Someone somewhere is being tortured/raped right now

>someone somewhere is being tortured/raped right now

Why there gotta be suffering man?

>Today is someone's best day of their life

Think positive user

Because God wills it, as is right for a thirsty blood god.

Think about the "miracle" of transubstantiation. It's a ritualistic sacrifice of blood and human flesh on a scale that would Huitzilopochtli green with envy. That wine and bread literally turn into the flesh and blood of Christ through ritual magic, like a level 6 blood ritual in Dominions 4, but for realsies.

Of course such a god would revel in suffering just as he makes his followers do the most amazing mental gymnastics to square that with his benevolent reputation.

>tfw no rapefu

Sure, my positive thought energies will definitely help the person being tortured!

To maintain balance in the universe.

Joy can't exist without suffering.

>burdening yourself with the suffering of humanity
If you want to be unhappy, you have every right to be.

Remember anons for every person dying there is a cute baby being born.

Probably the guy's who's doing the raping, holmes

At the end of the day neither will affect you unless you choose it to.

Umm, or WOMAN! Men's rights matter.

I don't want to be unhappy. The idea is just stuck in my head. Why it gotta be like that man?

>avian flu may evolve to become airborne right now and we can't do anything about it
what if that baby grows up to be raped?

Because you don't have enough real problems to occupy yourself with.

Existential dread and pondering the human condition is for people with too much time on their hands.

For the lulz....

You are correct. But that does not make the problem any less real.

>But that does not make the problem any less real.
So go find something to occupy yourself with

Start writing a book, learn a new hobby, make more friends

Are you getting enough exercise? Are you getting any exercise at all? That is the solution for the overwhelming majority of people experiencing depression or similar personal problems

>if you close your eyes the problem will go away!

Then go to law school, become a criminal prosecutor, then run for office one day and construct legislation to address the issues that concern you.

>If you dwell on them day and night, the problems will be solved!

What if I fail?

You'll be a better person for having tried.

What if you succeed? What if you some how prevent every misdeed that could ever possibly be committed? Would you really want to live in a world were people were incapable of making mistakes or doing wrong?


Keep in mind that, as with any notion for social change, There is a good chance your best efforts might still not yield what you want. Whats more, not only is there a good chance you will not get your desired outcome, but there is an even greater chance that your efforts may very well make the problem you are directly trying to address worse and/or have other unintended consequences

>no mistakes ever
Why do people always argue with the extreme? Surely there could be a middleground which would produce the best results.

Why is life like a shitty soap opera with bad plot twists and needless drama?

Fuck if I know, talk to God or who ever the hell is writing the script

>tfw ad libing for the past 21 years
Line please?

>Surely there could be a middleground which would produce the best results.
When/where in Humankind's past, present or future would that be? What would be the equilibrium of having just the right amount of mistakes/permissible errors/solvable problems?

Perhaps many a post-industrial societies are well past the point of not having enough problems and that is why they are so full of self destructive behavior, debauchery, low standards and excessive busybodying into the affairs of others

At least you understand me user.

>"I should just give up musing on morality, the human condition, how to better the world and pondering the nature of existence and instead spend all my time shitposting on a Cambodian basket-weaving forum"

Thanks Jehova.


Because people reproduce despite its being immoral and unnecessary.

Because if we dont suffer, then we have no incentive to improve ourselves.

Humans are objevtively worse than animals

at least when animals kill and rape each other its for survival, probably dont even give a shit, but humans deliberatly hurt each other for fun.

it keeps me up sometimes

And that's why we're the top species.

guy is handsome af, why would he rape anyone

Smarter animals like chimps and dolphins also show sadistic tendencies. We are neither better or worse than them, we just happen to be smarter,

that person doesn't need you thinking about them.