How the actual fuck did Starbucks look at these guys...

How the actual fuck did Starbucks look at these guys? There are so many better fucking cryptocurrencies on the markets rather than Teatoken.

I don't understand why individual tokens are needed for individual markets, but whatever if Starbucks is entertaining the idea then I'll scoop some.

Other urls found in this thread:*

lol @ thinking your casual tone is gonna make us think you're not shilling. fuck off

Take $200, go directly to jail, Pajeet.

I guess the sun shines on a baboons ass too


With so much gains happening on other coins you'd have to be a fucking retard to invest in this scam.

Your time would be better spent trying to find the next moon instead of shilling this fake ICO.


>phase 3 of ICO
>32.86 USD raised

lol. i told you guys you were all faggots when i was in that slack channel.

heres the etherscan:

pic embarrassingly related


bump to make sure OP kills himself

I can't come to terms with actually spending a dime with the cucks. How the fuck did they manage to get a sit down with them. It truly is the end of days

double bump to make sure OP kills himself

33$ dude - great job!

Dude I honestly have no clue. Maybe there is an actual reason for this cryptocurrency craze going on right now

> no dev team
> No ANN
> Only social media activity is on Veeky Forums
> sketchy contract
> no product
> amateur website


OP, have you kys yet?

how many shills have to split this 33$? so far at least 2... scam better faggots.

link related:

Has to be. People have literally lost their minds for crypto. But If there's money to be made I don't wanna miss out. If literally stone an Israeli for distracting me

kek they are still at it, starbucks, fucking kek

I almost feel inclined to throw .1 Eth at them just to make them go away. kek

dont let this thread die. let OP bear the shame.

literally kill yourself OP

33$ you are literally a failure.. you cant even scam 3 digits.

3 shills and counting... so far we are at about 11$ each boyss

they are literally hobos holding a crypto cup*

Where did that 1 ether deposit go? Oh yeah, they must've just split it between the 14 "devs" or paid back whoever in the group put it in.

Kinda weird for people that say they are legit to split the contract evenly between 14 people who refer to each other by internet names and not to have a minimum amount needed for the ICO.

Think they will still develop this shit if they only raised 1000? Nope, they would just split and run.

Watch out anons.

hehe, I will have all the teatokens to myself now.

you'll have 2 fight me 4 whale status

What's that link?


It's definitely possible. With all the major gains in crypto right now anything is bound to boom. Especially if Starbucks is knocking on the door.


Buying now

It's the devs testing the contract

Ariana, haven't you killed yourself yet?