Can anyone explain why Bancor is perceived as a "kikecoin" around here?


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Know nothing, goyim.

cause kikes run it with their typical kike tricks

they actually stopped shilling it since we werent receptive to their propaganda

What do you know that I don't?

because Veeky Forums is infested with /pol/tards since like may/june

I assume its a mixture of ignorance and lack of critical thinking, great combination for a trader.

They are not happy with the 150ml from ICO. The intent with Bancor is to swallow entire coin's market caps. And they will be successful. We are entering dark times. I'm terrified at what Bancor will accomplish. And I don't know if it's necessarily a good thing for the Bancor coin. I wouldn't go within 10 feet of buying Bancor. Who's with me?

They're literally israeli, doesn't need to be anything more than that. Interesting they took down the jerusalem times ad from their front page.

Fucking Jews get out REEE

Same reason stox is a kike coin


Because it's a coin made by kikes.

>Bancor devs run crying to lefties and try to play the "online harassment/sexism/racism" card

Yeah, I don't think Bancor has much of a future

I'm with you damnit. Can't believe just yesterday some bancor shill called me a nazi cos I told him to go fuck himself. My grandad survived Dachau

+1, im not too sure about them either, went to their webiste, checked out their videos, cant help the feeling that id be getting jewed if i invested. Going by their videos it seems like their aim is to become the central bank of the crypto world, and for their token to become the "gold standard" of the crypto world. if bitcoin wasnt as big as it is i think they would have some success. Their marketing of the token/system is quite amusing really, making it seem as though it would be an asset to society, typical jewry...

Wrong, Bancor is a protocol designed to provide liquidity exclusively to Bancor based tokens within the Bancor network. The original Bancor token will be used to provide part of that liquidity by default, but in fact ANY ERC20 compliant crypto (ETH, etc) can be added to the contract to help providing liquidity for any newly created Bancor based token.

I honestly think most of you didn't even read/understand the whitepaper, and that's the origin of the entire fud surrounding bancor. I'm not surprised though, I mean, most of you are probably accustomed to buying shitcoins that don't even have funcional websites anyways.

I try to analyze deeper. Anybody can buy BNT. Meaning anybody can benefit from BNT value going up. However, why would they let that happen? I mean, the coin may never achieve a higher price and that wouldn't bother them because you'd still have a steady order of buys at any price. Furthering their BTC stack. I can't imagine they would let a bunch of filthy goyim benefit. It's very hard to imagine BNT mooning for this reason alone. Bancor doesn't have to moon for them to get filthy rich. So it probably never will...

If you're not in the telegram you're out of the loop on bancor. Everything (not much right now) is posted there by them for now.

>kike team
>kike tactics

I think that qualify it pretty much as a kikecoin.

I will just quote someone who's opinion i really trust:

"The Bancor network token is undoubtedly going to make someone some money, and may even pay off for some very early participants, but the underlying premise is flawed, the language describing their purpose is vague, and much of the presumed value of their coin is in other coins, thus they are vulnerable to both individual coin fluctuations, as well as network irregularities not foreseen by their programmers.

The claimed special use case is not sufficiently robust to prevent other coins from naturally evolving this function. By analysis, including technology appraisal, there is not enough to distinguish Bancor in cryptocurrency space, other than a vague attempt to replicate some banking functions.

A shorter term player not likely to survive the competition over these next few years."

>veeky forums

Isn't that the site that scrapes Veeky Forums posts and adds usernames to the posts to make it look like some shitty forum?

Creator, brock pierce is a known child molester and member of Clinton global initiative...


>built in anti-mooning mechanism

>40 lines of code
>is what you paid for

Okay so I was on to something. What do you mean anti-mooning mechanism. Maybe you can help me come to a more solid conclusion.

>We maintain that disincentivizing speculation while gaining continuous liquidity through a smart token that does not seek to profit from trades—offers more benefits to the smart token end-user than drawbacks.
Something to do with floors.
That was all I needed to hear to not buy this shit coin. Relaxing around women and Jews is also a bad idea.

>be joo
>launch an ICO scam
>coin hits exchange, immediate dump
>team and early investors who got scammed try to give their bags and shill on biz
>people tell them to fuck off kikes
>crying "muh racism is why people dont buy" in newspapers

Would it not be an ETH like effect? For instance- if BNT has coins within, the market caps reflect BNT price? This is my hang up, WHY would a coin be available on markets if it can't fluctuate?doesnt that defeat the purpose?

it can't fluctuate in the pump and dump way. pump it on the exchange and people will arbitrage from the smart token.
if new smart tokens using BNT reserve are created then its eth value can rise slowly.

THISdon't trust shills or FUD desu. you need to your own research by reading the past couple weeks of telegram chat.

I bought BNT purely because they're Jews and they don't lose. It's just been stagnant the whole time but I believe it will eventually meet some of it's goals

you're an antisemite for not buying bancor!

>try to pass law making it illegal to boycott jews

this was always our board

you have to go back

When bancor came out some conspiracy anons said it had the same name as the proposed one world currency proposed by the imf or something.

Here's a wiki page that may be relevant

There is nothing to say

A major reason for rise of ETH was cause by the token sell of BNT in the fist place.

Actually since February, since some of you guys came to /pol to shill ether... And after watching how Trump was manipulated, I guess people decided to focus on becoming rich rather than supporting kike tricks.

Back in May Veeky Forums was flooded with shills telling people to buy Bancor ahead of the ICO. They kept saying that "Bancor will take over crypto because they are Jews" and that "Jews never fail", etc.

Days after the ICO, before Bancor had even listed on exchanges, Veeky Forums was invaded by fudders saying that Bancor was a Jewish scam.

I'm pretty sure shills and fudders are the same people. They just want to keep the price down for now so they can accumulate BNT.

Newfag, we had Trumpcoin generals daily around January.

that was not the same and you know it

Veeky Forums... Veeky Forums has changed...

dachau IOC was mad, brah.

>dont trust fud or shills
>get your information from a literal shill chat

Dont get fooled by this scam andor's bagholders

>implying /pol/ is wrong


It was proposed by John Maynard Keynes, a faggot.

The point was to do your own research, read the latest updates and then determine whether you believe them.

>n-no that doesn't count

certainly there were political threads, political memes and shitcoins etc, nobody can deny that

but the mass influx of pol shitposters was like april may when ethereum mooned

This and /pol/ hated trumpcoin. Some the_donald mod called it a scam and they hated it ever since.

Agreed. I don't buy victimcoins.

GTFO Galia, you entered in this game, knowing the consequences. Now you are rich, but your face is everywhere in the cryptoworld. Enjoy your gains, and stop whinning.

remember the 6.000.000 lines goy


>t. nigger loving kike