/pol/ are fudding hard about cryptos. It seems like I'm the only one supporting it there. Could use some backup

/pol/ are fudding hard about cryptos. It seems like I'm the only one supporting it there. Could use some backup.

Other urls found in this thread:


Who cares, let them stay poor

>white racist trash staying poor while they are gettinf cucked by black people

I see nothing wrog with it, cracker.

if anything, that's a good sign

This.I wish crypto would stay exclusive to blacks(and asians since they invented it),but too bad.I guess white people are investing too.

Btw user,are you intetested in my Cryptocurrency for blacks only discord?
Tell me if you are,we have over a thousand blacks

I bet less than 0.000000000001% of cryptos are owned by blacks. It's a nerdy white/asian guy thing.

Well but I guessed /pol/ was the one raiding biz and not otherwise.
Really tests your neurotransmitters.

i came from /pol/ some user was shilling bitcoins
now im gonna be rich, thanks bizbros

>/pol/ are fudding hard about cryptos. It seems like I'm the only one supporting it there. Could use some backup.
there's no point, retarded people are bound to stay poor, they'll buy in a year or two when it's sitting at $20k

>le personal army xd meme


>I bet less than 0.000000000001% of cryptos are owned by blacks

>of anything

Kill yourself retard. You're summoning a crash by shilling to normies instead of accumulating like a smart "investor".

This.I wish crypto would stay exclusive to whites(and asians since they invented it),but too bad.I guess black people are investing too.

Btw user,are you intetested in my Cryptocurrency for whites only discord?
Tell me if you are,we have over a thousand whites

Thanks user,I'm German,was just meming.How can a nigger speak English?

Does anyone know where i can buy Niggercoin (NGR) or is it worthless now?

Yes I am white and very interested

Fuck /pol/.

You have to go back

I'm in that thread OP. those nocoin fuckers sound like the worst of normies.
>Muh real money
>Can't cash out
>it's gonna crash
>FBI declare that it is illegal.

They're too stupid to understand.

>This.I wish crypto would stay exclusive to whites(and asians since they invented it)
This has to be b8

>>Muh real money
This is the worst one. Dick Masterson went on a rant on his podcast using this argument. "It's made up money, it has no value!". Then what has value? US dollar that's being inflated every day?

/pol/ knows Ag/Au reign supreme against internet funny money made for gamers and fegs alike.

You should listen to /pol/

Welcome to laketown coiners

/pol/ is actually cancer. IDGAF if your a butthurt nazi white nationalist, stop shitting up Veeky Forums with your triggers we making gains over here

We are pretty much a colony of all the smart people from /pol/ five months ago. It's literally the Donald now, leave them.

Anyhow I see plenty of new faces around here, which mean crypto is really taking off, the sooner you newbies learn how to deal with these things the soooner you'll start making serious money.

That's false. 80% of all coins are in /pol/ ancap whales' wallets

/pol/ was telling me to get into bitcoin back in 2011. If only I'd listened

pol didnt exist in 2011.

Yes it did, it was created in 2011

SELL YOUR BTC AND ETH NOW! The DENIAL Phase has just begun, crash incoming after the big growth of btc which isnt natural.

Dont buy at the Tip, sell now and buy back in the Dip!!!

kek, gold is the feeble red line

Nope. I think you mean /news/.

>be tripfag
>call someone cancer

ok m8

nah we oldfags still browse but rarely post nowadays

fucking redditfags are convinced that we wanting them to leave is the longest shill in /pol/ history

Anyone interested in Indians only discord? We'll become rich and sirs

Yeah, this...the "right wing" (much as I hate to buy into the fallacy of dichotomous politics) has become dominated by actual racists, retards and e-celebs. It's become a snowballing meme machine and cult

That was different crowd and a different ideology

we become rich esp daddysir?

>Trusting jews with your hard earned money.
owning crypto is the most /pol/ thing you can do.
sure they are already neck deep in crypto and manipulate it somewhat but atleast they can't print coins and create inflations

>come to Veeky Forums
>fud iota because muh refugeez
up $10k in one week. sorry youre too stupid to make money

>he still doesn't understand a trap

Won 18k betting on Trump winning the election, getting closer in getting it all into crypto... #notallpol

dump the shitcoins

>doesn't know what stop-loss is

keep /pol/ away from here. It's their place to be underclass filth. I'll be paying them a fraction of BTC for a yearly salary to clean my pool. impudent fools

Hi, I'm here from /pol/ now give me advice.

Also, 1488

>bunch of newfag dumb fucks that ruin this site by infesting and shitting up every board with unrelated political/social shit while they complain about brown invaders ruining yurop and Mexicans invading USA

Why exactly would I want to help a bunch of shitheads hypocrites get rich?

OmiseGo and District 0x. Buy bitcoin at localbitcoins and transfer to bittrex and liqio.io

Veeky Forums NOOD

You think we care about what /pol thinks? Let them stay poor.

/Pol/ is a cesspool of inbred individuals.

It's kind of hilarious how /pol/ is the new /b/. Pretty soon Veeky Forums will become the main board and we'll move on somewhere else. Always one step ahead.

I am white and interested.

Please don't bring in more low IQ /pol/ subhumans.

exactly. /pol/ can find some way besides crypto to finance their 2010 dodge chargers

I don't even give a fuck if this is legit or not, I actually want to get started in this and am tired of being minimum wageslave student

thanks for either scamming me/giving me a new future user

/pol/ is full of a bunch of retarded circle jerking on their accomplishment of memeing in a president....and it was impressive. I doubt they'll ever be that United and organized again. However....no one here cares if /pol/ gets rich or not. If they do get rich Veeky Forums will discuss how to get some of that money as their own. That's really it.





Big BLACK Crypto

bitfinex, bittrex or liqui.io?

this is the WRONG FUCKING WAY to advertise this shit we do not want another skyrim

Newfriend learn to follow comment chains

/pol/ is a really dumb board, and even though they hate boomers they have this retarded boomer mindset of buying gold and real-estate, and do not trust technology.

They are brainlet morons who will be left behind.

I can sell you some if you have a waves adress