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Start opening a 5:1 long to make up for it.
It's not going down.

these fucking alts have to get some money into them some time
just a matter of time r-right

it looks like it topped out. it's $4275 now. i'm long eth/btc at the moment. i'm never margin trading again.

Welcome to the club brother,
how much and what's your base price?

Yes. All this money will flow from BTC back into the big, most promising alts.

Nothing is safe in crypto.

I thought so too and lost 1.2K with my last long.

Margin trading killed me. :D One day I was suicidal but now I am ok also considering when I closed I didn't sell the bottom instead it plummeted like a shitstain and wouldve lost me 3k if I didn't. So I can cope.

You think I'd learn but nope. I am in a trade again and probably will lose it all in a matter of days or weeks if I'm really lucky.

Don't fucking margin trade. Ever.

I've lost over 80% of my portfolio and still came out with 600% profit. Fucking hold. Always.
Been doing this for years.

And yeah, the money from BTC will be flowing out into alts again very soon.

Return percentage.

I agree, I agree and I agree again.

Everytime I tried to daytrade I fucked up, e.g.

Trading pairs for 2-3% BTC profit, then missing the moon mission, panicking, and losing 4% of my ETH stack. Hilarious.

That's when I went to margin trade to make it up.

I'm a gambling degenerate and I very well know it. Always been an extremely frugal NEET with no money so making 1.5K with a good trade felt like discovering the cheat code to life - only that of course it isn't and ultimately you'll fuck yourself over sooner or later.

The problem with "hodling" is if you don't have atleast a 20K+ portfolio now you'll never make it. It's just not enough, say you have 5K and market increases 10x (1.2 trillion) you'll only have 50K also not adjusted for inflation, that's nice and all but not even wealthy

i've just been ridding with the king all the wall up

Lol no it won't.

BTC is king, noone will be investing in its little retarded brother Btc Crash, the russian scam ETH (or even more retardedly - etc), chinese NEO/ANTS scam/ etc...

May XMR has a chance.

my base price is 0.9 because i had to sell some to avoid getting liquidated. im pretty fucked atm.

0.09 i mean

is it ok to buy btc now. i just want to trade it for alts.

which lambo model should i order

I'm such an idiot



ALTS ARE DEAD FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

stupid bitch boutta spill coffee all over her shit

you'll be fine. btc will correct by the weekend and a lot of that will go straight into eth.

you misspelled NEO


Do people not realize that the alts being traded with BTC rise in value with BTC already or do they think they have to sell everything to get the gains? Maybe they think BTC is going to crash back to $3000? Either way it's good for me.



looks nice, is that huracan or aventador

>see a 352 BTC sell wall on gemini
>someone buys 350 of it in 1 order