Why is everyone acting like the dip is already over?

If you look at the one day chart it is obvious that we are just getting started on the way down.

Could be people who bought at $4,000+ and are trying to reassure themselves

not happening yet

Still being manipulated. Someone is consistently buying high to keep the price up. Which is why it has not dipped or crashed yet.

>Someone is consistently buying high to keep the price up.

For what purpose?

to eventually flip to bcash

to fuck you up fag

I dont know. But they were spoofing all weekend and they have millions worth of bitcoin and fiat to work with.

Do you think it could be a financial institution? I have been having this feeling that they are showing their hand more in the market since late July.

Could be a rogue millionaire or banks. When I say millions, I mean tens of millions. Zerohedge reported on it earlier this month. They caused the first spike and they caused this spike. Im guessing Goldman Sachs working for the central banks.

to crash this plane with no survivors

Short term charts are very tense rn, the noose is tightening. Around 7-9 AM, I think we may be able to call it.

What graphing app is this? Does it cost anything to use?
Trying to practice my dorito-drawing skills to be
a step above the autists, and become a pseudo-autist

The financial institutions want to use bitcoin as a settlement network, they want to take control of bitcoin so they can remain relevant in the future, bitcoin cash is a threat to them, so they're at the same time buying a large proportion of bitcoins and driving the price up to attract users to bitcoin and away from bitcoin cash.

Soon they're gonna play the card that bitcoin cash is run by the evil Chinese and by traitors who want to take control of the world whereas them at bitcoin are a force for good who want to use satellites to bypass government censorship, they're gonna pose bitcoin vs bitcoin cash as a fight of the benevolent West against the evil East, and they will hire an army of internet trolls to push bitcoin as the great thing people need and bitcoin cash as the evil counterpart to destroy

The financial institutions know by now that cryptos are the future of money, that fiat is at great risk of becoming obsolete, they want to remain in power, and they will do whatever it takes to retain that power

Is this a good or a bad time for those who already bitcoins?

It's just the normal bittrex chart with a black background and some indicators.

They would not use bitcoin. They would use something like Ripple. Bitcoin has a cap and its value lies in that cap.

it could shoot up or down as early as in 10 minutes


You must be new

>1 day chart
woah thats too long term for this board, info will be stale and out of date.

you want the 5 min chart

Or you dont know a thing about big banks. You must get your politics from CNN.

If you don't use both long term and short term charts then you are not depriving yourself an edge, but long term ones are necessary if you want to see the bigger picture.

bitcoin doesn't care what you think

bitcoin has no feelings

Fuck me I'm in usdt and it doesn't look like it's gonna crash, price is heavily manipulated and propped up. Wat do?

To buy high and sell low

I jumped out at 4.1 thinking we were heading for the floor now I don't know what to do.

I bought over 4000 this morning

Cope no coiner 10k by end of year low end

15k by end of year. 10k soon.
100k in 2020

It's literally going to be 10k by the end of the year, and you're worried about temporary dips? Get back to me when the market cap is in the trillions.

Even if it crashes you'll have reserved tickets for the $10k moon mission

lamo at all the lil weakhanded niggas who got shook out the tree

This is hardly a shake

What happens with segwit activates next week?

Never trust anyone who does their TA on bittrex charts, thank me later newfags

we won't be in Kansas anymore

In the same boat, hopped out of btc when it dipped below 4000 and hoping it goes back down there

price crash

btc cant recover because money is already moving into alts. there isnt enough available money in the market to reach $4400 again. this is a bull trap

fuck me its going up fast

because they are btc maximalist retards

your dad preps the bull

Source: your ass

it will reach $4400 again

People arent factoring in that Btc has more liquidity and structure than it did during the last 3 major crashes and it very well may never have a massive crash again. You keep comparing something that repeatedly defies the stock market to stocks. Im lmao off at everyone that panic sold the dip, have fun buying back in at a loss fags

Last crash was litterally holy shit this eth shit is the new BTC

>No one knew what eth is for.

>Eth crashes cause trade commission
>BTC rises

kek. you too are an adept of meme triangles?

You clearly dont understand how any of this works and should just kill yourself now

what's wrong with bittrex charts?

>zooming out

you dont know shit, shut up