Who is your favorite philosopher, Veeky Forums?

Who is your favorite philosopher, Veeky Forums?


Nietzsche. Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense o humor


Epictetus lad

arrest my total

nietzche wasnt a nihilist and entire chunks of his philosophy are to ward against nihilism
try actually reading someone before you like them

>being this new


Wasn't the joke that he was smart and funny?

The joke is that people who say they like Nietzsche best are usually fedoras who think THEY are intelligent nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor even though if they had actually read Nietzsche they would know he wasn't nihilistic

Aurelius deserves more credit since he founded stoicism.

>Who is Zeno of Citium

Ancient: Pythagoras
Medieval: Abul Ala Al Maarri
Modern: Hegel
Contemporary: REI KOZ

Saint Thomas Aquinas

>Contemporary: REI KOZ

*breathes in*


His antinihilism was a nihilism as he defined it.

Name a single contemporary philosopher that is not a Zionist, a Marxist, a Reactionary/Traditionalist, or an Ancap/Libertarian, who also is legitimately wise.

I'll wait.

>inb4 hello REI

roger scruton

>Traditionalist conservatist


missed that part

literally can't think of one


He's a pretty cool guy, i m h o

I'm not a Christian, but I do really like Kierkegaard.