Every day since June I waited for ICN to climb up. And every day I get disappointed

Every day since June I waited for ICN to climb up. And every day I get disappointed

I deeply regret buying this. I would have been much better off keeping my BTC instead.

furthermore, I hope whoever keeps putting up the sell walls gets hit by a fucking bus.


I have the strongest fucking hunch something will happen to ICN within the next few days.

thursday my ass - news doesn't move this coin up

it has more of a chance of moving it down

>It has more of a chance to move it down
Fucking this, sadly

ye, because news makes people remember they own this piece of shit slav fuck coin so they finally remember to sell it

Binance, bitches

We can only hope the chinks are dumber than us.

Yeah. Next bump and I am out. I should just place the sell order today.

yea I'm hoping it by some miracle bounces to 1 again and I'm selling my 1k

what the fuck is everyone crying about, this coin has been incredibly stable despite the low volume it has. must be the retarded bagholders who bought at 5$


I'm holding 10k+ ICN and not selling until it's $100 a coin.

If you don't understand what kind of monet Fiat/ICN pairs on their platform will bring. You don't deserve to hold this coin.

if you actually believe that it will be $100, you deserve to hold this coin

They're going to buy icnx not icn dude. If you're managing some fund are you going to say hmmmm hmmm I can buy thousands upon thousands of this useless icn token or I can buy an index fund. I mean how is that even a thing.

but le icn is gonna get le buybacked and its gonna go to 500 each le

but muh buybacks

Can anyone calculate a realistic amount of buybacks in % of total volume if they aim to have 200 million invested this year

what difference does it make when some cock is going to put up 10K sell walls every time the price creeps up?

not enough that it will impact anything

maybe in 5 years but ill have grown fucking gray hair by then

Icn gets buybacked and you get barebacked

Moar exchanges mean moar volume means sell walls will stop influencing the price

it might get on one more exchange - big deal

this is the best time to buy, dont be a faggot. You think $2.80 prices are going to last? Literally buy RIGHT NOW, and witness gains from the news on Thursday. Sell right after the pump if you wan't instaprofit but the smart money hodls until the big pump, which will come from the listing on more exchanges and the quarterly buybacks.


no way in hell am I buying more of this shit

Wtf was up with that partnership anyway. They presented at as if they just partenered with an experienced and old investment fund while the company was literally registered months ago and its run by their own guy. Smells scammy to me.

yeah - smoke and mirrors

I really should STFU and remember I have bags to drop.

Everything is great! It will be $8 by the end of the week because of all the great news!!!!

10$ upon release!!! amirite guys haha

buy the dip


i went all in at 4,8$ man fuck that shit

i hate these bags

Bought at 2.50, sold at 5.10, bought back at 5

If the whale keeps putting up guess sell walls it means he really wants to accumulate this shit. If you sell you feed this faggot even more

The fact that there's a whale doing this just proves that someone out there with more money than all of us believes in ICN, and knows it's gonna moon

>tfw sold at $5

master of timings

Take a guess

The "partnership" is so they can transfer ICNX and ICNP out of Iconomi's domain. I think it's scammy but that the scam is on the SEC. Iconomi is just going to be an investment service and not actively managing money. If they've been acting in good faith, this should let them list on other exchanges.

The ICN token still needs utility though.

If they're smart, they'll do something like "hold some ICN on our platform and we'll credit you ICNX (or other DAA token) in the amount of our 3% fee". Then let people sell ICN on the iconomi platform to normies who want their fees reduced. Instant demand.

But no, they'll probably be dodgy as fuck in the next Ask Me Anything and ask holders to suck another month of opportunity costs. Iconomi might also be keeping the token exclusive with Kraken. There's some slack screens with Bittrex Bill hinting at that.

If Iconomi drags it out another month, I think their reddit community is going to sour and fuck things up for them when future investors research the platform. They should hire a fucking communications manager to deal with their community.

Bitcoin doubled. ICN can do 50x. Be patient or die without success.

only if they remain without competition - they won't


Just sell it honestly, I dumped my ICN for even lower than it's current price and I tripled it on DNT. There's plenty of coins mooning why wait around?

This coin has carried, and continues to carry, a high short-term opportunity cost. I think it will have its day once it's listed on a few exchanges and good news hypes its volume out of the comfort zone of spoofers.

I still have my doubts about it. I do think the team is being disingenuous with not listing the token on exchanges. I think they're scrambling to find a use for the ICN token. I also think that they are doing a shit job of keeping FUD off their subreddit and that the reason for their silence is legal/SEC related. The Google search results on Iconomi are going to be toxic if they keep their mouths shut for another month.

I agree, it's just with such a volatile market it's easy to make significant gains. It seems silly to be holding onto something that earns you nothing for such a long (relatively) period of time.

Just bought the dip

>being this impatient

ICN is a hold. you can daytrade other shit on bittrex

Get in on Avalon at ICO price and never wait another day my friend. The ICO price is the lowest it'll ever be, devs are actually retarded for starting it so low. Oh well more for me

I'm not a daytrader. I haven't bought or sold anything since June. I just lost faith in Iconomi.


Nice FUD thread but you have very things wrong

1• ICN already has an use, you need to burn them as a DAA manager, of which we have 150 applied and one experiencia partner

2• Iconomi is going to get listed on binance, which will raise volume and reduce price manipulation

If you have been waiting for its value to rise since june you obviously didnt understand their roadmap

Even with competition. Why wouldn't they?

Biz is full of get-rich-quick fags. What did you expect?

This is golem and cfi tier. Never going anywhere but down every single fucking day

Ok faggots im tired of defending icn on this shithole

I will Just point this data:

If kraken wouldnt list btc and eth, their 24hr volume would Just be 55 millón, but binance has 99 million in volume Just for altcoins [eth represent less than the 10% percent of total]

So how do you think this is going to affect price?

Saturn faggots

fucking this

fuck you faggots

Exactly why I bought ICN 2 days ago for the first time

DNT pumped 100% as soon as word got out that Binance will be listing them. Why wouldnt a well established coin like ICN not do the same and then some

Tick Tock here. Lame self bump, but truth be told.

I was the first to shill this coin in here back in August 2016 when the crypto hype wasn't so popular. I put 8K in the ico and got me about 33k of ICN.

People in my close circle that bought with me were waiting for the moon but had weak hands and sold for a good profit at 0.5's. Note that the price was lingering below that for a while. Guess what happened when they saw the priced climb at 4,5..6.

The crypto world is full of idiots. Short sighted, quick money-making schemers. Iconomi is based on buybacks and not many seem to comprehend what they actually mean and that they are even better than dividends.

The price shot up so much because they BURN tokens and they will continue to do so, manipulating the price, to get rid of the short term speculators.

in other words faggots if 0.5 became 5 then guess what a stable floor of 2 will become.

Sure. Sell your iconomi. Shrink the supply. Make me rich. Patience is key faggots. patience

the buybacks are insignificant in volume

This is the new cfi folks

Rest assured that the exchanges are accumulating before opening for this very reason.

This coin will hit top 5 by the end of the year when it gets listed. I rarely make predictions but when I do I am usually right.

when I was saying a few months back that this will hit 5 everybody was laughing in here.


I'm all about this coin, but top 5 is a bit bold.

When normie institutions begin to join they will have no idea where to invest. They will take a look at the performance of ICNP and ICNX AND jump in the easy.

kind reminded you will be able to create your own fund and become a manager.

I agree with you, and I fully believe ICN will moon soon; but I think it's going to take maybe a bit longer than a few months for the market cap to reach above $2.5 billion.

Also to create and manage your own fund requires $100k worth of ICN, which not every normie has to spare. Investment / banking institutions, sure! Normies, not so much.

>Also to create and manage your own fund requires $100k worth of ICN
No, for the first DAA managers it requires $100k worth of capita, not ICN. Less capita will be required once creating DAAs opens up to everyone it will require less capita.

Go ahead, sell your ICN.