I know its a meme to hate modern art

I know its a meme to hate modern art.
[spoiler]but I hate modern art[/spoiler]

>Implying art nowadays isn't a big money laundering scheme.

Daily reminder that modern art and contemporary art are two VERY different things and youre actually embarrassing yourself if you believe that all modern art is bad

POst the one of the lady using her period blood as paint

>money laundering
Will one of you cunts ever provide evidence for art that you dislike being more vulnerable to money laundering than art you like? The problems with non-disclosure and secrecy with auctioneers that facilitate money laundering are across the board and not limited to any particular genre or group of genres.

I don't like it either but I get it. I really do. I just don't like it and I have the right to.

Reminder that everybody knows what is meant when people say modern art and deflection tactics won't change the fact that it is shit.

Could you name five modern artists without googling?

Lay people are impressed by toil and always mistake this for art.

That's all well and good but if you don't even want to give yourself the vaguest trappings of knowledge about what you are sharing your opinion about then I won't respect that opinion. It's like somebody that knows nothing about cars just parroting opinions from Top Gear, completely lacks credibility.

>wah other people don't like the gay shit that I like

pretty hypocritical desu


if you can't you are uncultured and should read a book or visit an art museum

What this () guy said
You can mean one thing in your mind but in the world of words you just look like an idiot, and i don't even disagree with you about CONTEMPORARY art (a lot of modern art is downright beautiful, like Van Gogh and Seurat).
When you say modern when you mean contemporary you just look like a retard.

That's not modern art though. Unless you think "modern' art is art being made in the modern era ( or literally being made right now).

>wah why can't i talk about ''gay'' shit i have no fucking clue about without being called out

Quick question, I'm retarded.

What exactly is contemporary art?

And is all art made in the 21's century contemporary art?

not even meming but you're probably too stupid to get it.

Quit jerking off the past, there are literally thousands of artists that are still doing portrait drawing/figure drawing/landscapes

>I just want every art piece to be a copy of Botticelli forever and ever.
Contemporary art can be retarded but guess what, past eras also had retarded art, it just wasn't preserved. The same thing goes for music or any other artistic medium, the passage of time filters out sub-par art from public memory.

Contemporary art means art of the present day, basically all 21st century art.

Thanks, m8.

Not gonna lie, modern art is a fantastic source of comedy if you have the right sense of humor. It's basically real life shitposting, and then some boring fucks try to analyse and discuss it. I would love to be an artist, and I think I could be if I ever bothered enough to try.

>top: unimaginative literal depiction for braindead plebians
>bottom: simplistic yet expressive art harkening back to primitive depictions on cave walls free of pretension and unnecessary detail while still getting across the same message

just go back to /pol/ and jerk off to crappy Hitler paintings.

Based jew bro tells it like it is.

but I want to look at greek goddesses, not some kid in a hood

>It's basically real life shitposting

Literally this, even Duchamp's Fountain is basically a giant fuck you to the art world.

An oldie but a goodie
