Bancor is partners with NEO

>Bancor is partners with NEO
>hinted on twitter a NEO tokenchanger is coming

It's like nobancs really enjoy being poor. Imagine the FOMO when token changers are released soon.

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This is probably the worst thing that could possibly happen to NEO. Keep in mind ETH peaked during the Bancor ICO, and has been on a downtrend ever since.

0x makes bancor obsolete.
0x can easy be made for neo too.

Bancor failed

yes please keep FUDding, I need cheaper BNT

It's cause these fags hate money.
They see jews and scream JEW SCAM.

Everyone complains that it's all a big scam for quick money grabs.

Bro they are fucking jewish.
You think 100M is enough?

They will try to usurp the shit out of everyones money for the next upcomming years.

They are actually smart. Building and partnering with the best platforms to overtake the whole crypto market soon.

The same idiots that complain about jews are the ones that didn't buy Ether at $10 cause they had a partnership with JP morgan saying "BOOHOO ITS WITH THE BANKERS".

Follow the money I always say.

Go away and leave me and my NEO ALONE!!!!!!

And kyber too if you want to throw your liquitidy bs

What is your price prediciton for Bancor

Another delusional, rascist, fucktard.

It's not about Jews. It's about trying to sell a 5 wheeled car

People don't understand how under valued EVERYTHING is.

Take TenX pay for example.
If that becomes the norm for crypto it will be competing with visa and mastercard etc.

I'm not personally invested in TenX yet til I see a good entry point.


Mastercard and visa have hundreds of BILLIONS in market capital.

At the end of the day buying these tokens is like purchasing a share of the company.

I like TenX desu
MTL seems like a good buy as well
Bancor is the one I'm not really sure about

Wait, WHAT? Now I have to dump all of My Neo , Just like l did my Bitcoin. Let's see, what is better that is not bank owned. OMG, you say? Thanks, just bought 100k.

Bancor will make sure they'll be successful.

I'll follow the banks thank you very much.

I'll go where the moneys at.

Do i like the banks?
Do i like paying taxes?
Do i like all the things rich and greedy old fucks have done in the past?

Ofcourse not bro, but regardless they will have their way, and I'm doing all of this for my family.

You think the global governments are going to let the power slip into the hands of the people?

You are fucking delusional hippy then.

Keep dreaming.

Follow the money brother.

nobancs btfo

And how exactly are they going to implement it, exactly? They need a fuckton of any currency for the "reserve" part. Are those jews going to spend their own stolen eth to buy a bunch of neo? Or are they going to do a second fundraiser so retarded goyim finance the reserve? Given the returns of bancor so far, do you think even the most retarded of goys is going to be baited for a second time?

Indeed follow the money. Bancor are by opening offices in China and Japan next year and expanding to 100 people. They know where they must focus.

Bancor? Neo is fucked at this point.

They will fund it... it's already known that the BNT in GNOBNT is being put up by them.

4 of which were stolen by jews.

Where is this hint. I see none.

Last week. Look at replies.

This guy gets it. Gtfo of bancor while you can. Once 0x comes online that shit is going to plummet sub 1$

nobancs btfo. dumb ass nazi faggets

0x is garbage and doesnt do what bancor does. Stupidity is strong with the nobancs

neo or bnt?

nvm, went through all of these usless comments and there is no hint. Wtf?

how many BNT to retire in 2-3 years user?
only got 4k
Read replies.

Nice, just saw they have neo listed in partnership area on their website.

I'm buying in, maybe tomorrow as i feel there is still room for the price to fall.

Infininte coins needed. The price goes down every day. EVERY DAY. The shilling is bagholders and that's it.

Fuck you and fuck bancor


Fuck your shit gains kid I bet your portfolio is less then 10k Faggot.

Take your stereotypical nazi receeding hairline ass the fuck out of here.



Where was race mentioned in the post you ignorant kike?

Oh now you getting sexist too?
Deplorable transphobic pice of shit, literly hitler
