, and I was thinking about waiting for a dip, then applying like 60% of this money on other alt coins so I can get more money to buys bitcoins
Is this doable if I be careful when buying the alts?

Tornados, earthquakes, or niggers moving in the area can ruin your house. To ruin bitcoin you need to EMP the whole planet, at the same time.

>what is insurance

To ruin bitcoin you only need to ruin it's reputation because there are hundreds of other cryptos that do the exact same thing as Bitcoin.

Reputation can be ruined by crashes in price, continual drama and fucking around with its code (segwit, segwit 2x) or if a completely brand new crypto comes out that makes Bitcoin irrelevant.

how will 1 bitcoins worth being as high as 250k help its use in the real world? i already know normies couldnt get behind the idea that them having 0.00001 bitcoin would me an they have 1000 dollars

>insurance companies never ever in the history of the world filed for bankrupcy
>and if they do, it's less unlikely than EMPing the planet. Obviously.

is there a software/website where I can "buy low, sell high" my bitcoin that works in oregon? I tried one today and it says it doesn't support people in oregon...

This is actually a valid and reasonable criticism.

Thank you. I actually believe the banks are currently in the process trying to damage BTC's reputation right now. They will run up the price, broadcast it via the media and then crash it in the hopes of scaring people away. They will then accumulate at the lows to ensure they can control it.

Stop taking this to ridiculous extremes, obviously it's unlikely that the entire planet get's EMP'd (unless of course you consider a massive solar flare).

The fact remains that Bitcoin is way more dangerous to hold than tangible assets. It is not insured and has no legal protections. Someone can't hack my house away.

I'm not a nocoiner, but I'm not a "pie in the sky" idiot either.

bitcoin is just the new scam to pump millions out of our pockets desu. Internet poker died and they needed a new way to steel our money senpai.

The hacking is a valid point. Why didn't you just say that in the first place, instead of going into all that tangibility nonsense?

I figured that was implied when I said:

>Bitcoin is susceptible to a huge range of external influences (as is any intangible asset, really): market manipulation, war, internet failure, etc.

SERIOUS SHIT, is taking a loan viable?
I dont have enough money but if this shit right here is true, taking a loan is supposed to be a good way to get rich until 2020 right?

Its called wealth transfer. Have fun missing out on literally the single greatest financial opportunity of a lifetime.

You kind of people is whom i don't want to be in crypto , you are a plight on the realm .

No, taking loan is the most retarded thing you could do. Just sell some shit, you have time. This 4k ATH is just temporary, it will eventually crash down to around 1.5k-2k and you can buy then.


So you admit you cant do shit

>not having at least 20k in savings
Who taught you how to get on the internet Tyrone?

hope all current $16k BTC holders are gonna make

I have about 75k in savings
62k of it in a mutual fund
And another 180k in a retirement account I guess

And going by Veeky Forums's old tirade of "dont invest what you're not willing to lose" the most I would put in is 2k right now.

stop being a pussy and take a chance


1k over several months is fine. It's called dollar cost averaging btw, and is (or has been - who knows w/ crypto) objectively the best way to invest.

Consider aiming for dips, but don't worry about it too much.

>$20k in BTC
>$30k in various alts like ETH
I think I'll be alright.

I made 25k during the NEO moon and I don't intend to move it one bit.

There is still 10x room just to catch up to ETH and you can hire someone who talks to the NEO blockchain, but doing the same for Ethereum is much harder. The NEON wallet isn't even by the NEO team but by the western community.

I'm certain BTC will explode, but some alts will as well.

Already got a bit over double that in the game. How long until i can retire?

pussy pussy pussy

i've got $100 in my bank and $1k in crypto there's no fuckign reason you should only have twice as much in your portfolio as my broke ass

Newfag here.

I have $10k in savings, should I just wait for bitcoin to crash down and get 5 of them?

you'll be lucky if it drops all the way to $2k though. that's >50% down from current price. i wouldnt expect more than 30-40% down from ath. and we probably havent even seen the last ath of this run yet

but yeah id wait for the next crash if i were you. get started on making your account on kraken now though. takes a month to get verified for bank transfer

It's not the worst idea.
Most smart contract blockchains and some of the products are bound to get up anyway. Even if it's a bubble, there's still a huge potential for people to come in

what makes kraken better than other wallets?

What's the best way to go about buying a bitcoin right now. I know I could just google it, but I feel like a bunch of results would just be trading platforms shilling their own shit.

You mean exchange.

Since it's 10:30 CET, you both are probably European and for that, kraken is the one with the largest € volume

You buy for € there, but you can then also transfer to bittrex or whatnot to trade alts

Coinbase is what I use

nope, just a fat american with insomnia who saw bitcoins hit 4k today and wants to latch on to just the tip of the teet of what's to come
So is coinbase still the wallet then? and i've seen guys on american youtube channels using bittrex, is kraken still superior for that with the u.s. dollar or is it primarily euro based?
sorry if i sound like a retard as well, it's because I am

kraken has very low fees and are reliable. they have literally 1/10th of the fees that coinbase do.

you shouldn't keep your coins in any exchange long-term though

A blockchain is a data structure that's hosted by several servers at once. The invention of 2008 is like a cloud that you can only destroy if you destroy all servers hosting it, and the innovation was in how you make sure all servers agree on the data, i.e. each can't manipulate their copy of the data. I talk a little bit about blockchains here

Everybody with a server has a copy of all the coins on the network, nobody owns the coins. Everybody can send coins everywhere. However, you need a password (private key) to send FROM an address. In that sense, you "own" bitcoin. You own the possibility to send from an address.

A wallet is "merely" a (graphical) user interface for the send-command. Often looks like An exchange is a company, with a bank account, and which provides user accounts, and if you sign up to an exchange they (roughly) make a wallet for each coin associated with that user.

Pic related, the exchange Binance owns 1.7% of all NEO, which is a bunch of million $ worth.

You then send money to the exchange and they "let you buy coins", which just means they let you access the corresponding amount of coins on their wallet.
You send them 1000 $ and you "buy" 0.1 BTC and 3 ETH, meaning they let you then send those BTC and ETH somewhere else, or trade it for other coins.

From then on, it works like shares.

thank you very much for the help

All my money is in GBP so if I want to buy some Bitcoin when it next dips below 2.5kusd or thereabouts, are there any good GBP exchanges? I'm not sure if it will exchange to euros automatically on kraken or I have to do it online on my bank account?

if you have a decent modern bank with an online interface this won't be a problem. they'll support EUR transfers. youll see the conversion rate and stuff when you make the transfer in your online bank interface

This is bullcrap
The math doesn't work for that

>Bitcoin has only been around for about 9 years. Extrapolation is dangerous.

Look at it another way then. Apple Computer is the largest tech company. Nice products but nothing revolutionary in the way bitcoin is.

Apple is valued at 800+ billions. BTC is less than 70 billions. BTC is more useful than Apple stock since it can be used in so many ways. Therefore BTC should go for at least 2 times apple stock that's 1.6 trillion dollars. This means it has at least 20x to go.

To add to what said

On Kraken, you can deposit GBP, but you need to be at least Tier 3 verified. Found this out yesterday when signing my buddy up.

Might take a day or two so sign up and verify ahead of time.

tfw 20x is not really enough to make me rich. i'm gonna have to leverage and hopefully not fuck up the timing

You do now you can buy more btcs with time, right?
You can also invest in alt coins and get more money if youre capable. Then buy even more btcs.

Yes and we're the early adopters who are going to take the money away from the normies in 2-3 years, hop on the rocket or be left behind.

You are literally a no coiner cuck if you don't have ATLEAST 1 BTC right now.

Wait, GBP can be transferred to a bank? I thought they were only for tendies. they're not just make believe?

yeah i've been trading alts for two months. i had 2 btc profit at one point but i'm now down to 1 btc in profit. it's fun but quite risky

>had 2 btc
>down to 1 btc
>it's fun

Yes, it's fun if you're not a money worshipping faggot, and have the brains to realize the world isn't over because you lost some money.

Assuming BTC reaches 250k per coin in 2020. That's alot of money to keep safe. How would one go about storing it? Combination of exchanges, ledger nano wallet, coinbase etc

if he actually means profit with the word profit, then that's still really good.

encrypted archive

yeah i'm up 1 btc. mostly thanks to ans/neo

40% on a ledger, 40% on a trezor, 15% on offline generated paper wallets, 3% on exchanges for rapid selling, 2% on desktop/mobile wallets

I agree, google was not the first search engine or the biggest dot-com bubble company but it ended up being the top dog in the end.

I think crypto will continue to grow and we will eventually see another coin or payment method that is quicker and better than bitcoin replace it as the market cap leader permanently

Why ledger and trezor?
Don't they also give you a recovery seeed so you can use standard ways to restore if hardware is fucked?

Thank you sensie

I meant, why both

I have half a BTC in NEO, and about 0.3 split between OMG and PAY. Then another 0.2 in various alts all within top 100 marketcap. Does that count? New as fuck at this so not too sure if that is an ok distribution.

total money on earth is 7 quadrillion...

take a chance for once you insecure human being this is why your girlfriend is fucking someone else you pathetic loser low life