My thoughts on Binance and why I think BNB is a solid investment

My thoughts on Binance and why I think BNB is a solid investment.

Binance Coin (BNB) is a token designed by, a new exchange based in China. Binance has been on market less than one month and has already enjoyed incredible adoption rates and volume. Breaking into the top 10 exchanges for volume regularly on coinmarketcap. The technology behind the Binance exchange is rock solid, the underlying platform has been deployed on 30+ exchanges already. It supports all devices and multiple languages. Their technology makes them one of the fastest exchanges on the market, allowing 1,400,000 orders per second.

The roadmap includes Sport Trading, Margin trading, Futures, Anonymous Instant Exchange and finally a Decentralized exchange.

The team behind Binance are very strong, the CEO Changpeng Zhao - Founder and CEO of BijieTech, a company which has provided systems to 30+ exchanges and earned 36,100,000 RMB in the first year. Previous Co-founder and CTO at OKCoin, CTO at, Founder and President of Fusion China, CTO at Bloomberg Tradebook Futures. He has strong relationships in the crypto space, which brings me to the Investors/Advisers on the teams board.

You have impressive names such as Roger Ver - CEO of , Ron Cao - MD of Sky9 Captal, Linke Yang - Co-founder of BTCChina and ICOCoin Founder and many others. However the name that stands out the most is Hongfei Da - Onchain CEO and NEO(Formerly Antshares) Founder. The reason this is important is Honfei and Changpeng have an excellent relationship, Binance and NEO are heavily linked and will help to push the success of one another.

NEO has enjoyed great volume on Binance, due to several reasons. For example, NEO stored on the Binance exchange actually generates GAS. One very important thing to consider is that Binance offers very low fees, 0.1% in fact.


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The better NEO does (and it's projected to continue doing very well) the better the Binance exchange too will do. Which brings me to the Binance Coin.
The underlying concept is a token that interacts with the Binance exchange, providing a discount on any fees on the Binance plaform(50% for the first year), GAS to be used on the soon to be released decentralized exchange Binance are working on and as a currency to unlock advanced features.
In the immediate future the first tangible use of the token and potentially it's biggest feature will be the 50% transaction fee discount BNB provides. The fees on Binance are already low compared to many on market (0.1%) and with BNB used to pay your fees, you actually pay a staggeringly low 0.05%. This is a huge deal for traders of all types, particularly big players and those running bots etc.
By holding BNB you will pay your 0.05% fee in the equivilant value of BNB. So if your fee is $10 worth of BTC for a trade, it will instead be $5 BNB at current market value instead, if you chose to use the token to pay the fees.
This is especially relevant as currently Binance offers NO FEES through till August 24th. Fees are not even live at this point and the token is already enjoying healthy growth.

BNB has been making steady progress since release, gaining on average 10-20% value per 24 hours steadily for weeks. However recently Binance launched a marketing campaign to raise awareness of their platform offering anyone who signed up and verified 1 Free QTUM, alongside 0 fees until Aug 24th. Once this event went live interest in the platform soared and so too did research and investment into the BNB token - since then it rose approximately 200% over 30 hours, and has now found support around the 25K satoshis mark. Accumlation seems to be taking place and indications point towards further growth, paticularly between now and the 24th August when the fees go live.


China is a huge, growing crypto space and Binance is positioning it's self to be one of if not the premier Asian Exchange. It already has brilliant support for those of us in the west too which is even better. The better the exchange does, the better the BNB token does. The more coins adds, the better BNB does. The better any crypto on the exchange does, the better BNB does. Ultimately there are so many sound fundamentals for BNB to be a purchase I think it's worth your time reading the white paper and deciding for yourself.

I heard about Binance and BNB during their ICO, but was put off due to being lazy and not seeking out the information. Ultimately I finally decided to spend some time researching and kicked myself for not paying attention earlier. However with everything considered, this still feels like a great entry point and should be profitable in the short, mid and long term range no matter what your strategy is.

Thanks for reading.


Heard about it from cryptobeak on YouTube. Sounds amazing. I didnt know it was currently free to trade there though, that's pretty amazing. I gotta sign up.

Never heard of cryptobeak, but I'll check it out.

The 0 fees till aug 24th means flipping for profit is insanely easy.

what is the website can i only buy the coin with bitcoin/Eth?

It's as low as it'll get today and it will pick up volume once the chineses wakes up. I think we can see $5 with this coin in a month... or whenever the chinese whales wants to cash out BNB for BTC

Waiting until it drops to $1.00 before I blow my load.

Yeah we all thought the same thing last night when it ended up getting dumped.

chinese whales shook out a lot of shares last night
pump within the next few days guaranteed
note the long periods of low volatility

Houston, we have a go, over.

Hodler team a reporting in

Thank you for a proper write up. Your effort is appreciated

lol there's a fucking whale planning to sell 27BTC, motherfucker

How can you tell? ^_^

When? I wanna moon

Disgusting. What is the point of crashing markets and playing these games, must be really pathetic to have money and still do nothing but stare at your monitor all day

It didn't get dumped, just the weak hands selling. There were multiple 30+btc walls the other day. The whales are still playing

so when are we mooning, enough playing.

I feel hot in my spacesuit, 3 days im waiting

I belive that for the next 5 or 6 days we are in the gold to be flipping this coin and accumulate a shitload of this. Because on august 23rd this shit will moon to outher space. Then it'll dip hard. It'll then start climbing to astronomical values once fees open up and coins start getting spent and burned by the devs.

This is coin is gonna meet the edge of the universe and pee on the edges motherfuckers

Whats happening Aug 23rd?

there's going to be fees on binance

As a BNB holder, I am a bit worried about the 24th. It is either see a rise in interest in BNB, or it will prevent people from moving over to Binance..

They're playing such obvious games in the order book. Trading fucking 6, 8 BNB back and forth on both sides.

That dickbag with the 32 btc wants this lower.

I think a lot of people are looking for it to spike then. I'll probably sell mine the night before and than hopefully buy the dip.

Any purchase under 40K made before saturday will yield at minimum 50% gains, more likely 100-200% by August 24th.

I personally have a large sum invested.

Volume has dropped since last night from 8000 BTC to 3000 BTC. Chink whales scared most people away.

Nothing to worry about, volume has dropped for most coins in the wake of BTC dip.

Volume does not = price. See XRP.

It's hard to stick with this knowing people with thousands of coins are doing this for fun & profit while fir me just hitting 5 digit returns would be a life changing event

If you can't handle the heat, invest, and check back on saturday. You will be green.

With BNB the fee will be 0.05% right? that's insanely good and should see loads of people adopting it as soon as they add more coins

That's .5%, bucko.

BNB will provide a 50% discount on fees.


Sorry so small

Wait so there will be constant sells for BNB as long as people are using the discount? Won't that drive price down as people use it?

I'm pretty sure they're burning half the coins or some shit

Newfag here. So I should be holding NEO on Binance then? Does Binance generate GAS at the same rate as a wallet would?

There's a giant whale with a 102BTC wall lol

Gonna be a bumpy ride, amigo. Luckily, you picked a strong coin.

They are but I don't believe they collect the coins they will burn via fees. From what the whitepaper says they will use 20% of their profit every quarter to buy and burn coins until they burn 100mil.

If BNB moons the 50% discount is still $2, you keep the rest.

Yeah but what I'm saying is that every time someone pays a fee using BNB, they will convert that fee into BTC or ETH at market price within the minute. So there will be constant selling of BNB (in small amounts mind you, but also probably high volume). So I can see BNB quickly rising in price as people collect it to either pay fees or invest, but it will probably lose value as people use it to pay fees unless people buying into it to invest outstrips all those small buy orders.

ask yourself what the whales would want long term, take advantage of the short term dips they create, follow them on the runs up taking profit along the way

I'm having a hard time understanding how this isn't going up judging my the order book.

Whales playing Whale games :)

Whale activity confirms this will blast off 500% before 24th

Chinks being chinks.

you gotta be kidding me. this thing is dead in the water

>trusting in a chink exchange to handle your gainz.

You would think that you want to keep the money that you make.

Exactly. Chinks being chinks. Pump & dump.

What color should my Binance Lambo be?



So wait, if you burn BNB's instead f regular fees because you save 50% then when you spend the BNB's where do they go? If its into the exchanges pockets what stops them from just dumping it all on the exchange.

as someone who gains/loses hundreds of thousands of dollars every day; i hear ya.

this is just a game to me and I throw my money around like I don't give a fuck

Where do you buy BNB? Etherdelta?

how long does it take for bitcoin to clear on binance? BNB looks ready to pop any moment but this dodgy exchange is jewing my money

Same here with LTC, transaction went through 10 minutes ago but can't see anything on the site

have you got it?

>Volume up a thousand or so from this morning
Yep it's picking back up again after yesterday's ~25K fluctuation, time to enjoy the ride for another week


very easy exchange to use, little verification, and no fees atm

here's the vid mentioned earlier in the thread. needs to be posted in every BNB thread from now on: