What does Veeky Forums think of BAT? Its made by the old CEO of Firefox and has been rolled out with the brave browser...

What does Veeky Forums think of BAT? Its made by the old CEO of Firefox and has been rolled out with the brave browser. The concept seems pretty good.

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BAT is one of my HODL coins

made by indians and nignogs the creator you are talking about says he has no affiliation with the coin. scam coin

I've got some, but I think your ID is a sign to sell and buy more PAY

It has a strong team but the concept is fucking stupid.

Why do you need tokens for digital adveritising? Who actually needs this shit?

Brendan Eich has no affiliation with the coin? Fuck off. You are a disgusting human being. On top of that you're retarded for thinking people would believe you when you lie about something so blatantly incorrect.


I think it's a fake good idea, people will use adblock over being paid microscopic sums to watch ads.

>90% of coins is owned by 100 people

i think it's for homosexual loser ass bitches, how about that?


I made a sizable investment.
Started using their browser too, it's passable. Mostly using it to avoid the Jew at Google and Firefox.

Team has no nignogs.

Same. I bought like 80 BAT when it was at 20c, not a huge investment but I can see some potential in it.



>Not a single nigger, spic or pajeet developer
Nice, just bought 100k

lol not true.

where do I buy?

One of their advisors holds a top position at Coinbase, so I keep a small bag just in case.


No shit, that's pretty useful information. Might increase my investment desu

>Ankur Nandwani is Product Manager at Coinbase where he manages the consumer division of the company.

Then you will cream yourself over the coinbase co founder advising 0x token.

> watches video at basicattentiontoken.org/
> sees Eich waxing poetic


The next huge moon mission will probably be the next token added to Coinbase so better be prepared

Brave has been a frequent topic of discussion on /g/. I haven't used the browser myself, but from what I read it holds promise. Still full of bugs though (i.e. script blocking blocks EVERY script, and not just 1st party so breaks the web, doesn't let you install Chrome extensions even though it's technically possible)

The real question is whether the reaction against adblockers will be strong enough to warrant a tech such as what Brave is developing. Personally I think there's a chance in 5-10 years, but not tomorrow.

All in all it's probably a good long term hold, but don't expect miracles overnight