0x warriors, what are you gonna do with your millions?

0x warriors, what are you gonna do with your millions?

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Buy coke.

This, probably develop a problem too it'll be a whole thing.

How long you guys planning on holding your bags

I bought 175K so I'm gonna sell 10% of it within a month and play the rest by ear

what are the chances of this going up 100x in a couple weeks

Whale much? Jesus Christ, enjoy your lambo dude but damn save some for the rest of us

100x I think people are hyping it a bit, but over 15-30x will happen once the ICO is over and registered users aren't able to buy/sell repeatedly to turn a quick profit before they cap

There are some issues I'd like the devs to address within the next couple months before I decided whether or not to keep this in the long/mid term

This is either going to cap off the greatest month of my life, or be the ending to one of the most bizarre months of my life.

I got re-acquainted with bitcoin after stumbling upon a wallet I had used to buy a fake id a while back and seeing how much $80 in bitcoin back i 2013 would be worth today.

I invested $500 on August 3rd, got really lucky with the timing and got in on OMG under $1.50 and NEO under $9, turned that $500 into $18000 in 2 weeks, and dumped all of it in this.

My god EtherDelta is absolute dog shit.

is it true its also selling for a dollar, also where do you see it going i maxxed out in the ico today and will tomorrow if possible

Yeah, I think I've wasted a few dollars on gas at this point.

jesus fucking christ

I put 1600 $ I earned from basic training into Synereo AMP last november and just quit holding it last week.

Ended up with $4900. I'm a retard but you are lucky

>is it true its also selling for a dollar
i don't doubt the stupidity of some people but probably not

I hoping for a dollar by the end of the year. And 70% of the tokens have already been sold, probably close to 80% by the time the 2nd round starts and those whales will be waiting to pounce.

What is the name of this shit coin again?



>Don't forget to thank me bro


can one of you lovely folks help me with this question? it would be greatly appreciated

stop shilling zrx

>people aren't willing to buy it for 12.5x anymore when they can get it for ~2-3x still
wow you sure showed us

yes i hope to click before them and have you check the current prices its selling for on ethdelta?

really interested in this thing, and bought 12k of it at $0.092 USD per coin

i do see the potential—but, with 1 billion coins in existence, i'm not sure which direction this thing will take—short-term—upon hitting conventional exchanges. it seems like a pretty good bet in the long run—but, again, one billion coins.

meh. all things considered, i think that this will do fine after a bit; at $0.092 per token, it could be like buying bitcoin back at its opening for $3.41 per thing—only, this almost certainly won't touch $100 in the next 10 years.

overall, i like it. oR i'M jUsT dElUsIoNaL

So this already has a market cap of ~570 million?


No thanks.

Only 500mil coins in circulation user

yo wtf guys. I've tried to buy some 0x already and the fucking thing keeps giving me a bad jump eror. I'm basically burning gas and not buying squat. wow what am I doing wrong wth...

This always makes me a little confused.

Worthless pennystocks with 1 billion shares outstanding easily trade around $0.0002/share - .0004/share. As someone who is used to seeing that, it's hard for me to justify buying these coins at such a large market cap.

I get that they're not "worthless", but it's still hard for me to think of something that justifies a potential $92 million dollar market cap, which would be a huge accomplishment for any pennystock with 1b oustanding.

It's not possible to register, so what are we to do?

Sorry you missed the boat if you did not register, trading has opened on etherdelta though @2x current ICO price if you'd like to get in before the sale closes. This one is hot.



>Only 500mil coins in circulation user

>1bil tokens!!!! that means they can't be worth a lot!!!!
>92mil market cap is a lot!!!!!!!!!!!
>comparing to worthless pennystocks
thanks for the laugh boys make sure to buy an expensive telescope with those pennystock gains and maybe youll be able to see me outside low earth orbit

So the ico price was .0002 ?

A lot of these coins are locked up and won't be in circulation for a long time. Some of them literally can't as they're on vesting schedules enforced by a contract. So lets discount 25% of your estimate.

So in circulation we have a market cap of 69 million.

Market cap of ETH right now is 27 billion. If ZRX is ultimately used to trade the majority of tokens on the ETH network then 69 million doesn't sound like very much. I'd wager that existing exchanges bring in many times this in fees in a single year.

.00016 is ICO price. the problem with bothering mentioning this is that so many idiots are just going to see that and avoid 0x because it hurts to buy it at 2x/3x. there's no case in the super near future where it goes below that though.

the reason it's only 2x/3x is precisely because ICO price is .00016, which means people that registered that don't plan on capping can keep buying at .00016 and reselling at 2x, and doing that over and over until they reach the cap

>people that registered that don't plan on capping can keep buying at .00016 and reselling at 2x, and doing that over and over until they reach the cap

Why would you reveal this.

so whats the plan for tomorrow guys?

does the cap increase or do your buying limits go up 3x but it becomes a free for all?

i dont seem to understand what happens if the cap isnt reached by tonight

Can someone tell me how many coins per eth were given out?

I'm just trying to approach this in the only way I know how. I don't get how these new coins are any different than pennystocks belonging to businesses that are at the ground floor. Even though their values are vastly different.

Penny stock gains in pic. That's like 40 hours of work.

Didn't know that some of the coins aren't in circulation. That more reasonable.
There's obviously some value that I'm missing here.

im on the ICO page right now, and the conversion rate for me is 1 eth = 5907 zrx


Oh—oh my. I missed that part. Furgive, and thanks.
For the short term, that's quite reassuring—and, for the long term, I get the feeling that the slow release of coins will lead to people buying them up in large quantities.

Ah? Sheesh—I gotta read more carefully, and get more sleep. I read on CryptoCompare that the supply was a billion—but, reading over it again, while it does state a billion, it does look like half of that is in the hands of those who probably won't sell—and 70 to 80 percent of that half is being held by people who i can only assume simply will not sell for some time.

While we're discussing this, — sorry to bother you, but do you know if it's the entirety of the tokens that's going to have a portion—i.e., the 50% that's being held by associates of the 0x devs (or even only the 15% that is being held for non-specified purposes)—that's going to be released periodically, or if it's going to be the majority of the 50% intended for earlier trade? As I say—I'm not against this coin whatsoever, and I purchased because I feel that it's worth throwing some money at one way or another—I'm just interested, and ready to fall asleep on the next surface my body makes contact with. Thanks regardless, by the way.

We can only buy 6ETH worth of this? wtf??

>registered people can't buy them at ICO price and then sell them 2x to non-registered plebs, then buy more at ICO price repeat ad infinitum
oh no what a tragedy, the limit should be even lower