Question to fellow Americans, specifically Babyboomers: was he a good president? Why or why not?

Question to fellow Americans, specifically Babyboomers: was he a good president? Why or why not?

No he pretty much destroyed the middle class.

Add on question: Would it be accurate to assert that your generation really only had two options in political life: hippie or neocon?

Do babyboomers even go on here?

He was charismatic but pretty much a puppet for nefarious forces.

44, so not *quite* Babyboomer, but close to...

>Would it be accurate to assert that your generation really only had two options in political life: hippie or neocon?
...that might have been true in the 60's and early 70's, but by the 80's, the hippie movement was more or less non-existent. Your choice was basically neocon or neocon.

At the time, a lot of the shit he did seemed bat shit crazy, and crooked as hell to boot (and was, even if they were largely tame compared to today's fiascos), but despite being a saint to the right these days, he was far to the left of even Obama on a lot of issues (Bill Clinton as well). He did, however, set the nation on the political course that made that reality possible.

Most of the problems we face today can be traced to Reagan or Nixon, but hindsight is 20x20. Plus, as Americans, we're legally barred from learning from history, so such is to be expected.

Despite pic related, he wasn't the worst president, by any means (obeying the 25 year rule or not), it was more things he set in motion with lack of foresight (and sometimes oversight) that sent us down a long dark road, and set various precedents that lesser men took advantage of in the worst ways possible. Like most administrations after '45, there was little to no forward thinking about long term consequences, and, well, we're living those consequences.

William shatner goes on here

Reagan was the turning point of Republican party going from primarily Economically Conservative to Reactionary Religious party.

Ronald Reagan was bad for the country.

He was incompetent and didn't step down when senile.

His successor's didn't do much to help post-soviet russia not turn into a complete disaster.

Though Oddly I like H. W. Bush simply for being a wonkish type.

Jimmy was the best

shitty president but worshipped by boomers because he was charismatic. he did more damage to the future of the country than the present though.

His social policies were GOAT but his economic ones were shit, is what I'm getting from this.

Shatner's 86. He's too old to be a boomer.

t. uptight christian

And proud of it.

Well... He wasn't a very good Christian, with all the underhanded deals he made selling arms to Islamic terrorists to fund, what in the end turned out to be, other terrorists, not to mention the whole October Surprise deal he pulled to win his campaign (which, given Carter's lack of popularity, was a level of dastardly that was entirely unnecessary).

I would accuse him of being a liar, saying "I can't recall" 54 times under oath during the Iran-Contra hearings... I certainly thought so at the time, but well, turns out maybe he wasn't lying after all.

Certainly brought the Christians to the forefront as a political force, and, started the ball rolling on all things anti-science, though, on that last point, nothing like certain folks we can't talk about due to the 25 year rule. (Seeing as how, for the first time Trueman created it, the Science&Technology Division at the White House, is vacant.)

He didn't, himself, do anything against abortion though, and indeed, did a few things for it, during his Governorship, and kinda expanded the coverage of Roe v Wade, even if only by not vetoing certain bills.

He was also was, very, very pro-immigration, probably doing more to make it easier to immigrate from Mexico than almost any president before him, creating the largest amnesty of all time, and actually did much the same to some parts of the Middle East that are now part of the travel ban (granted, with the ME, last year's ally is this year's enemy, so meh - be nice if folks remembered that when selling high-tech arms to the Saudi's though).

Reagan did nothing wrong and if you disagree you're literally Stalin


>started the ball rolling on all things anti-science, though, on that last point, nothing like certain folks we can't talk about due to the 25 year rule. (Seeing as how, for the first time Trueman created it, the Science&Technology Division at the White House, is vacant.)
Well, you can blame him for causing the Christians at large to break a long standing taboo on the subject, turning them into a horrific political force, but the anti-intellectualism we see today as a result of that, Reagan would have disapproved of, entirely.

Reagan was huge on science, and spelled it with a capital "S" in his memoirs and letters as if he was living in the Victorian age. He was actually one of the first politicians to actually talk about climate change, giving a lengthy address regarding the Greenland ice shelf, plus practically weekly addresses on ozone depletion (CFC's came to an end under his watch), oft went off about acid rain, and pretty much invented the idea of a global carbon tax market, even if it didn't become a thing until much later. He was huge on space, being particularly infamous for his Star Wars program, worried about peak oil, and really wanted the whole nation to switch to nuclear power.

But alas, Chernobyl broke while he was still on the throne, and Three Mile Island was still fresh on everyone's mind, so that wasn't happening.

He did introduce some restrictions on bioengineering (almost all of which have since been repealed), but at the same time, created unprecedented government funding for it, and they weren't of the sort of regulation that George Jr. later put in, but rather efforts to centralize and track progress by requiring various projects be registered with the government.

I can't think of anything that would have Reagan spinning in his grave faster, than the Science & Tech division of the government being effectively disbanded.

he was a pussy

If I see that fucking cat one more time.

Reagan for toddlers who are too "anti-establishment" to like Reagan