Tfw no matter how many books I read or why my bench press is...

>tfw no matter how many books I read or why my bench press is, I will never be alpha or quick witted or good looking enough to get a vapid (like all women but shamelessly so) chav gf
>or any type of gf but the above hurts most

Other urls found in this thread: model abducted&client=opera&hs=ZrN&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjkrZjBjdzVAhUKOiYKHfYWAB0Q_AUIDCgD&biw=1417&bih=883

what's your bench m8?

iktf i have a micro penis. and no matter how much money i had, or how muscular i was,

once i pull my pants down its just a huge (or tiny) joke.

im serersiously considering transitioning to a woman, bu t i feel like im too old.

at least you're probably not a 5'5 manlet like me

my penis is tho.

Discussing taste, my man.


>reverse image search
>"control key"

Former FA here.

Why so, OP? Took me lots of years but I didn't even have to lower my standards at the end. You can make it, too.

That's sucks bros. if it makes you feel any better, women are a meme and a complete waste of energy.
I had a nice qt for a while. Dated for years and I finally proposed. Not one month later she stops giving head. She said she doesn't like to do it anymore. So I dumped that cunt. Women are terrible and only want your sweet coin gainz.

The trick is to find one young. Don't go marrying a woman over the age of 21 or so. The sweet spot is 15-18 years old. After that they start to use their looks for material gain instead of making a loving family.

>Looks at OP pic
And this upsets you why?
She's literally so average she needed to fake a kidnapping just to get the same level of publicity as instagram """""models"""""

this. I don't get if OP is trolling, being ironic, or just sexually attracted to poor grammar shrieked at 1 pm accompanied the smell of kebabs, Britney Spears licensed fragrance, and cheap vomit.

> 18 years old
those are the sluttiest because everyone around them will tell them that they will be missing out if they marry young

that broad is ugly brotato chip

>vapid chav gf
Are you dumb, those are the easiest to get

i unironically don't think this women is that attractive

that's because she isn't

is there an equivalent routine from Veeky Forums which is the equivalent of our moon missions?

You noobs sure are lucky a lot of women are out there that appreciate the intangible traits moreso than financial or physical

Its your major malfunction that you don't develop these traits

Yeah you will. Most people have children. Most people fuck. Odds are on your side so stop thinking you're so special.

>tfw no clingy thicc dumb bimbo slut gf to squeeze your balls and laugh at how many bitbeans you have
I will never be fulfilled.

20/4 eating window, carbcycling and compund-heavy pushlegspull routine. Don't eat processed shit. It's hard but pays off.

T. Chad

that's not even that short lol

i know married dudes who are 5'5" with good looking wives


>TFW no lithe quiet Arab gf to bully and rape

i find the pictured female to be attractive



Literally the shittiest and most unbalanced routine on earth

lmfao. FUkken idiot. That girl is not lower class.
She's just English and wearing track pants. I am willing to bet money she attends a uni.

Are you retarded? model abducted&client=opera&hs=ZrN&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjkrZjBjdzVAhUKOiYKHfYWAB0Q_AUIDCgD&biw=1417&bih=883

wtf op

Bro I used to party with people like that. They're all dead inside. Forever grateful I chose the ascetic path. I'm a good looking guy too but I just use those creatures to my advantage in the work place.

Don't care about others, work on yourself to be as whole as possible and succeed as far as you want to go. Women are a complete waste of time and this is coming from a Veeky Forums fag who was banging bitches whenever I wanted. Read Carl Jung for fucks sake and make money to get yourself away from all the filth.

>tfw my gf pops a pimple on my face and calls them "free bitbeans"

Getting tired of eachother's shit though so I'll guess I'll be single soon

agreed, athough not 15, thats jailbait, no older than 22 tho, and find one from a small town somwhere, no city whore, one that hasnt been exposed to all kinds of slutttery

IQ is genetic
Enjoy your brainlet children


/bizfit/ crossover....nice. Thats the way to make it. Get jacked, get money. Also some Veeky Forums and /mu/ thrown in there.

when I hit 27, I suddenly got laid a lot

money had surely zero to do with it

just looking not bad, being assertive and shutting up from time to time

that being sad, among the lean girls with good hygene, better looks don't seem to correlate with how much fun the sex is

It's a silly wish for a trophy wife

Intelligence, Appearance, Emotional Stability

Pick 2

Name me an archetypical example for a woman that has the first two

hot doctor on tv

This mentality took me about 2 years to get over.

You are in complete control of yourself, your body, your mannerisms, and your outlook.

It takes time and patience, but anyone can train themselves to act a certain way.

I was an autist like you, but I changed. I squatted, I deadlifted, I stepped out of my comfort zone, I took risks(social and monetary), I dabbled in everything I could until I figured out exactly who I wanted to be.

I am currently on my way to making 6 figures a year, hitting 2,3,4,5 and marrying my virgin gf who's the perfect mate in every way.

Fuck your defeatist attitude and take control- or at least shut up so we don't have to hear you complain.


honestly this is the average kind of girl i wish i had been having one night stands with in college

nothing really noteworthy about her but it would be a good night of feeling like you're normal. i'd almost rather bang her than someone objectively prettier because at that point you're like "okay you're banging me but you're out of my league, what's your angle"

with this girl you're like ''okay shes just horny like me, we're both average. cool.''

anyway whats this thread about?

>tfw virgin at 22
>1 year of college left starting next month

i'm gonna get laid this time

what did you mean by this?

pick 0 how bout that?


in the Midwest she's an 8.

it'd be worse if you had a big dick trust me.
then you dont have an excuse to be autistic.
>tfw not completely ugly, relatively large penis, and good finances but still too NEET to talk to girls because of what i can only assume is mental damage.
I would kill to blame my autistic life on something else, but i know its all me.

why not get some anti-anxiety meds with your cryptobux?

I've seen how my mother is on them and it's not good. They work most of the time but shes like a zombie, i havent seen her legitimately laugh in a very, very long time.
Been trying to "cure it" myself by forcing myself into social situations, hasn't worked yet though

You should be happy with a 5'5" penis you ungrateful fuck

it's pasta n00bs

>Been trying to "cure it" myself by forcing myself into social situations, hasn't worked yet though
My brah had professional therapy for anxiety and this is basically what they did, it seemed to work for him. Just keep at it.

any book recommendations that helped you get there?

My god take this shit thread off from Veeky Forums already

Glad to hear your bro is doing better, i'll keep it up thanks.

>Be rich
>Live the life as much as you can
>You're now 35-40
>Visit small villages far from social degeneracy
>Find a 12-15yo girl
>Marry her
>Pay her a solid education
>Now you have an educated 10/10 wife that will give you great kids that will continue your legacy

Is this plan realistic?

>marry 12-15 yo girl
>far from social degeneracy

Jordan Peterson, maps of meaning lecture series, ain't even memeing.

Stuff you can start right now: get a daily routine and stick to it, start lifting (literally takes you 6h a week), don't eat and drink like shit - MIND what you are putting in your body, read 1 book a week (- focus on anything written before 1930, it doesn't even matter). Stick to that regime for half a year and you WILL get better, I gurantee you that. But START! It's literally just that.

Can you post this shit somewhere else in future? I come home after wagecucking to read about my retirement coins.

These whores do not matter.

Marcus Aurelius - Meditations

not even memeing

I can only tell you one thing guys. It is all in your head. I am 1m85, lean muscular, 7inch cock. 21 and never had a girlfriend d never went to those parties. It is all because I am fucked in the head. I have seen people way uglier than me do much better.

How are you fucked in the head

Fuck yeah.
Stoicism and Virtue Ethics changed my life.
You basically make as many choices as possible based on what kind of person you'd be if you made that choice a habit. You imagine who your ideal person is and make decisions that will slowly add up towards changing you into them.

I thought it was stupid at first, but after a year or two, the changes were too big to ignore.

The new problem is I've done so much work on myself, and become so well-rounded, fit, creative, rational, etc, that the people I used to be attracted to are now disappointing to me.

For the life of me, I cannot find a woman who's into lifting, cooking, reading philosophy and history, has a good degree, knows how to stay composed in stressful situation, etc.

I've worked hard to become those things and in that time, all of the cute girls I used to long for have just stayed the same boring, basic types.

I give presentations in auditoriums now and rub elbows with local celebrities but even though I know how to socialize now, it doesn't matter because everything these girls tell me about themselves sounds shitty.

>"So what are your hobbies? What do you do when you need a creative outlet?"
>"lol I don't really have a need like that lol but I do watch a lot of Netflix"

Finding a woman who's main hobbies in life AREN'T Netflix bingeing and social media is fuckin impossible.

look at the url bar

not him but growing up ugly with a beta dad will do the trick

i'm good looking and muscular now thanks to years of looksmaxing but still have an underdeveloped beta personality i'm gradually trying to overcome

i would be if every woman wasn't watching porn of 9 inch plus cock porn and expecting that as a "real man"

>Falling for the family (literally) meme.
I would say it was a downgrade.

you're one of the few clever guys, fellow manman. i've seen so many people living in a toxic relationship i swore i'll only bang whores.

Ask Dante Nero for advise

Cope you were probably a volcel or mentalcel from the start. Legit uglycels and dicklets with low intrinsic value can never ascend because you cant improve craniofacial development or dick size without invasive surgery. Gymceling is just cope without ideal face. Your parroted cliche reddit tier advice is useless.

>transitioning into a women

this is the biggest cope ever lmao

you'll kill yourself when you realize you are coping

its better to pay hookers and cope that way

life is a scam if you arent chad anyway

you will never fuck girls like the one you posted and you are coping hard

This is a cuck response. Don't live for women and don't live by other people's standards, make your own standards user.

Yes it's called get on the bike fgt. All the cool kids are doing it

guys guys aren't we all just trying to find our way in life?

the market price of pussy is practically 0

how can anyone possibly be upset about a lack of supply?

Yes, pussy is relatively easy to get compared to good jobs and wealth. Focus on money guys.

You've finally made it to the right board.

>make money to get yourself away from all the filth
This is all I want.

>thinking they wont brainwash her into becoming a typical wymen-power turbo slut

Homeschooling is the only option.

Make enough $$$ and you will be able to attract the gold digging vapid whores that you desire.

The small penis meme is just a female cop out to avoid responsibility for her blown out pussy.

Stop giving roasties attention and start shaming them the same way they shame the average Joe. If a woman needs a big dick, it's not the dick's fault, it's her beef garden which needs to be trimmed and kegeled.

It also doesn't help that porn has gone to full on male-shaming. It's like every other video is some cunt laughing at a normal sized dick or some roastie cucking a white dude.

Avoid that shit, it will fuck up your brain.

>imagine who your ideal person is

This is my problem I have no ideal person

>f-f-fuck you slut!, you only don't like my tiny dick cuz your a whore!!